
The pointer table to battle event commands is at C1/FDBE.

00 xx        $C1970C Display short battle dialog xx (top of screen)
01 xx        $C196C1 Display long battle dialog xx (bottom of screen)
02           $C1FFE3 No effect
03 xx yyyy   $C1FF78 Animation for character 1 (actor xx) at $yyyy
04 xx yyyy   $C1FF78 Animation for character 2 (actor xx) at $yyyy
05 xx yyyy   $C1FF78 Animation for character 3 (actor xx) at $yyyy
06 xx yyyy   $C1FF78 Animation for character 4 (actor xx) at $yyyy
07 xx yyyy   $C1FF60 Animation for monster 1 at $yyyy
08 xx yyyy   $C1FF60 Animation for monster 2 at $yyyy
09 xx yyyy   $C1FF60 Animation for monster 3 at $yyyy
0A xx yyyy   $C1FF60 Animation for monster 4 at $yyyy
0B xx yyyy   $C1FF60 Animation for monster 5 at $yyyy
0C xx yyyy   $C1FF60 Animation for monster 6 at $yyyy
0D xx yy zz  $C1FE2D Do event animation xx (yy = attacker, zz = target)
0E           $C1FF47 Clear animations
0F           $C1FF55 Execute animations
10           $C196AD Close dialog window (bottom of screen)
11           $C196AA Open dialog window (bottom of screen)
12 xxxx ...  $C1FEB9 Animations for all characters, based on graphics index (24 addresses)
13 xx        $C1FDE8 Add/remove actor xx as a target (MSB = 0: add, MSB = 1: remove)
14 xx        $C1FDED Show/hide HP and gauge for actor xx (MSB = 0: show, MSB = 1: hide)
FF                   End of event
  • ff3/ff3us/doc/asm/codes/battle_event_codes.txt
  • Last modified: 6 years ago
  • (external edit)