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BRR Samples with no sample length as first two bytes. Pitch, loop and ADSR data are in a text file. Download
BRR Samples with first two bytes as sample length. Pitch, loop and ADSR data are in a text file. Download
BRR Samples with first two bytes as sample length. Each sample has it own folder with data in bin files. Download
BRR Samples with no sample length as first two bytes converted to WAV audio file. Download
All the 4 packages above Download
44 samples
$043EEB-$043F6E BRR samples pointers
$043F6F-$043FC6 Loop start positions
$043FC7-$04401E Pitch Multipliers?
$04401F-$044076 ADSR data
$0446D7-$072E2C BRR samples

All the data was taken from the Romancing Saga 2 ROM. ADSR stands for ADSR data, PITCH for pitch multipliers and LOOP for loop start position.

$01 $0446D7-$0453C8 $0CF2 bassoon FFE0 019C 3906
$02 $0453C9-$0457E7 $041F western piano FFEC E258 F903
$03 $0457E8-$0474C6 $1CDF strings FFE0 4400 1B00
$04 $0474C7-$047D80 $08BA chorus FFE0 D900 1B00
$05 $047D81-$048817 $0A97 harp FFED AA00 5F0A
$06 $048818-$049D43 $152C french horn FFE0 187C 7E09
$07 $049D44-$049E41 $00FE xylophone FFEE E25A EA00
$08 $049E42-$04A176 $0335 organ FFE0 E250 0F03
$09 $04A177-$04B342 $11CC flute FFE0 0100 1905
$0A $04B343-$04C010 $0CCE trumpet FFE0 D680 9909
$0B $04C011-$04CB49 $0B39 electric bass FFEC 9FFF A209
$0C $04CB4A-$04D160 $0617 bass guitar FFA0 FEA0 D104
$0D $04D161-$04D7DA $067A closed hi hat FFE0 7F00 0000
$0E $04D7DB-$04DE54 $067A kick drum FFE0 0000 0000
$0F $04DE55-$04EC42 $0DEE cymbal crash FFEE 1400 B604
$10 $04EC43-$04FE7A $1238 timpani FFE0 C800 0000
$11 $04FE7B-$050BD8 $0D5E open hi hat FEE0 0000 0000
$12 $050BD9-$051A20 $0E48 snare drum FFE0 0000 0000
$13 $051A21-$052E2C $140C conga drum 1 FFE0 0000 0000
$14 $052E2D-$053BB7 $0D8B tom FFE0 0000 0000
$15 $053BB8-$0543E1 $082A shaker FFE0 0000 0000
$16 $0543E2-$055055 $0C74 metal bang FFE0 0000 0000
$17 $055056-$055AE3 $0A8E conga drum 2 FFE0 0000 0000
$18 $055AE4-$0566BE $0BDB conga drum 3 FFE0 0000 0000
$19 $0566BF-$056CE7 $0629 harpsichord FFE3 1B00 FA05
$1A $056CE8-$058C4E $1F67 tubular bell FFE3 7130 7D19
$1B $058C4F-$058DCA $017C rock organ FFE0 5400 5F01
$1C $058DCB-$059456 $068C conga drum 4 FFE0 0000 0000
$1D $059457-$05B807 $23B1 gong FFEA 0000 2B17
$1E $05B808-$05C2B9 $0AB2 synth 1 FFE0 0000 0000
$1F $05C2BA-$05D017 $0D5E synth 2 FFE0 0000 0000
$20 $05D018-$05DBD7 $0BC0 synth 3 FFE0 0000 0000
$21 $05DBD8-$05E0F2 $051B synth 4 FFE0 0000 0000
$22 $05E0F3-$060CB9 $2BC7 electric piano FFEA 2100 FA0E
$23 $060CBA-$061924 $0C6B tambourine FFE0 0000 0000
$24 $061925-$063D0B $23E7 breath FFE0 0000 7704
$25 $063D0C-$068165 $445A talking FFE0 0000 1B00
$26 $068166-$0686AD $0548 snap FFE0 0000 0000
$27 $0686AE-$06980D $1160 clarinet FFE0 E2FF 3A11
$28 $06980E-$06B120 $1913 sustained cymbal FFE0 E2FF 530D
$29 $06B121-$06BE99 $0D79 tear FFE0 0000 0000
$2A $06BE9A-$06CD17 $0E7E buzzing noise FFE0 8FFF 7704
$2B $06CD18-$070C8E $3F77 scream 1 FFE0 0000 0000
$2C $070C8F-$072E2C $219E scream 2 FFE0 0000 0000
  • ff3/ff3us/music/brrsamples/rs2.txt
  • Last modified: 6 years ago
  • (external edit)