
Event Commands

The action queue will consist of movement actions.

Character Numbers (xx):

  • $00-$0F: Player Characters (Terra, Locke, Cyan …)
  • $10-$2F: NPC's
  • $30: Camera
  • $31-$34: Party Characters
xx nn    xx = Character Number, nn = Number of actions to perform (including the final end command)
         If nn & 0x80, the next action will not take place until this and any before it are complete.

Jump table will be at C0/98C4

35 xx                   $C09C44     Pauses execution until object xx's queue is complete
36 xx                   $C09C6F     Disable ability to pass through objects for character XX
37 xx yy                $C09C8F     Assign graphic set yy to object xx
38                      $C09D0E     Hold screen--does not scroll when character moves
39                      $C09D16     Free screen--does scroll when character moves
3A                      $C09D1E     Enable player to move while event commands execute
3B                      $C09D2E     Position player in a "ready-to-go" stance
3C c1 c2 c3 c4          $C09D6D     Put characters c1-4 in the party
3D xx                   $C09E3C     Create object xx
3E xx                   $C09E67     Delete object xx
3F xx yy                $C09D3B     Assign character xx to party yy (if yy == 0, remove character from party)
40 xx yy                $C0A07C     Assign properties yy to character xx
41 xx                   $C0A2FA     Show object xx
42 xx                   $C0A336     Hide object xx
43 xx yy                $C09CA9     Assign palette yy to object xx
44 xx yy                $C09CCA     Place object xx on vehicle yy
                                    00: No vehicle         40: Magitek Armor        80: Object visible
                                    20: Chocobo            60: Raft
45                      $C09CE2     Refresh objects
46 xx                   $C09CEA     Make xx the current party
47                      $C09D03     Make character in slot 0 the lead character
48 xxxx                 $C0A475     Display dialogue message xxxx, continue executing commands
49                      $C0A4A6     If dialogue window is up, wait for keypress then dismiss
4A                      $C0A4B0     Wait for keypress
4B xxxx                 $C0A4BC     Display dialogue message xxxx, halt execution until gone
                                    If xxxx & 0x4000, only the text will be shown (no dialogue window)
                                    If xxxx & 0x8000, the text will be shown at the bottom of the screen
                                    (note these flags apply to both command 48 and 4B)
4C xx bb                $C0A591     Center screen on party and invoke battle, enemy set xx, background bb
4D xx bb                $C0A578     Battle Enemy Set xx, Background Scenery bb
4E                      $C0A4F9     Invoke random battle, used for dungeons/towns, etc
4F                      $C0A5F3     Exit current location
50 xx                   $C0A5FD     Tint screen (cumulative) (takes 32 executions at intensity 15 to saturate)
51 ooorgbii pb pe       $C0A640     Modify BG color range from [pb, pe]
                                    001: Add color component
                                    101: Subtract color component
52 xx                   $C0A686     Tint characters (cumulative)
53 ooorgbii pb pe       $C0A6C5     Modify OBJ color range [pb, pe]
54                      $C0A784     End effects of commands for modified color components and screen flashes
55 ci                   $C0A795     Flash screen with color component(s) c, intensity i
56 ci                   $C0A7BA     Increase color component(s) c, intensity i
57 ci                   $C0A7D0     Decrease color component(s) c, intensity i
                                    Color components:
                                    2: Red                      A: Red + Blue (Magenta)
                                    4: Green                    C: Green + Blue (Cyan)
                                    6: Red + Green (Yellow)     E: Red + Green + Blue (White)
                                    8: Blue
58 xx                   $C0A7E6     Shake the screen (xx?)
59 xx                   $C0A80A     Unfade the screen at speed x
5A _x                   $C0A817     Fade the screen at speed x
5B                      $C0A826
5C                      $C0A82D     Pause execution until fade in or fade out is complete
5D xx yy                $C0A838     Scroll BG0, speed xx x yy (00 --> 7F left/up, 80 <-- FF right/down)
5E xx yy                $C0A8CE     Scroll BG1, speed xx x yy (00 --> 7F left/up, 80 <-- FF right/down)
5F xx yy                $C0A964     Scroll BG2, speed xx x yy (00 --> 7F left/up, 80 <-- FF right/down)
60 xx yy                $C0A9FA     Change background layer xx palette to yy
61 _c pb pe             $C0AA3D     Colorize color range [pb, pe] to color c
62 xx                   $C0AACB     Mosaic screen with speed xx (lower == slower)
63 xx                   $C0AADB     Create spotlight effect with radius xx
64 xx yy                $C0AAE9     
65 xx yy                $C0AB09     
6A nnnn xx yy ff        $C0AB47     Loads map nnnn, positions party at (xx, yy) after fade out
                                    01:     Party is in airship
                                    02:     Party is on Chocobo
6B nnnn xx yy ff        $C0AB55     Loads map nnnn, positions party at (xx, yy) instantly
6C xxxx xx yy ff        $C0AC0B     Set parent map to xxxx, parent coordinates to (xx, yy)
70 xx yy                $C0A881     Scroll BG0
71 xx yy                $C0A917     Scroll BG1
72 xx yy                $C0A9AD     Scroll BG2
73 xx yy rr cc data...  $C0AC45     Copy data of size rr*cc to current map's BG0 at (xx, yy) and refresh background
                                    Highest two bits of yy determines which layer to affect.
                                    & 0x00 is BG0            (Editor Layer 1)
                                    & 0x40 is BG1            (Editor Layer 2)
                                    & 0x80 is BG2            (Editor Layer 3)
74 xx yy rr cc data...  $C0AC62     Copy data of size rr*cc to current map's BG0 at (xx, yy)
                                    Highest two bits of yy determines which layer to affect.
                                    & 0x00 is BG0            (Editor Layer 1)
                                    & 0x40 is BG1            (Editor Layer 2)
                                    & 0x80 is BG2            (Editor Layer 3)
75                      $C0AC1F     Refresh background after map has been changed
77 xx                   $C09F32     Restore character xx HP and MP to full
78 xx                   $C09C7F     Enable ability to pass through other objects for object xx
79 xx nnnn              $C0A36A     Place party xx on map nnnn
7A xx aaaaaa            $C0A42A     Modify entity event--call $aaaaaa+$CA0000 when triggered
7B                      $C0A441     Restore backup party to active status
7C xx                   $C0A455     Enable activation of event for object xx on collision
7D xx                   $C0A465
7E xx yy                $C0A39A     Move the characters to (xx, yy) on the current map
7F xx yy                $C0A03A     Change character xx's name to yy
80 xx                   $C0ACF0     Add item xx from inventory
81 xx                   $C0AD2D     Remove item xx from inventory
82                      $C0A570     
84 xxxx                 $C0AD50     Give xxxx amount of GP to party
85 xxxx                 $C0AD7F     Take xxxx amount of GP from party
86 xx                   $C0ADB8     Give Esper xx to party
87 xx                   $C0ADD7     Take Esper xx from party
                                    36: Ramuh           40: Tritoch         4A: Phantom
                                    37: Ifrit           41: Odin            4B: Sraphim
                                    38: Shiva           42: Raiden          4C: Golem
                                    39: Siren           43: Bahamut         4D: Unicorn
                                    3A: Terrato         44: Alexandr        4E: Fenrir
                                    3B: Shoat           45: Crusader        4F: Starlet
                                    3C: Maduin          46: Ragnarok        50: Phoenix
                                    3D: Bismark         47: Kirin
                                    3E: Stray           48: ZoneSeek
                                    3F: Palidor         49: Carbunkl
88 xx c1 c2             $C0AE2D     Remove all but status conditions c1 and c2 from character xx (c1 = Condition Effects 1, c2 = Condition Effects 4)
89 xx c1 c2             $C0AE47     Inflict status conditions c1 and c2 on character xx (c1 = Condition Effects 1, c2 = Condition Effects 4)
8A xx c1 c2             $C0AE61     Toggle status conditions c1 and c2 for character xx (c1 = Condition Effects 1, c2 = Condition Effects 4)
8B xx yy                $C0AE7B
8C xx yy                $C0AF3E
8D xx                   $C09FCE     Remove all equipment from character xx and place it in the inventory
8E                      $C0A54E
8F                      $C0AFF8     Unlock all of Cyan's SwordTechs
90                      $C0B002     Grant Sabin the Bum Rush
91                      $C0B23F     Pause for 1/4 second
92                      $C0B249     Pause for 1/2 second
93                      $C0B253     Pause for 3/4 second
94                      $C0B25D     Pause for 1 second
95                      $C0B267     Pause for 2 seconds
96                      $C0A7F0     Refresh screen after a menu or battle
97                      $C0A7FD     Fade screen to black
98 xx                   $C0B00F     Invoke name change screen for character xx
99 xx yy zz             $C0B035     Invoke party selection screen:  xx = number of groups
9A                      $C0B0B2     Invoke Coliseum item selection screen
9B xx                   $C0B06D     Invoke shop xx
9C xx                   $C0B08C
9D                      $C0B09C     Invoke Party Order screen (from final battle)
A0 xx xx yy yy zz       $C0B0E0     Set timer to XXXX jiffies, jump to YYYY on expiration, flags ZZ (includes index, etc.)
A1 xx                   $C0B10E     Reset timer XX
A2                      $C0B130     
A6                      $C0BA09     
A7 xx                   $C0BA14     
A8                      $C0BA51     Show Floating Island soaring into the sky
A9                      $C0B966     Show title screen
AA                      $C0B992     Show intro with Magitek Armor walking through snowfields
AB                      $C0B91B     Invoke game loading screen
AC                      $C0B95E     
AD                      $C0BA69     Show world getting torn apart
AE                      $C0B9C5     Show train car ride out of the Magitek Factory
AF                      $C0A503     Invoke random Coliseum battle
B0 xx                   $C0B138     Repeat the the following commands (until B1 is encountered) xx times
B1                      $C0B145     End block of commands to repeat
B2 aaaaaa               $C0B1A1     Call subroutine $aaaaaa+$CA0000
B3 nn aaaaaa            $C0B1DF     Call subroutine $aaaaaa+$CA0000, nn times
B4 xx                   $C0B21D     Pause for xx/60 seconds
B5 xx                   $C0B227     Pause for xx/4 seconds
B6 aaaaaa ...           $C0B6D3     Jump to the nth address following B6, where n is the last item selected from a
                                    multiple-choice dialogue window.  Each address is 3 bytes, added to $CA0000/$0A0200.
B7 xx aaaaaa            $C0B299     Jump to $aaaaaa+$CA0000 if bit $1DC9 + $xx is clear
B8 xx                   $C0B6AB     Set bit $1DC9 + $xx
B9 xx                   $C0B6BF     Clear bit $1DC9 + $xx
BA xx                   $C0BA31
BB                      $C0B9BE
BC _xxx                 $C0B16F     Return if event bit $xxx is clear
BD aaaaaa               $C0B271     Randomly jump to $aaaaaa+$CA0000
BE nn caaaaa ...        $C0B6F7     Switch/case based on the value of CaseWord ($1EB4-5)
                                    Number of parameters (bytes) = (nn * 3) + 1 (+1 accounts for the nn)
                                    "c" represents the bit to test in CaseWord; if set, the jump will occur
BF                      $C0B9E7     Show airship scene from the ending
If MSB of bit to test is 0, the bit will be compared to 0, else it will be compared to 1.
[In a nutshell, if(tx & 0x8000) -> if(*tx); if(!(tx & 0x8000)) -> if(!(*tx))]
If result of all comparisons is true, jump will occur; otherwise, execution will occur at the next command.
Each condition to test (the bit value) is 2 bytes--the address to jump to is 3 bytes, and is added to $CA0000.

C0-C7: $C0B2C8, C8-CF: $C0B32D

C0 t1 addr                          if(t1) jump; else continue;
C1 t1 t2 addr                       if(t1 || t2) jump; else continue;
C2 t1 t2 t3 addr                    if(t1 || t2 || t3) jump; else continue;
C3 t1 t2 t3 t4 addr                 if(t1 || t2 || t3 || t4) jump; else continue;
C4 t1 t2 t3 t4 t5 addr              if(t1 || t2 || t3 || t4 || t5) jump; else continue;
C5 t1 t2 t3 t4 t5 t6 addr           if(t1 || t2 || t3 || t4 || t5 || t6) jump; else continue;
C6 t1 t2 t3 t4 t5 t6 t7 addr        if(t1 || t2 || t3 || t4 || t5 || t6 || t7) jump; else continue;
C7 t1 t2 t3 t4 t5 t6 t7 t8 addr     if(t1 || t2 || t3 || t4 || t5 || t6 || t7 || t8) jump; else continue;
C8 t1 addr                          if(t1) jump; else continue;
C9 t1 t2 addr                       if(t1 && t2) jump; else continue;
CA t1 t2 t3 addr                    if(t1 && t2 && t3) jump; else continue;
CB t1 t2 t3 t4 addr                 if(t1 && t2 && t3 && t4) jump; else continue;
CC t1 t2 t3 t4 t5 addr              if(t1 && t2 && t3 && t4 && t5) jump; else continue;
CD t1 t2 t3 t4 t5 t6 addr           if(t1 && t2 && t3 && t4 && t5 && t6) jump; else continue;
CE t1 t2 t3 t4 t5 t6 t7 addr        if(t1 && t2 && t3 && t4 && t5 && t6 && t7) jump; else continue;
CF t1 t2 t3 t4 t5 t6 t7 t8 addr     if(t1 && t2 && t3 && t4 && t5 && t6 && t7 && t8) jump; else continue;
D0 xx                   $C0B593     Set event bit $0xx
D1 xx                   $C0B5CF     Clear event bit $0xx
D2 xx                   $C0B5A7     Set event bit $1xx
D3 xx                   $C0B5E3     Clear event bit $1xx
D4 xx                   $C0B5BB     Set event bit $2xx
D5 xx                   $C0B5F7     Clear event bit $2xx
D6 xx                   $C0B60B     Set event bit $3xx
D7 xx                   $C0B65B     Clear event bit $3xx
D8 xx                   $C0B61F     Set event bit $4xx
D9 xx                   $C0B66F     Clear event bit $4xx
DA xx                   $C0B633     Set event bit $5xx
DB xx                   $C0B683     Clear event bit $5xx
DC xx                   $C0B647     Set event bit $6xx
DD xx                   $C0B697     Clear event bit $6xx
DE                      $C0B40B     Load CaseWord with the characters in the active party
DF                      $C0B465
E0                      $C0B513     Load CaseWord with event bits $2E0-$2EF (characters encountered so far)
E1                      $C0B51E     Load CaseWord with event bits $2F0-$2FF
E2                      $C0B4B9
E3                      $C0B3B7     Load CaseWord with the available characters
E4                      $C0B39E		Load CaseWord with currently active party
E7 xx                   $C0B394
E8 xx yyyy              $C0B529     Set event word xx to yyyy
E9 xx yyyy              $C0B53C     Increment event word xx by yyyy
EA xx yyyy              $C0B556     Decrement event word xx by yyyy
EB xx yyyy              $C0B571     If event word xx == yyyy then CaseWord = $0001
                                    Else If event word xx > yyyy then CaseWord = $0002
                                    Else If event word xx < yyyy then CaseWord = $0004
EF xx yy                $C0B7AA
F0 xx                   $C0B780     Play song xx
F1 xx yy                $C0B7D4     Fade in song xx with speed yy (higher == slower)
F2 xx                   $C0B811     Fade out current song with speed xx (higher == slower)
F3 xx                   $C0B827     Continue song that was previously paused, xx is unknown
F4 xx                   $C0B854     Play sound effect xx
F5 xx yy zz             $C0B85E
F6 xx yy zz             $C0B889     Stop sound effect xx
F7                      $C0B8A1
F8                      $C0B8AF
F9 xx                   $C0B8BA
FA                      $C0B8C7     Stop temporarily played song
FD                      $C0B8D2     NOP
FE                      $C0B8D7     Return

The following is a list of unused pointers from the general actions jump table ($C0/98C4).

C0/9926:	1A B9		(act. 66: ** NOT USED **)
C0/9928:	1A B9		(act. 67: ** NOT USED **)
C0/992A:	1A B9		(act. 68: ** NOT USED **)
C0/992C:	1A B9		(act. 69: ** NOT USED **)

C0/9934:	1A B9		(act. 6D: ** NOT USED **)
C0/9936:	1A B9		(act. 6E: ** NOT USED **)
C0/9938:	1A B9		(act. 6F: ** NOT USED **)

C0/9946:	1A B9		(act. 76: ** NOT USED **)

C0/9960:	1A B9		(act. 83: ** NOT USED **)

C0/9996:	1A B9		(act. 9E: ** NOT USED **)
C0/9998:	1A B9		(act. 9F: ** NOT USED **)

C0/99A0:	1A B9		(act. A3: ** NOT USED **)
C0/99A2:	1A B9		(act. A4: ** NOT USED **)
C0/99A4:	1A B9		(act. A5: ** NOT USED **)

C0/9A24:	1A B9		(act. E5: ** NOT USED **)
C0/9A26:	1A B9		(act. E6: ** NOT USED **)

C0/9A32:	1A B9		(act. EC: ** NOT USED **)
C0/9A34:	1A B9		(act. ED: ** NOT USED **)
C0/9A36:	1A B9		(act. EE: ** NOT USED **)

C0/9A52:	1A B9		(act. FC: ** NOT USED **)
C0/9A58:	1A B9		(act. FF: ** NOT USED **)
  • ff3/ff3us/doc/asm/codes/event_codes.txt
  • Last modified: 12 days ago
  • by c-dude