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BRR Samples with no sample length as first two bytes. Pitch, loop and ADSR data are in a text file. Download
BRR Samples with first two bytes as sample length. Pitch, loop and ADSR data are in a text file. Download
BRR Samples with first two bytes as sample length. Each sample has it own folder with data in bin files. Download
BRR Samples with no sample length as first two bytes converted to WAV audio file. Download
All the 4 packages above Download
33 samples
$C33DF9-$C33E5B BRR samples pointers
$C33E5C-$C33E9D Loop start positions
$C33E9E-$C33EDF Pitch Multipliers?
$C33EE0-$C33F20 ADSR data
$C34782-$C4D33C BRR samples

All the data was taken from the Secret of Mana ROM. ADSR stands for ADSR data, PITCH for pitch multipliers and LOOP for loop start position.

$01 $C34782-$C34E67 $06E6 harpsichord FFEF FC60 4206
$02 $C34E68-$C35343 $04DC electric bass guitar FFEC A860 0204
$03 $C35344-$C356B7 $0374 xylophone FFEE E040 4E03
$04 $C356B8-$C3618D $0AD6 brass section FFE0 8C20 A70A
$05 $C3618E-$C36ED9 $0D4C chorus FEE0 E200 1B00
$06 $C36EDA-$C37C0A $0D31 snare drum FFE0 D000 2F0D
$07 $C37C0B-$C37DC5 $01BB tubular bell FF8D F200 3B01
$08 $C37DC6-$C381D2 $040D bass guitar FFEE A860 9F03
$09 $C381D3-$C39194 $0FC2 synth trumpet FFE0 BF70 6003
$0A $C39195-$C3A0E1 $0F4D guitar FFF0 D5C0 CE07
$0B $C3A0E2-$C3BA8D $19AC industrial bang FFE0 0000 AA19
$0C $C3BA8E-$C3CA3D $0FB0 flute FFE0 FDE0 440A
$0D $C3CA3E-$C3CC9A $025D oboe FFE0 E060 A701
$0E $C3CC9B-$C3CF87 $02ED music box FFEC E070 D902
$0F $C3CF88-$C3E38A $1403 synth FFE0 D6C0 FC09
$10 $C3E38B-$C3F33A $0FB0 piano FFEC A9E0 760B
$11 $C3F33B-$C3F4B6 $017C synth piano CF6C E060 6801
$12 $C3F4B7-$C3FBC9 $0713 accordion FFE0 FC60 2B05
$13 $C3FBCA-$C41605 $1A3C strings FFE0 BDA0 3C03
$14 $C41606-$C41EA4 $089F overdrive guitar FFE0 FC70 FB07
$15 $C41EA5-$C4230B $0467 closed hi hat CF00 FFFF 6504
$16 $C4230C-$C43906 $15FB open hi hat FFE0 0000 F915
$17 $C43907-$C43F9B $0695 synth kick drum FFE0 7FFF 9306
$18 $C43F9C-$C447F2 $0857 kick drum FFE0 2500 5508
$19 $C447F3-$C45988 $1196 hard snare drum EFD0 A000 9411
$1A $C45989-$C46254 $08CC wood block FFE0 9830 CA08
$1B $C46255-$C46CE2 $0A8E clap sound FFE0 0000 8C0A
$1C $C46CE3-$C48E14 $2132 cymbals FFEE 7FFF 2A03
$1D $C48E15-$C4954B $0737 bottle sound FFF4 FC60 E406
$1E $C4954C-$C49FD9 $0A8E rim hit FFE0 9830 8C0A
$1F $C49FDA-$C4B058 $107F dragon screech FFE0 0000 EB41
$20 $C4B059-$C4BB88 $0B30 vox FFE0 C000 2E0B
$21 $C4BB89-$C4D33C $17B4 metal chime sound FFEC 0000 A00E
  • ff3/ff3us/music/brrsamples/som.txt
  • Last modified: 6 years ago
  • (external edit)