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BRR Samples with no sample length as first two bytes. Pitch, loop and ADSR data are in a text file. Download
BRR Samples with first two bytes as sample length. Pitch, loop and ADSR data are in a text file. Download
BRR Samples with first two bytes as sample length. Each sample has it own folder with data in bin files. Download
BRR Samples with no sample length as first two bytes converted to WAV audio file. Download
All the 4 packages above Download
22 samples
$0248CF-$02492A Loop start positions
$02492B-$024941 Pitch Multipliers?
$024942-$024989 BRR samples pointers
$02498A-$03721C BRR samples

All the data was taken from the Final Fantasy 4 ROM except for ADSR data and PITCH2, which act as default values for a FF6 use (while not have been tested). PITCH1 is the one byte pitch multipliers in FF4. The LOOP data has 4 bytes in the FF4 ROM but first two bytes are always 00 00. ( There was an error in the file generation hence making all loop data written as 0000, this will be fixed in next update..

$00 $024000-$02721E $321F silence 00 FFE0 0000 0000
$01 $02498A-$02612B $17A2 strings 01 FFE0 0000 0000
$02 $02612C-$02623B $0110 harp E3 FFE0 0000 0000
$03 $02623C-$026543 $0308 grand piano E3 FFE0 0000 0000
$04 $026544-$028876 $2333 harp 02 FFE0 0000 0000
$05 $028877-$0293B8 $0B42 pipe organ 01 FFE0 0000 0000
$06 $0293B9-$02956A $01B2 trumpet E3 FFE0 0000 0000
$07 $02956B-$0296EF $0185 flute E3 FFE0 0000 0000
$08 $0296F0-$02B5BD $1ECE xylophone 02 FFE0 0000 0000
$09 $02B5BE-$02BBA7 $05EA bass guitar FF FFE0 0000 0000
$0A $02BBA8-$02DEDA $2333 timpani 01 FFE0 0000 0000
$0B $02DEDB-$02F3D0 $14F6 electric piano 02 FFE0 0000 0000
$0C $02F3D1-$030338 $0F68 snare drum 00 FFE0 0000 0000
$0D $030339-$030889 $0551 kick drum 00 FFE0 0000 0000
$0E $03088A-$031B3F $12B6 hard snare drum 00 FFE0 0000 0000
$0F $031B40-$032DF5 $12B6 conga drum 00 FFE0 0000 0000
$10 $032DF6-$0340FC $1307 loop cymbals 00 FFE0 0000 0000
$11 $0340FD-$0348B1 $07B5 hi hat 00 FFE0 0000 0000
$12 $0348B2-$035186 $08D5 cowbell 00 FFE0 0000 0000
$13 $035187-$0355F6 $0470 shaker 00 FFE0 0000 0000
$14 $0355F7-$035D3F $0749 whistle 00 FFE0 0000 0000
$15 $035D40-$036CA7 $0F68 conga drum 00 FFE0 0000 0000
$16 $036CA8-$03721C $0575 chocobo 00 FFE0 0000 0000

* PITCH1 is ROM data, PITCH2 is FF6 compatible data (not yet documented)

  • ff3/ff3us/music/brrsamples/ff4.txt
  • Last modified: 6 years ago
  • (external edit)