
These commands are used in the music tracks

1/1  1/2  1/3  3/8  1/4  1/6  3/16 1/8  1/12 1/16 1/24 1/32 1/48 1/64  
00   01   02   03   04   05   06   07   08   09   0A   0B   0C   0D    | C
0E   0F   10   11   12   13   14   15   16   17   18   19   1A   1B    | C#
1C   1D   1E   1F   20   21   22   23   24   25   26   27   28   29    | D
2A   2B   2C   2D   2E   2F   30   31   32   33   34   35   36   37    | D#
38   39   3A   3B   3C   3D   3E   3F   40   41   42   43   44   45    | E
46   47   48   49   4A   4B   4C   4D   4E   4F   50   51   52   53    | F
54   55   56   57   58   59   5A   5B   5C   5D   5E   5F   60   61    | F#
62   63   64   65   66   67   68   69   6A   6B   6C   6D   6E   6F    | G
70   71   72   73   74   75   76   77   78   79   7A   7B   7C   7D    | G#
7E   7F   80   81   82   83   84   85   86   87   88   89   8A   8B    | A
8C   8D   8E   8F   90   91   92   93   94   95   96   97   98   99    | A#
9A   9B   9C   9D   9E   9F   A0   A1   A2   A3   A4   A5   A6   A7    | B
A8   A9   AA   AB   AC   AD   AE   AF   B0   B1   B2   B3   B4   B5    | Tie
B6   B7   B8   B9   BA   BB   BC   BD   BE   BF   C0   C1   C2   C3    | Rest

Common names and ticks for note lengths: ($17D1)
1/1  $0: Whole Note                   C0
1/2  $1: Half Note                    60
1/3  $2: Half Note Triplet            40
3/8  $3: Dotted Quarter Note          48
1/4  $4: Quarter Note                 30
1/6  $5: Quarter Note Triplet         20
3/16 $6: Dotted Eighth Note           24
1/8  $7: Eighth Note                  18
1/12 $8: Triplet                      10
1/16 $9: Sixteenth Note               0C
1/24 $A: Sixteenth Note Triplet       08
1/32 $B: Thirty-second Note           06
1/48 $C: Thirty-second Note Tripet    04
1/64 $D: Sixty-fourth Note            03
C4: xx       $11D3 Set Voice Volume to xx (00-7F)
C5: xx yy    $11E4 Set Voice Volume w/ Envelope (yy: volume, xx: envelope duration)
C6: xx       $1236 Set Voice Pan to (xx: 01 = Left, 40 = Center, 7F = Right, top bit inactive)
C7: xx yy    $1246 Set Voice Pan w/ Envelope (yy: 01 = Left, 40 = Center, 7F = Right, top bit inactive, xx = envelope duration)
C8: xx yy    $1266 Change Pitch w/ Envelope (xx: envelope duration, yy: change in pitch, signed)
C9: xx yy zz $12E3 Enable Vibrato (xx: delay in ticks, yy: cycle duration, ??zzzzzz: amplitude, max 1/4 step)
CA:          $138C Disable Vibrato
CB: xx yy zz $1396 Enable Tremolo (xx: delay in ticks, yy: cycle duration, ??zzzzzz: amplitude, max 50%)
CC:          $13EA Disable Tremolo
CD: xx yy    $13F4 Enable Pansweep (xx: delay in ticks, yy: cycle duration)
CE:          $144A Disable Pansweep
CF: xx       $14CB Set Noise Clock (00-1F)
D0:          $148D Enable Noise
D1:          $14BB Disable Noise
D2:          $14D9 Enable Pitch Modulation
D3:          $14F2 Disable Pitch Modulation
D4:          $1464 Enable Echo
D5:          $147D Disable Echo
D6: xx       $1460 Set Octave to xx
D7:          $1456 Increment Octave
D8:          $145C Decrement Octave
D9: xx       $1275 Set Transpose
DA: xx       $1271 Add to Transpose
DB: xx       $174E Set Detune
DC: xx       $1502 Set Instrument
DD: xx       $1538 Set ADSR Attack Value (0-15)
DE: xx       $1568 Set ADSR Decay Value (0-7)
DF: xx       $157B Set ADSR Sustain Value (0-7)
E0: xx       $158D Set ADSR Release Value (0-31)
E1:          $159D Reset ADSR Default Values
E2: xx       $16C0 Loop Start (loop xx+1 times)
E3:          $16F0 Loop End
E4:          $15B4 Enable Slur (key on at beginning of first note only, no key off at end of note unless the next note is a rest)
E5:          $0FD3 Disable Slur
E6:          $15DE Enable Drum Roll (no key off at end of note unless the next note is a rest)
E7:          $0FD3 Disable Drum Roll
E8: xx       $174B Add to Note Duration (xx = duration in ticks)
E9: xx       $1602 Play Game Sound Effect (voice A)
EA: xx       $1606 Play Game Sound Effect (voice B)
EB:          $1770 End of Script
EC:          $1770 End of Script
ED:          $1770 End of Script
EE:          $1770 End of Script
EF:          $1770 End of Script
F0: xx       $11AF Set Tempo
F1: xx yy    $11B8 Set Tempo w/ Envelope
F2: xx       $1205 Set Song Echo Volume
F3: xx yy    $1212 Set Song Echo Volume w/ Envelope
F4: xx       $11D0 Set Song Volume
F5: xx yyyy  $1665 Jump to yyyy When Loop Count Reaches xx
F6: xxxx     $164A Jump to xxxx
F7: xx yy    $1279 Set Echo Feedback to yy over xx frames
F8: xx yy    $129B Set Filter ------yy
F9:          $1752 Increment Output Code
FA:          $1755 Clear Output Code
FB:          $15B0 Ignore Song Volume
FC: xxxx     $1759 Conditional Jump to xxxx
FD:          $1770 End of Script
FE:          $1770 End of Script
FF:          $1770 End of Script
  • ff3/ff3us/doc/asm/codes/music_codes.txt
  • Last modified: 6 years ago
  • (external edit)