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BRR Samples with no sample length as first two bytes. Pitch, loop and ADSR data are in a text file. Download
BRR Samples with first two bytes as sample length. Pitch, loop and ADSR data are in a text file. Download
BRR Samples with first two bytes as sample length. Each sample has it own folder with data in bin files. Download
BRR Samples with no sample length as first two bytes converted to WAV audio file. Download
All the 4 packages above Download
35 samples
$C43C6F-$C43CD7 BRR samples pointers
$C43CD8-$C43D1D Loop start positions
$C43D1E-$C43D63 Pitch Multipliers
$C43D64-$C43DA9 ADSR data
$C446AA-$C5E5E7 BRR samples

All the data was taken from the Final Fantasy 5 ROM. ADSR stands for ADSR data, PITCH for pitch multipliers and LOOP for loop start position.

$01 $C446AA-$C45137 $0A8E bass drum FFE0 C000 8C0A
$02 $C45138-$C45D12 $0BDB snare FFE0 0000 D90B
$03 $C45D13-$C46EA8 $1196 hard snare FFE0 C000 9411
$04 $C46EA9-$C47CF9 $0E51 cymbal FFF0 0000 FA05
$05 $C47CFA-$C492F4 $15FB tom FFE0 6000 F915
$06 $C492F5-$C4975B $0467 closed hi-hat FFE0 0000 6504
$07 $C4975C-$C4A8F1 $1196 open hi-hat FFE0 0000 9411
$08 $C4A8F2-$C4BA87 $1196 timpani FFE0 FB00 9411
$09 $C4BA88-$C4C4FA $0A73 vibraphone FFF0 FE48 F504
$0A $C4C4FB-$C4C7BA $02C0 marimba FFF5 E0A0 9A02
$0B $C4C7BB-$C4E73C $1F82 strings FFE0 007C F708
$0C $C4E73D-$C4F518 $0DDC choir FFE0 FD00 C702
$0D $C4F519-$C4F883 $036B harp FFF2 5100 4E03
$0E $C4F884-$C50014 $0791 trumpet FFE1 FE00 DA04
$0F $C50015-$C5028C $0278 oboe FFE1 E090 5202
$10 $C5028D-$C5085B $05CF flute FFE1 FC60 8904
$11 $C5085C-$C51379 $0B1E organ FFE0 FC7F 3609
$12 $C5137A-$C52488 $110F piano FFED FF00 4206
$13 $C52489-$C52670 $01E8 electric bass FFE0 FCC0 4401
$14 $C52671-$C52C00 $0590 bass guitar FFEC FCA0 4A04
$15 $C52C01-$C53301 $0701 grand piano FFEA FCD0 BB05
$16 $C53302-$C53EAF $0BAE music box FFF3 FFA0 6606
$17 $C53EB0-$C55045 $1196 woo! FFE0 0000 9411
$18 $C55046-$C570BA $2075 Metal system FFEA 0000 BD09
$19 $C570BB-$C58772 $16B8 synth chord FFEA 0000 8403
$1A $C58773-$C59290 $0B1E dist guitar FFE8 0000 BB05
$1B $C59291-$C5A2BE $102E krabi FFF3 FE00 2D09
$1C $C5A2BF-$C5B8DD $161F horn FFE1 E0B0 F915
$1D $C5B8DE-$C5BC48 $036B mandolin FFF1 FC90 1803
$1E $DBF800-$DBFFA2 $07A3 unknown 1 FFF4 E0C0 7D07
$1F $C5BC49-$C5C808 $0BC0 conga FFF3 0000 DC08
$20 $C5C809-$C5D095 $088D casaba FFE0 0000 8D08
$21 $C5D096-$C5DA78 $09E3 klaves FFE0 0E00 E109
$22 $D4F000-$D4FE7D $0E7E unknown 2 FFE0 0000 7C0E
$23 $C5DA79-$C5E5E7 $0B6F hand clap FFE0 0000 6D0B
  • ff3/ff3us/music/brrsamples/ff5.txt
  • Last modified: 6 years ago
  • (external edit)