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I need a little help...

(Edit: I meant to post this in hacking discussion, not in general, so if a mod/admin can move this, I'd appreciate it!)


This is my first time doing anything related to romhacking. I followed as much advice as I could but I could never really find a good way to solve the problem that I'm having, which I'll get into in a second.

I'm using FF3usME670. I replaced Shadow's spritesheet with a Clyde spritesheet that I found here on this site. The program flat-out says that it cannot modify a character's palette overworld index. So, placing the sprite sheet works fine for battles, but in the overworld, results in this:

[Image: fixdis.png]

This is because it's still using Shadow's palette index. I know that's at least one problem, and so I looked up a way to fix it. Here's what I did in an attempt to fix it:

1. I downloaded an event dump of the game.
2. I searched the dump for any instance of where Shadow's overworld palette index is initialized. It just so happens that it occurs four times:

CA/7CAA: 43 Assign palette $04 to character $03 (Actor in stot 3)
CB/0A8D: 43 Assign palette $04 to character $03 (Actor in stot 3)
CB/CD59: 43 Assign palette $04 to character $03 (Actor in stot 3)
CC/6FB6: 43 Assign palette $04 to character $03 (Actor in stot 3)

3. I opened up a hex editor, and searched for the address A7CAA. This brought me to a value of 43 (showing that it's assigning the palette), then 03 (the character), and then 04 (the palette).

4. I changed the value from 04 to 01, since 01 is the palette that I wanted Shadow to use.

5. Repeated steps 3 & 4 until all palette assignments were set to 01.

This didn't work. At this point I really don't have any idea how to fix the problem, and I would greatly appreciate it if someone could enlighten me on how to finally fix it. I could just be missing something infinitesimally small, or not.

Thank you in advance!

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Your doing it right, it should work just fine. You see, unlike most hex changes, a palette change will NOT occur for a character if you already have Shadow recruited in one of those instances. To see the changes you will have to play before you have recruited him, or the game will just think it's still at palette #4. In other words, changing a characters assigned overworld palette will only take effect when the event in question is called. If this is not the problem, you are changing the wrong bytes, but I'm fairly confident it's what I'm thinking.

We are born, live, die and then do the same thing over again.

To test that, I started a new game with those edits already in place, since you meet Shadow very, very early in the game in South Figaro.

His palette was still wrong, even when I did that.

Also of interest, at this link:

Searching for the address 2E8594 doesn't come up with a 4C, it comes up with something else. Not really too sure why, on that one...

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Well there (at the CAFE) he is just an NPC, or an object rather, so you will have to change it with the Level Editor (look in Tools on this site) Yes, you MEET Shadow there, but he is not recruited into the party to test his overworld sprite palette. Every place a character or NPC shows up in the game has to be edited via the Level Editor, because they are "objects." So with the LE, you would go to the South Figaro INN/CAFE map and find the NPC that is Shadow, and then change his palette. Make sure you save correctly on both of the LE's windows, and thats it.

There are other maps like Kohlingen CAFE, his dreams, Thamasa, and on the airship you will have to change also. Once he gets recruited into the party, his OVERWORLD sprite should be palette 1 now, because you started over.
As for that WoR Dark World music thing...

searching for offset 2E8594 should bring you to an $4F byte - the World of Ruin main overworld music. So changing that to $FC would make it the Dark World theme outside of the airship.
It's obviously not going to be $FC yet, as it should be default $4F, you will have to input the $FC byte to make the change.

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That's odd. Do I just not have a real v1.0 ROM, or something?

[Image: whatfffuuuu.png]

Because it's set to B2.

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It's a header issue, that string of bytes you have at 2E8594 for me are at 2E8794. So add 200 to the address and you should see it then, or better yet just add the header and search 2E8594 again. There might be an option to add a header with your hex editor, if not you can use SNESTool.

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SNES Games have a header for cartridge purposes. When you're looking for a specific address, you need to add +200 in order to find the actual address. Or simply remove the header from the ROM.

Ah, thank you. My ROM didn't have a header, so that definitely explains it. I found the correct byte at address 2E8394 (predictably).

I assume the addresses given in my first post for Shadow's palette already assume that your ROM is unheadered? I haven't gotten the opportunity to actually play the game yet to see if anything I've changed is actually working, except for the music bit.

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(05-20-2011, 03:15 PM)wuttbagon Wrote: I assume the addresses given in my first post for Shadow's palette already assume that your ROM is unheadered? I haven't gotten the opportunity to actually play the game yet to see if anything I've changed is actually working, except for the music bit.

That is correct. The addresses given in the event dump are assuming the ROM is unheadered.

We are born, live, die and then do the same thing over again.

You've been an amazing helper, and I truly appreciate it. I felt like I learned a good amount of stuff just from this little problem alone.

[Image: awesomeness.png]

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