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Intermediate Event Editing Video Tutorials

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its cool man Wink

i get what u were doin though, since u dont hav the games u wanna know if there good or not XD
well out of ff10,ff12 and ff13 i prefer ff13
and why not just get your Xbox and ff13 for christmas?
i got mine on ps3 put whatever :p

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Justin, your patch is almost complete, but I'm still having trouble finding the code that moves the finger position for the esper little menu you can access from the magic command in battle.

[Image: imgshk.png]

I added the "MP" part before the quantity as well. But I'm convinced there is some code that can edit the position of the esper name, though I haven't been able to find it quite yet.

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Ah I see..your gonna wanna kill me Angelo..
I should've clarified a million years ago man but I'm actually gonna ditch the whole "Open-the-magic-window-and-press-up-to-summon. I'm SOOO sorry for not telling you, honestly I had forgotten after I got caught into making Figaro and then your boss hack, as well. I forgot alot of things, man I'm just so sorry b/c you put a lot of work into finding this data and inputting it and the such.
I understand if you wanna kick me and stuff lolz I just can't believe I forgot to mention it, my bad immensely! Sad
But if you're wondering, Faris will be the summoner of the game. She'll have the "Summon" patch that you just recently uploaded and that will be named "Call", which can call an esper for free MP. But if it's possible, I'm gonna make it where you can only Call an esper once.
(Lol I'm not asking you to do this either man, haha it seems like you think I'm asking you for all this data and the such lolz I'm not gonna make you do all this. I imagine when the time comes or something, I'll find the data. But for all the work you put into expanding the words to Crystalyte, I'm exceedingly happy, man.)
As for regular summoning, it'll be lores. Lores will be the summons. I've swapped over all the spell data and the such and pretty much have a small bank of Lores devoted as Summons. So then I'll change Lore to Summon for the window commands and Faris will be a rather full-fledged summoner.
Again I'm sorry for not clarifying man.

*Concerning your boss event: (Meaning unless your Angelo, this won't really matter to you XD)
In the absence of my internet (I'm using a phone btw) I've patched up the entire script and made it very good, I'd say. But because all instances of my appearing online have been on either my Ipod or cellphone, I can't upload the video or anything really Sad
But hopefully it'll be back soon. And like I said, you can just go ahead and work on your game that you have right now and I could just give you the .IPS patch for the sequence or dump the event data.
Then I suppose I'll have to edit the map again but it won't be hard in the slightest.
Again sorry for the mis communication about the Summon Window Sad

[Image: funnysiga.jpg]


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(12-20-2010, 11:36 AM)xJCSx Wrote: Ah I see..your gonna wanna kill me Angelo..
I should've clarified a million years ago man but I'm actually gonna ditch the whole "Open-the-magic-window-and-press-up-to-summon. I'm SOOO sorry for not telling you, honestly I had forgotten after I got caught into making Figaro and then your boss hack, as well. I forgot alot of things, man I'm just so sorry b/c you put a lot of work into finding this data and inputting it and the such.
I understand if you wanna kick me and stuff lolz I just can't believe I forgot to mention it, my bad immensely! Sad
But if you're wondering, Faris will be the summoner of the game. She'll have the "Summon" patch that you just recently uploaded and that will be named "Call", which can call an esper for free MP. But if it's possible, I'm gonna make it where you can only Call an esper once.
(Lol I'm not asking you to do this either man, haha it seems like you think I'm asking you for all this data and the such lolz I'm not gonna make you do all this. I imagine when the time comes or something, I'll find the data. But for all the work you put into expanding the words to Crystalyte, I'm exceedingly happy, man.)
As for regular summoning, it'll be lores. Lores will be the summons. I've swapped over all the spell data and the such and pretty much have a small bank of Lores devoted as Summons. So then I'll change Lore to Summon for the window commands and Faris will be a rather full-fledged summoner.
Again I'm sorry for not clarifying man.

*Concerning your boss event: (Meaning unless your Angelo, this won't really matter to you XD)
In the absence of my internet (I'm using a phone btw) I've patched up the entire script and made it very good, I'd say. But because all instances of my appearing online have been on either my Ipod or cellphone, I can't upload the video or anything really Sad
But hopefully it'll be back soon. And like I said, you can just go ahead and work on your game that you have right now and I could just give you the .IPS patch for the sequence or dump the event data.
Then I suppose I'll have to edit the map again but it won't be hard in the slightest.

Lol maybe I should kill you....hehe I'm joking

So you still want to use the crystalyte patch AND you want the "Open-the-magic-window-and-press-up-to-summon" option for EVERY character to dissappear? While still being able to summon, right?

You should have said so before...that is easier to do Laugh. I think this is a matter of using NOP's around this piece of code:

C2/5763: E0 08        CPX #$08
C2/5765: B0 42        BCS $57A9    (Exit function if monster?)
C2/5767: DA           PHX
C2/5768: 5A           PHY
C2/5769: 08           PHP
C2/576A: BD 09 3C     LDA $3C09,X  (MP, top byte)
C2/576D: D0 06        BNE $5775    (branch if MP >= 256)
C2/576F: BD 08 3C     LDA $3C08,X  (MP, bottom byte)
C2/5772: 1A           INC
C2/5773: D0 02        BNE $5777    (if MP < 255, branch and save MP cost as character MP + 1)
C2/5775: A9 FF        LDA #$FF     (otherwise, set it to 255)
C2/5777: 8D 4C 3A     STA $3A4C    (save Caster MP + 1.  capped at 255)
C2/577A: BD E4 3E     LDA $3EE4,X  (Status byte 1)
C2/577D: 0A           ASL
C2/577E: 0A           ASL
C2/577F: 85 EF        STA $EF      (Imp is saved in Bit 7)
C2/5781: C2 10        REP #$10     (16-bit X and Y registers)
C2/5783: BD 18 30     LDA $3018,X  (Holds $01 for character 1, $02 for character 2,
                                    $04 for character 3, $08 for character 4
C2/5786: BC 2C 30     LDY $302C,X  (get starting address of character's Magic menu?)
C2/5789: BB           TYX
C2/578A: 38           SEC
C2/578B: 2C 2E 3F     BIT $3F2E    (bit is set for characters who don't have Espers equipped)
C2/578E: D0 03        BNE $5793    (if no Esper equipped, branch with Carry Set)
C2/5790: 20 AA 57     JSR $57AA    (Set Carry if spell's unavailable due to Impage or
                                    insufficient MP.  Clear Carry otherwise.)
C2/5793: 7E 01 00     ROR $0001,X  (put Carry into bit 7 of 2nd byte of menu data.
                                    if set, it makes spell unavailable on menu.)

If you NOP the following three bytes of the address:
C2/578B: 2C 2E 3F     BIT $3F2E    (bit is set for characters who don't have Espers equipped)
The game will assume that no one has an esper equipped, and hence the menu will not appear, but you'll still be able to summon.
About the summoning once, let me think about that and I'll get back to you...Though I have a slight idea about that. You'll probably have to use a variable that counts how many times you summon (call) on battle. After it is one, you may want to gray the command I think.

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Ah I wanna fiddle with this so bad! Lolz but if you do find the variable that counts how many times a summon's been cast, would you mind telling me what that is? It sounds really cool!
Would you use an 'If' command and then another command that declares the casting of a spell, and then grays the command?
Agh I'm making no sense! I just wanna be of some help Wink
If there's anything I can do to help, just ask but I think variables is gonna be my weakness in this bank of the ROM..
Lol you're definitely gonna be in my Developer's Room for FF6 CR! Laugh

[Image: funnysiga.jpg]


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I'm sure there's some code for using the espers once in the ROM that can be used and applied to the call command. Let me think about how to do that for a while and I'll get back to you.

And yes sir, I want to be a beta tester for your hack when you're done with it :p

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Oh you can bet your left arm you'll be a beta tester lolz XD You've helped my game's menu and spell system immensely!
But thanks so much for looking into to this, I honestly am nowhere without my bank disassemblies so thanks dude.
Like I told FEOK, there's no rush at all for any of this. Sprites can come into the game whenever, as can the esper system so don't feel rushed, man.
The last time I was hacking CR, I was a good ways through Figaro, just need to patch up some events and perfect the map more but yeah, I expect to be done before Christmas, and I still don't know if I'll do a playthrough on Figaro and ask people what they think or just let people play a zsnes save at Figaro. I'm just gonna do this for Figaro, more than likely - I need people to see what the new maps will be like and if they like it or not. Just the direction I'm taking this game..Honestly, I don't think they'll be disappointed.
More than likely everyone would just start playing from the beginning ha but it's cool.
I'll think of something :p
Sounds good though..but what do you wanna be in the developer's room? A boss fight, a Cyan-Dream sequence thing, or what? Lolz I'll do anything Laugh

[Image: funnysiga.jpg]


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I haven't been able to find any code at all that may help me do the summoning once per battle using the summon command :S

There's some discussion in this forum about using the summon command only once in battle, just exactly what you are looking for.

I'm reading through it now...

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Tutorial #2 seems to be down... could you reupload it somewhere?

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The file limit has expired and the guy who made this video is no longer on the forum. Unless someone got a backup copy or can get in touch with him, I doubt you will have the chance to see it. I can try to get in touch with him via Youtube.

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