Poll: What would you like seen in the new version of FF3usME?
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Event Editing 41.94% 13 41.94%
Custom Spell Animations 19.35% 6 19.35%
Custom Battle Backgrounds 9.68% 3 9.68%
Custom Opening Intros 3.23% 1 3.23%
Multible Forms of bosses, ie: Zeromus or Exdeath 3.23% 1 3.23%
Job Titles 6.45% 2 6.45%
The ability to import/export enemy AI scripts 6.45% 2 6.45%
Make FF6 game genie codes hard coded into FF6 3.23% 1 3.23%
More flexibility with hacks/patches 6.45% 2 6.45%
Nothing. It's fine as is. 0% 0 0%
Total 31 vote(s) 100%
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FF3usME Wish List Poll

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What feature would you like Lord J to focus on in the near future for FF3usME?
This is just a wish list.

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The ability to import/export enemy AI scripts would save me countless hours! I really hate transferring a 500 byte custom script over. Lord J, please!

We are born, live, die and then do the same thing over again.

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I wreckon different parts of bosses like the final boss fight did ( 4 parts of Kefka) or Zeromus (use crystal morphs into real Zeromus) or Exdeath ( true Exdeath then Neo Exdeath) and different ways to make an entrance other then the Kefka version how it just rises to the next boss maybe a side to side like Zeromus and Neo Exdeath.

I tried to do this with a Gilgamesh fight using all his sprites and enkidu ( 4 sprites all up) and was realy annoying to do so yeah....


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