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Strago natural magic

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Tengo un problema de que tengo a Relm como maga blanca y Strago como mago negro y no tengo idea de cómo hacer que Strago aprenda magia de una manera natural y solo se editar cosas básicas en hexadecimal.

English Inglés

I have a problem that I have Relm as a white mage and Strago as a black mage and I have no idea how to make Strago learn magic in a natural way and only edit basic things in hexadecimal.

; header ;

; A large part of the commenting on this code is derived directly
; from the commented code banks available at:
; and would not have been possible without that commenting.
; Additionally, the thread located at:
; was instrumental in the production of this hack


; This points to the function governing learning abilities at
; level up, originally at C2/61B6 and now at C2/A736.
org $C260BC
JSR $A736  

; Determine if the character learns natural magic at level up.
org $C2A736
LDX #$0000       ; Relm's spell list is the first two bytes
                ; of the natural magic table now located at
                ; EC/E3A0. In vanilla, this starts at EC/E3C0
                ; with Terra's table; Relm's occupies two bytes
                ; of free space preceding.
CMP #$08         ;
BEQ LvlUpMagic   ; Branches to teach natural magic.
LDX #$0020       ; Terra's spell list is second in the table.
CMP #$00         ;
BEQ LvlUpMagic   ;
LDX #$0040       ; Celes' spell list is third.
CMP #$06         ;
BEQ LvlUpMagic   ;
LDX #$0000       ; Cyan's SwdTech list is the first eight bytes
                ; of the SedTech/Blitz table at E6/F490
CMP #$02         ;
BNE LvlUpSabin   ; If not Cyan, branch to check for Sabin.
                ; Else, it is Cyan and the code can continue
                ; to check his level.

; Cyan @ level up
JSR LvlAbility   ; Check for SwdTechs at this level.
BEQ ExitLearning ; If none, exit.
TSB $1CF7        ; Enable the new SwdTech.
BNE ExitLearning ; If already enabled, exit.
                ; This should only occur after Cyan's dream,
                ; which teaches him SwdTechs through an event.
LDA #$40
BNE ExitLearning
LDA #$42

; Sabin @ level up
LDX #$0008       ; Blitzes are in the second byte of the table.
CMP #$05         ; Check for Sabin.
BNE ExitLearning ; Exit if not Sabin.
JSR LvlAbility   ; Check for Blitzes at this level.
BEQ ExitLearning ; If none, exist.
TSB $1D28        ; Enable the new Blitz.
BNE ExitLearning ; If already enable, exit.
                ; This should only occur with Bum Rush, after
                ; meeting Duncan in the WoR.
LDA #$80
BNE ExitLearning
LDA #$33

; Magic @ level up
LDY #$0010       ; The spell list is composed of 16 2-byte
                ; blocks for a total of 32 bytes.
CMP $ECE3A1,X    ; Check against level at which spell is learned
BNE IncSpell     ; If no spell at this level, branch and
                ; increment to next spell in table.
TDC              ; [Clear 16-bit A]
LDA $ECE3A0,X    ; Get the spell ID from the table.
LDA ($F4),Y      ; [(?? check entry in spell list ??)]
CMP #$FF      
BEQ PullYA    
LDA #$80
STA ($F4),Y
IncSpell:        ; Increment to next 2-byte block.
DEY              ; Decrement Y
BNE LvlCheckMag  ; If we haven't checked all 32 bytes,
                ; branch back and continue.

; Abilities/lvl up
LDA #$01
STA $EE          ; Start by marking Tech/Blitz as #0
XBA              ; [Get current level from top of A?]
LvlCheckAbi:     ;
CMP $E6F490,X    ; Check level against Blitz/Tech table.
BEQ AbiBitfield  ; If equal, branch.
INX              ; Else, increment to check next index.
ASL $EE          ; Check next Tech against level.
BCC LvlCheckAbi  ; If carry is set, we've checked all 8 bits and
                ; no ability is learned. $EE will be #0.
LDA $EE          ; Get the SwdTech/Blitz bitfield. The bit that
                ; is set = the ability to learn at this level.



; This section governs natural abilities learned at
; recruitment

; This sets default dances learned at the same time as default
; lores and rages. Rather than pulling the information from
; elsewhere in the rom, the bit is hardcoded in with an LDA
; to keep the code in-line.
; Originally I was teaching dances at recruitment the same way
; that Cyan and Sabin learn their initial SwdTechs and Blitzes.
; However, because they learn their skills through level up,
; they require more complex code to verify which skills they
; should already have when you meet them. This new code teaches
; Wind Song by default in the same way that Strago and Gau learn
; their default Lores and Rages, respectively.

org $C0BE2F  ; Originally this is used to set font to white.
            ; As this is also in C3, it's unnecessary here, and
            ; so we can use these addresses for teaching Dances.
            ; It follows immediately after the code teaching
            ; the default Lores.
LDA #$01     ; Load bits for default Dances.
            ; #$01 is Wind Song; set other bits to teach other
            ; dances by default.
STA $1D4C    ; Stores bits in location of learned Dances in RAM
NOP          ; The original code here is six bytes long.
            ; As the new code is only five, this blocks out the
            ; remaining byte preventing any further snarls.

; These originally called C0/A17F and are being redirected
; to the new location of the subroutine at C0/D68D.
org $C09F6D

org $C0A177

org $C0C547

; When recruiting a character, check if they learn abilities
; based on their level. If so, teach them all abilities up to
; their current level.
org $C0D68D
LDA $1600,Y      ; Grab the ID of the character being recruited.
CMP #$08         ;  
BEQ RelmRecruit  ; If Relm, branch.
CMP #$00         ;
BEQ TerraRecruit ; If Terra, branch.
CMP #$06         ;
BEQ CelesRecruit ; If Celes, branch.
CMP #$02         ;
BEQ CyanRecruit  ; If Cyan, branch.
CMP #$05         ;
BNE ExitRecruit  ; If not Sabin, exit.
JMP SabinRecruit ; Else it is Sabin, so jump.
                ; Sabin's recruitment subroutine is to far away
                ; to branch, so we need to jump to it instead.

LDX $00
LDA $ECE3A1,X    ; Get level from natural magic table.
CMP $1608,Y      ; Check against current level.
BEQ RelmRecCont  ; If equal, proceed to learn spell.
BCS ExitRecruit  ; If lower, exit.
LDA $ECE3A0,X    ; Grab the spell learned at this level.
STA $1C1E,Y      ; Teach it.
CPX #$0020       ; Have we checked all 16 spells?
BEQ ExitRecruit  ; If yes, exit.
BRA TeachRelm    ; Else, continue checking.

LDX $00
LDA $ECE3C1,X    ; Get level from natural magic table.
CMP $1608,Y      ; Check against current level.
BEQ TerraRecCont ; If equal, proceed to learn spell.
BCS ExitRecruit  ; If lower, exit
LDA $ECE3C0,X    ; Grab the spell learned at this level
STA $1A6E,Y      ; Teach it
CPX #$0020       ; Have we checked all 16 spells?
BEQ ExitRecruit  ; If so, exit.
BRA TeachTerra   ; Else, continue checking.

LDX $00
LDA $ECE3E1,X    ; Get level from natural magic table.
CMP $1608,Y      ; Check against current level.
BEQ CelesRecCont ; If equal, proceed to learn spell.
BCS ExitRecruit  ; If lower, exit
LDA $ECE3E0,X    ; Grab the spell learned at this level
STA $1BB2,Y      ; Teach it
CPX #$0020       ; Have we checked all 16 spells?
BEQ ExitRecruit  ; If so, exit
BRA TeachCeles   ; Else, continue checking

LDX $00
LDA $E6F490,X    ; Get level at which Tech is learned
CMP $1608,Y      ; Is Cyan at that level?
BEQ CyanRecCont  ; If so, proceed with learning
BCS SetCyan      ; If he is lower, exit and teach Techs.
CPX #$0008       ; Have we checked all eight Techs?
BEQ SetCyan      ; If so, exit
BRA TeachCyan    ; Else, continue checking
LDA $1CF7        ; Get currently known Techs
ORA $C0A22C,X    ; Add to bitfield of Techs learned at level
STA $1CF7        ; Set new Blitzes learned

LDX $00
LDA $E6F498,X    ; Get level at which Blitz is learned
CMP $1608,Y      ; Is Sabin at that level?
BEQ SabinRecCont ; If so, proceed with learning
BCS SetSabin     ; If he is lower, exit and teach Blitzes.
CPX #$0008       ; Have we checked all eight blitzes?
BEQ SetSabin     ; If so, exit
BRA TeachSabin   ; Else, continue checking
LDA $1D28        ; Get currently known Blitzes
ORA $C0A22C,X    ; Add to bitfield of Blitzes learned at level
STA $1D28        ; Set new Blitzes learned


; Relm's natural magic learning list.
; This precedes Celes and Terra's lists in the table,
; occupying free space right before it.
org $ECE3A0
DB $2D, $01 ; Cure @ 1
DB $02, $03 ; Thunder @ 3
DB $32, $06 ; Antdot @ 6
DB $30, $09 ; Raise @ 9
DB $36, $0C ; Cura @ 12
DB $07, $0E ; Thundara @ 14
DB $29, $11 ; Aspir @ 17
DB $19, $16 ; Slow @ 22
DB $2F, $17 ; Curaga @ 23
DB $33, $19 ; Esuna @ 25
DB $0B, $1C ; Thundaga @ 28
DB $28, $1E ; Slowga @ 30
DB $0E, $21 ; Holy @ 33
DB $31, $25 ; Arise @ 37
DB $2B, $28 ; Quick @ 40
DB $35, $2D ; Reraise @ 45

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Okay, you're using GrayShadow's Natural Ability Extension to give Relm magic, but you want it to give Strago magic as well.  That patch by itself can't do that, but I did manually code an expansion to it that adds natural learning to Strago, Mog, and Shadow.  You can exclude Shadow and Mog from it by setting their learn levels higher than max level (level 100+)

Here's the raw hex:
[C0 Bank]
-- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- 20 D7 D8

-- -- -- -- -- -- -- 20 d7 D8 -- -- -- -- -- --

-- -- -- -- -- -- -- 20 d7 D8 -- -- -- -- -- --

-- -- -- -- -- -- -- B9 00 16 C9 0A D0 03 82 32
00 C9 07 D0 03 82 4D 00 C9 03 D0 03 82 68 00 C9
08 D0 03 82 83 00 C9 00 D0 03 82 A1 00 C9 06 D0
03 82 C4 00 C9 02 D0 03 82 E7 00 C9 05 D0 03 82
07 01 60 A6 00 BF 41 E3 EC D9 08 16 F0 02 B0 F2
5A BF 40 E3 EC A8 A9 FF 99 8A 1C 7A E8 E8 E0 20
00 F0 DF 80 E0 A6 00 BF 61 E3 EC D9 08 16 F0 02
B0 D0 5A BF 60 E3 EC A8 A9 FF 99 E8 1B 7A E8 E8
E0 20 00 F0 BD 80 E0 A6 00 BF 81 E3 EC D9 08 16
F0 02 B0 AE 5A BF 80 E3 EC A8 A9 FF 99 10 1B 7A
E8 E8 E0 20 00 F0 9B 80 E0 A6 00 BF A1 E3 EC D9
08 16 F0 02 B0 8C 5A BF A0 E3 EC A8 A9 FF 99 1E
1C 7A E8 E8 E0 20 00 D0 03 82 76 FF 80 DD A6 00
BF C1 E3 EC D9 08 16 F0 02 B0 02 80 03 82 62 FF
5A BF C0 E3 EC A8 A9 FF 99 6E 1A 7A E8 E8 E0 20
00 D0 03 82 50 FF 80 D8 A6 00 BF E1 E3 EC D9 08
16 F0 02 B0 02 80 03 82 38 FF 5A BF E0 E3 EC A8
A9 FF 99 B2 1B 7A E8 E8 E0 20 00 D0 03 82 22 FF
80 D8 64 1B A6 00 BF 90 F4 E6 D9 08 16 F0 02 B0
0A E6 1B E8 E0 08 00 F0 02 80 EB A5 1B AA AD F7
1C 1F 2C A2 C0 8D F7 1C 60 64 1B A6 00 BF 98 F4
E6 D9 08 16 F0 02 B0 0A E6 1B E8 E0 08 00 F0 02
80 EB A5 1B AA AD 28 1D 1F 2C A2 C0 8D 28 1D 60

[C2 Bank]
-- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- 20 70 A6 --

A2 00 00 C9 0A D0 03 4C EB A6 A2 20 00 C9 07 D0
03 4C EB A6 A2 40 00 C9 03 D0 03 4C EB A6 A2 00
00 C9 08 D0 03 4C 11 A7 A2 20 00 C9 00 D0 03 4C
11 A7 A2 40 00 C9 06 D0 03 4C 11 A7 A2 00 00 C9
02 D0 18 20 37 A7 D0 01 60 0C F7 1C F0 01 60 A9
40 04 F0 F0 01 60 A9 42 4C C5 5F A2 08 00 C9 05
F0 01 60 20 37 A7 D0 01 60 0C 28 1D F0 01 60 A9
80 04 F0 F0 01 60 A9 33 4C C5 5F 5A EB A0 10 00
DF 41 E3 EC D0 14 48 5A 7B BF 40 E3 EC A8 B1 F4
C9 FF F0 04 A9 80 91 F4 7A 68 E8 E8 88 D0 E1 7A
60 5A EB A0 10 00 DF A1 E3 EC D0 14 48 5A 7B BF
A0 E3 EC A8 B1 F4 C9 FF F0 04 A9 80 91 F4 7A 68
E8 E8 88 D0 E1 7A 60 A9 01 85 EE EB DF 90 F4 E6
F0 05 E8 06 EE 90 F5 A5 EE 60 -- -- -- -- -- --

[EC Bank]
(Stop Mog from learning - Learn Levels higher than max)
00 64 00 64 00 64 00 64 00 64 00 64 00 64 00 64
00 64 00 64 00 64 00 64 00 64 00 64 00 64 00 64

(Strago's Spells - Change as needed)
00 01 01 02 02 03 03 04 24 07 05 1A 04 1C 07 1E
06 21 2D 26 0C 28 0D 2A 0E 2C 31 5A 30 5C 1F 5E

(Stop Shadow from learning - Learn Levels higher than max)
00 64 00 64 00 64 00 64 00 64 00 64 00 64 00 64
00 64 00 64 00 64 00 64 00 64 00 64 00 64 00 64
The dashes indicate hex values you should not change while replacing this code, and are provided to help you more easily locate the start of each code block when you paste them in HxD.
EDIT: The raw hex assumes that you have the C.V. Reynolds Bugfix Compilation applied to your hack. There are some values that need to be changed if that is not the case.
C2/a6c8:    -- -- --
            <US 1_0>         C2/a6c8: 4C D4 5F        JMP $5FD4    [Vanilla location of this pointer]
            <CV Bugfixes>    C2/a6c8: 4C C5 5F        JMP $5FC5    [CV Bugfixes to C3 moves this pointer]

C2/a6e8:    -- -- --
            <US 1_0>         C2/a6e8: 4C D4 5F        JMP $5FD4    [Vanilla location of this pointer]
            <CV Bugfixes>     C2/a6e8: 4C C5 5F        JMP $5FC5    [CV Bugfixes to C3 moves this pointer]

These are my notes on the subject in disassembly format.  They borrow a lot from the groundwork GrayShadow laid out, as well as Assassin's work on the C2 bank (the battle hex for FF6).
Natural Ability Extended Disassembly
The original Natural Ability patch for FF6 was created by GrayShadows, and granted Relm her own spell learnset.
These hex edits were made to extend the premise of that patch to Strago, Mog, and Shadow.

Most of the information here was found in Slick Productions C0 Disassembly
and Assassin's C2 Disassembly, portions of which were been paraphrased in this document.
The RAM Data was obtained from

Relevent RAM data
$1A6E-$1CF5: Percentage learned of spells by characters (54 spells X 12 characters = 648 bytes) (#$FF = known)
    $1A6E Terra (natMagic recipient)
    $1AA4 Locke
    $1ADA Cyan
    $1B10 Shadow (natMagic recipient)
    $1B46 Edgar
    $1B7C Sabin
    $1BB2 Celes (natMagic recipient)
    $1BE8 Strago (natMagic recipient)
    $1C1E Relm (natMagic recipient)
    $1C54 Setzer
    $1C8A Mog (natMagic recipient)
    $1CC0 Gau
    (Gogo and Umaro don't get magic lists)

Actor Ids:
00 Terra
01 Locke
02 Cyan [WARNING]
03 Shadow
04 Edgar
05 Sabin [WARNING]
06 Celes
07 Strago
08 Relm
09 Setzer
0A Mog
0B Gau
0D Umaro [WARNING]

The code writes FF to these locations to teach individual characters spells.  In order to change who learns spells,
look for ******* in the hex below and replace it with the appropriate data.  The format is little-endian.

For example, if you wanted to swap Shadow learning magic for Locke learning magic,
you would change  
C0/d8ea to C9 01
C2/a687 to C9 01
C0/d96c to 99 a4 1a

You can't teach Cyan or Sabin natural magic with this current setup; the code would need to be reworked to have them learn
magic first, then swordtechs/blitzes.  Gogo and Umaro do not have magic lists; teaching them magic breaks the RAM and
does weird things like set the menu to sky-blue Chocobos and freeze the game.

Relevent ROM data
[C0 Bank]
<CHANGE>    C0/9F6D: 20 7F A1    ====>    20 d7 D8            JSR $A17F    ====>    JSR $d8d7
                                    (Checks Natural Abilities.  NatAbi moves it to $D68D.  I changed the branch to its updated spot, $d8d7.)
<CHANGE>    C0/A177: 20 7F A1    ====>    20 d7 D8            JSR $A17F    ====>    JSR $d8d7
                                    (Checks Natural Abilities. NatAbi moves it to $D68D. I changed the branch to its updated spot, $d8d7.)
<CHANGE>    C0/C547: 20 7F A1    ====>    20 d7 D8            JSR $A17F    ====>    JSR $d8d7
                                    (Checks Natural Abilities.  NatAbi moves it to $D68D.  I changed the branch to its updated spot, $d8d7.)
[Freespace consumed: C0/d8d7 to C0/da3f]
C0/d8d7:    B9 00 16        LDY $1600                [Load Character ID]
C0/d8da:    C9 0A            CMP $0A                    [Compare Character ID against Mog] ********************************
C0/d8dc:    D0 03            BNE $03 to C0/D8E1        [Branch if not (Skips BRL to Mog)]
C0/d8de:    82 32 00        BRL $32 to C0/D913        [If so, Branch long to Mog {$d913}]
C0/d8e1:    C9 07            CMP $07                    [Compare Character ID against Strago] *****************************
C0/d8e3:    D0 03            BNE $03 to C0/D8E5        [Branch if not (Skips BRL to Strago)]
C0/d8e5:    82 4D 00        BRL $4D to C0/D935        [If so, Branch long to Strago ($d935)]
C0/d8e8:    C9 03            CMP $03                    [Compare Character ID against Shadow] ******************************
C0/d8ea:    D0 03            BNE $03 to C0/D8EF        [Branch if not (Skips BRL to Shadow)]
C0/d8ec:    82 68 00        BRL $68 to C0/D957        [If so, Branch long to Shadow]
C0/d8ef:    C9 08            CMP $08                    [Compare Character ID against Relm] *******************************
C0/d8f1:    D0 03            BNE $03 to C0/D8F6        [Branch if not (Skips BRL to Relm)]
C0/d8f3:    82 83 00        BRL $83 to C0/D979        [If so, Branch long to Relm]
C0/d8f6:    C9 00            CMP $00                    [Compare Character ID against Terra] ******************************
C0/d8f8:    D0 03            BNE $03 to C0/D8FD        [Branch if not (Skips BRL to Terra)]
C0/d8fa:    82 A1 00        BRL $A1 to C0/D99E        [If so, Branch long to Terra]
C0/d8fd:    C9 06            CMP $06                    [Compare Character ID against Celes] ******************************
C0/d8ff:    D0 03            BNE $03 to C0/D904        [Branch if not (Skips BRL to Celes)]
C0/d901:    82 C4 00        BRL $C4 to C0/D9C8        [If so, Branch long to Celes]
C0/d904:    C9 02            CMP $02                    [Compare Character ID against Cyan]
C0/d906:    D0 03            BNE $03 to C0/D90B        [Branch if not (Skips BRL to Cyan)]
C0/d908:    82 E7 00        BRL $E7 to C0/D9F2        [If so, Branch long to Cyan]
C0/d90b:    C9 05            CMP $05                    [Compare Character ID against Sabin]
C0/d90d:    D0 03            BNE $03 to C0/D912        [Branch if not (Skips BRL to Sabin, going to Return to Sender)]
C0/d90f:    82 07 01        BRL $107 to C0/DA19        [If so, Branch long to Sabin]
C0/d912:    60                RTS                        [Return to Sender]
[Mog Branch]
C0/d913:    A6 00            LDA $00                    [Set spell offset to the start of the list]
C0/d915:    BF 41 E3 EC        LDX $EC E3 41            [Mog's natural magic level]
                                                    [The magic table starts at $ECE340 with Mog, with every two rows being a new]
                                                    [natural caster.  The table ends with Celes's last learning level at $ECE3BF]
C0/d919:    D9 08 16        CPY $1608                [Compare against $1608, the actor's current level]
C0/d91c:    F0 02            BEQ $02 to C0/D920        [If they match, skip the next line]
C0/d91e:    B0 F2            BCS $F2 to C0/D912        [If the comparison has a carry bit, branch back to Return to Sender ($d912)]
C0/d920:    5A                PHY                        [Push Y onto the Register]
C0/d921:    BF 40 E3 EC        LDX    $EC E3 40            [Mog's natural magic spell]
C0/d925:    A8                TAY                        [Trade A and Y]
C0/d926:    A9 FF            LDA $FF                    [Load FF into the register, so that it can be saved to the spell slot.  FF is learned]
C0/d928:    99 8A 1C        STY $1C8A                [Stores learned into the caster's magic list]
                                                    [Mog's Magic list is $1C8A]  *********************************************************
C0/d92b:    7A                PLY                        [Pull Y off the Register (Should be the nat learner's current level)]
C0/d92c:    E8                INX                        [Increment X]
C0/d92d:    E8                INX                        [And again.  Moves the table to the next spell/level pair]
C0/d92e:    E0 20 00        CPX $20                    [Have 32 bytes been checked?  16 spells, 16 levels?]
C0/d931:    F0 DF            BEQ $DF to C0/D912        [If so, branch back to Return to Sender ($d912)]
C0/d933:    80 E0            BRA $E0 to C0/D915        [If not, loop back to Mog's natural magic level ($d915) to check the next spell]
[Strago Branch]
C0/d935:    A6 00            LDA $00                    [Set spell offset to the start of the list]
C0/d937:    BF 61 E3 EC        LDX $EC E3 61            [Strago's natural magic level]
C0/d93b:    D9 08 16        CPY $1608                [Compare against $1608, the actor's current level]
C0/d93e:    F0 02            BEQ $02 to C0/D942        [If they match, skip the next line]
C0/d940:    B0 D0            BCS $D0 to C0/D912        [If the comparison has a carry bit, branch back to Return to Sender ($d912)]
C0/d942:    5A                PHY                        [Push Y onto the Register]
C0/d943:    BF 60 E3 EC        LDX    $EC E3 60            [Strago's natural magic spell]
C0/d947:    A8                TAY                        [Trade A and Y]
C0/d948:    A9 FF            LDA $FF                    [Load FF into the register, so that it can be saved to the spell slot.  FF is learned]
C0/d94a:    99 E8 1B        STY $1BE8                [Strago's Magic list is $1BE8]  ******************************************************
C0/d94d:    7A                PLY                        [Pull Y off the Register (Should be the nat learner's current level)]
C0/d94e:    E8                INX                        [Increment X]
C0/d94f:    E8                INX                        [And again.  Moves the table to the next spell/level pair]
C0/d950:    E0 20 00        CPX $20                    [Have 32 bytes been checked?  16 spells, 16 levels?]
C0/d953:    F0 BD            BEQ $BD to C0/D912        [If so, branch back to Return to Sender ($d912)]
C0/d955:    80 E0            BRA $E0 to C0/D937        [If not, loop back to Strago's natural magic level ($d937) to check the next spell]
[Shadow Branch]
C0/d957:    A6 00            LDA $00                    [Set spell offset to the start of the list]
C0/d959:    BF 81 E3 EC        LDX $EC E3 81            [Shadow's natural magic level]
C0/d95d:    D9 08 16        CPY $1608                [Compare against $1608, the actor's current level]
C0/d960:    F0 02            BEQ $02 to C0/D964        [If they match, skip the next line]
C0/d962:    B0 AE            BCS $AE to C0/D912        [If the comparison has a carry bit, branch back to Return to Sender ($d912)]
C0/d964:    5A                PHY                        [Push Y onto the Register]
C0/d965:    BF 80 E3 EC        LDX    $EC E3 80            [Shadow's natural magic spell]
C0/d969:    A8                TAY                        [Trade A and Y]
C0/d96a:    A9 FF            LDA $FF                    [Load FF into the register, so that it can be saved to the spell slot.  FF is learned]
C0/d96c:    99 10 1B        STY $1B10                [Shadow's Magic list is $1B10]  *******************************************************
C0/d96f:    7A                PLY                        [Pull Y off the Register (Should be the nat learner's current level)]
C0/d970:    E8                INX                        [Increment X]
C0/d971:    E8                INX                        [And again.  Moves the table to the next spell/level pair]
C0/d972:    E0 20 00        CPX $20                    [Have 32 bytes been checked?  16 spells, 16 levels?]
C0/d975:    F0 9B            BEQ $9B to C0/D912        [If so, branch back to Return to Sender ($d912)]
C0/d977:    80 E0            BRA $E0 to C0/D959        [If not, loop back to Shadow's natural magic level ($d959) to check the next spell]
[Relm Branch]
C0/d979:    A6 00            LDA $00                    [Set spell offset to the start of the list]
C0/d97b:    BF A1 E3 EC        LDX $EC E3 A1            [Relm's natural magic level]
C0/d97f:    D9 08 16        CPY $1608                [Compare against $1608, the actor's current level]
C0/d982:    F0 02            BEQ $02 to C0/D986        [If they match, skip the next line]
C0/d984:    B0 8C            BCS $8C to C0/D912        [If the comparison has a carry bit, branch back to Return to Sender ($d912)]
C0/d986:    5A                PHY                        [Push Y onto the Register]
C0/d987:    BF A0 E3 EC        LDX    $EC E3 A0            [Relm's natural magic spell]
C0/d98b:    A8                TAY                        [Trade A and Y]
C0/d98c:    A9 FF            LDA $FF                    [Load FF into the register, so that it can be saved to the spell slot.  FF is learned]
C0/d98e:    99 1E 1C        STY $1C1E                [Relm's Magic list is $1C1E]  ********************************************************
C0/d991:    7A                PLY                        [Pull Y off the Register (Should be the nat learner's current level)]
C0/d992:    E8                INX                        [Increment X]
C0/d993:    E8                INX                        [And again.  Moves the table to the next spell/level pair]
C0/d994:    E0 20 00        CPX $20                    [Have 32 bytes been checked?  16 spells, 16 levels?]
C0/d997:    D0 03            BNE $03 to C0/D99C        [If not, skip the next line]
C0/d999:    82 76 FF        BRL $FF76 to C0/D912    [If so, long-branch back to Return to Sender ($d912)]
                                                    [Has to be a long branch because that RTS is more than -128d bytes away]
                                                    [I was a little gunshy about using other RTS commands, for fear they might]
                                                    [muddle and go back too many subroutines]
C0/d99c:    80 DD            BRA $DD to C0/D97B        [Coming back to 'if not', loop back to Relm's natural magic level ($d97b) to check the next spell]
[Terra Branch]
C0/d99e:    A6 00            LDA $00                    [Set spell offset to the start of the list]
C0/d9a0:    BF C1 E3 EC        LDX $EC E3 C1            [Terra's natural magic level]
C0/d9a4:    D9 08 16        CPY $1608                [Compare against $1608, the actor's current level]
C0/d9a7:    F0 02            BEQ $02 to C0/D9AB        [If they match, skip the next line]
C0/d9a9:    B0 02            BCS $02 to C0/D9AD        [If the comparison has a carry bit, skip the next line]
C0/d9ab:    80 03            BRA $03 to C0/D9B0        [The result of the level comparison match: skip the next line]
C0/d9ad:    82 62 FF        BRL $FF62 to C0/D912    [The result of the carry bit match: branch long back to Return to Sender ($d912)]
C0/d9b0:    5A                PHY                        [Push Y onto the Register]
C0/d9b1:    BF C0 E3 EC        LDX    $EC E3 C0            [Terra's natural magic spell]
C0/d9b5:    A8                TAY                        [Trade A and Y]
C0/d9b6:    A9 FF            LDA $FF                    [Load FF into the register, so that it can be saved to the spell slot.  FF is learned]
C0/d9b8:    99 6E 1A        STY $1A6E                [Terra's Magic list is $1A6E]  *******************************************************
C0/d9bb:    7A                PLY                        [Pull Y off the Register (Should be the nat learner's current level)]
C0/d9bc:    E8                INX                        [Increment X]
C0/d9bd:    E8                INX                        [And again.  Moves the table to the next spell/level pair]
C0/d9be:    E0 20 00        CPX $20                    [Have 32 bytes been checked?  16 spells, 16 levels?]
C0/d9c1:    D0 03            BNE $03 to C0/D9C6        [If not, skip the next line]
C0/d9c3:    82 50 FF        BRL $FF50 to C0/D912    [If so, long-branch back to Return to Sender ($d912)]
C0/d9c6:    80 D8            BRA $D8 to C0/D9A0        [Coming back to 'if not', loop back to Terra's natural magic level ($d9a0) to check the next spell]
[Celes Branch]
C0/d9c8:    A6 00            LDA $00                    [Set spell offset to the start of the list]
C0/d9ca:    BF E1 E3 EC        LDX $EC E3 E1            [Celes's natural magic level]
C0/d9ce:    D9 08 16        CPY $1608                [Compare against $1608, the actor's current level]
C0/d9d1:    F0 02            BEQ $02 to C0/D9D5        [If they match, skip the next line]
C0/d9d3:    B0 02            BCS $02 to C0/D9D7        [If the comparison has a carry bit, skip the next line]
C0/d9d5:    80 03            BRA $03 to C0/D9DA        [The result of the level comparison match: skip the next line]
C0/d9d7:    82 38 FF        BRL $FF38 to C0/D912    [The result of the carry bit match: branch long back to Return to Sender ($d912)]
C0/d9da:    5A                PHY                        [Push Y onto the Register]
C0/d9db:    BF E0 E3 EC        LDX    $EC E3 E0            [Celes's natural magic spell]
C0/d9df:    A8                TAY                        [Trade A and Y]
C0/d9e0:    A9 FF            LDA $FF                    [Load FF into the register, so that it can be saved to the spell slot.  FF is learned]
C0/d9e2:    99 B2 1B        STY $1BB2                [Celes's Magic list is $1BB2]
C0/d9e5:    7A                PLY                        [Pull Y off the Register (Should be the nat learner's current level)]
C0/d9e6:    E8                INX                        [Increment X]
C0/d9e7:    E8                INX                        [And again.  Moves the table to the next spell/level pair]
C0/d9e8:    E0 20 00        CPX $20                    [Have 32 bytes been checked?  16 spells, 16 levels?]
C0/d9eb:    D0 03            BNE $03 to C0/D9F0        [If not, skip the next line]
C0/d9ed:    82 22 FF        BRL $FF22 to C0/D912    [If so, long-branch back to Return to Sender ($d912)]
C0/d9f0:    80 D8            BRA $D8 to C0/D9CA        [Coming back to 'if not', loop back to Celes's natural magic level ($d9ca) to check the next spell]
[Cyan Branch]
C0/d9f2:    64 1B            STZ $1B
C0/d9f4:    A6 00            LDA $00                    [Set spell offset to the start of the list]
C0/d9f6:    BF 90 F4 E6        LDX $E6 F4 90            [Swordtech Levels are the first half of the BushidoBlitz list]
C0/d9fa:    D9 08 16        CPY $1608                [Compare against $1608, the actor's current level]
C0/d9fd:    F0 02            BEQ $02 to C0/DA01        [If they match, skip the next line]
C0/d9ff:    B0 0A            BCS $0A to C0/DA0B        [If the carry bit is set, branch to $da0b]
C0/da01:    E6 1B            INC $1B
C0/da03:    E8                INX
C0/da04:    E0 08 00        CPX $08                    [Have 8 bytes been checked?  8 levels for 8 SwordTechs?]
C0/da07:    F0 02            BEQ $02 to C0/DA0B        [If so, skip the next line]
C0/da09:    80 EB            BRA $EB to C0/D9F6        [Elsewise, branch back to the BushidoBlitz list ($d9f6)]
C0/da0b:    A5 1B            LDA $1B                    [Loads the value in RAM $1B]
C0/da0d:    AA                TAX                        [Trade A and X]
C0/da0e:    AD F7 1C        LDA $1CF7                [Load $1cf7, the known SwordTechs RAM location]
C0/da11:    1F 2C A2 C0        ORA $C0 A2 2C            [Conduct Bitwise OR with the currently known SwordTechs and the ones learned in this loop]
C0/da15:    8D F7 1C        STA $1CF7                [Store to $1cf7, thereby learning the new SwordTechs]
C0/da18:    60                RTS                        [Return to Sender]
[Sabin Branch]
C0/da19:    64 1B            STZ $1B
C0/da1b:    A6 00            LDA $00                    [Set spell offset to the start of the list]
C0/da1d:    BF 98 F4 E6        LDX $E6 F4 98            [Blitz Levels are the second half of the BushidoBlitz list]
C0/da21:    D9 08 16        CPY $1608                [Compare against $1608, the actor's current level]
C0/da24:    F0 02            BEQ $02 to C0/DA28        [If they match, skip the next line]
C0/da26:    B0 0A            BCS $0A to C0/DA32        [If the carry bit is set, branch to $DA32]
C0/da28:    E6 1B            INC $1B
C0/da2a:    E8                INX
C0/da2b:    E0 08 00        CPX $08                    [Have 8 bytes been checked?  8 levels for 8 Blitzes?]
C0/da2e:    F0 02            BEQ $02 to C0/DA32        [If so, skip the next line]
C0/da30:    80 EB            BRA $EB to C0/DA1D        [Elsewise, branch back to the BushidoBlitz list ($da1d)]
C0/da32:    A5 1B            LDA $1B                    [Loads the value in RAM $1B]
C0/da34:    AA                TAX                        [Trade A and X]
C0/da35:    AD 28 1D        LDA $1D28                [Load $1d28, the known Blitzes RAM location]
C0/da38:    1F 2C A2 C0        ORA $C0 A2 2C            [Conduct Bitwise OR with the currently known Blitzes and the ones learned in this loop]
C0/da3c:    8D 28 1D        STA $1D28                [Store to $1d28, thereby learning the new Blitzes]
C0/da3f:    60                RTS                        [Return to Sender]

[C2 Bank]
<CHANGE>    C2/60BC: 20 B6 61    ====>    20 70 A6            JSR $61B6    ====>    JSR $a670
                                    (Handles spells or abilities learned at level-up for
                                      character.  NatAbi moves it to $A736. I changed the branch to its updated spot, $a670.)
[Freespace consumed: C2/a670 to C2/a749]            [I was gunshy about numbers greater than $80 being referenced in a table,]
                                                    [as I was just learning how to use Hex to add oppcodes]
                                                    [As such, this section is probably very poorly optimized]
                                                    [You may want to make some aggressive changes]
C2/a670:    A2 00 00        LDX $0000                [Set offset to start of the men's natural learning table]
C2/a673:    C9 0A            CMP $0A                    [The A register currently holds the current actor]
                                                    [Check if the current actor is Mog]  *********************************************************
C2/a675:    D0 03            BNE $03 to C2/A67A        [If not, skip the next line]
C2/a677:    4C eb a6        JMP $A6EB                [If so, jump to $a6eb]  <<Could be BRL, will need to be changed if moved to other freespace>>
                                                    [I did this hex first, which is why it's less portable]
C2/a67a:    A2 20 00        LDX $0020                [Set offset to second segement of men's natural learning table]
C2/a67d:    C9 07            CMP $07                    [Check if the current actor is Strago]  ******************************************************
C2/a67f:    D0 03            BNE $03 to C2/A684        [If not, skip the next line]
C2/a681:    4C eb a6        JMP $A6EB                [If so, jump to $a6eb]  <<will need to be changed if moved to other freespace>>
C2/a684:    A2 40 00        LDX $0040                [Set offset to third segment of men's natural learning table]
C2/a687:    C9 03            CMP $03                    [Check if the current actor is Shadow]  ******************************************************
C2/a689:    D0 03            BNE $03 to C2/A68E        [If not, skip the next line]
C2/a68b:    4C eb a6        JMP $A6EB                [If so, jump to $a6eb]  <<will need to be changed if moved to other freespace>>
C2/a68e:    A2 00 00        LDA $0000                [Set offset to start of the women's natural learning table]
C2/a691:    C9 08            CMP $08                    [Check if the current actor is Relm]  ********************************************************
C2/a693:    D0 03            BNE $03 to C2/A698        [If not, skip the next line]
C2/a695:    4C 11 a7        JMP $A711                [If so, jump to $a711]  <<Could be BRL, will need to be changed if moved to other freespace>>
C2/a698:    A2 20 00        LDA $0020                [Set offset to second segment of women's natural learning table]
C2/a69b:    C9 00            CMP $00                    [Check if the current actor is Terra]  *******************************************************
C2/a69d:    D0 03            BNE $03 to C2/A6A2        [If not, skip the next line]
C2/a69f:    4C 11 a7        JMP $A711                [If so, jump to $a711]     <<will need to be changed if moved to other freespace>>
C2/a6a2:    A2 40 00        LDA 0040                [Set offset to third segment of women's natural learning table]
C2/a6a5:    C9 06            CMP $06                    [Check if the current actor is Celes]  *******************************************************
C2/a6a7:    D0 03            BNE $03 to C2/A6AC        [If not, skip the next line]
C2/a6a9:    4C 11 a7        JMP $A711                [If so, jump to $a711]  <<will need to be changed if moved to other freespace>>
C2/a6ac:    A2 00 00        LDA $0000                [Set offset to start of the BushidoBlitz level table]
C2/a6af:    C9 02            CMP $02                    [Check if the current actor is Cyan]  ********************************************************
C2/a6b1:    D0 18            BNE $18 to C2/A6CB        [If not, branch to Sabin at $a6cb]
C2/a6b3:    20 37 A7        JSR $A737                [Jump to Subroutine to check SwordTech list.  Is something learned this level?]
                                                    <<will need to be changed if moved to other freespace>>
C2/a6b6:    D0 01            BNE $01 to C2/A6B9        [If unequal, skip the next line and continue to check]
C2/a6b8:    60                RTS                        [Return to Sender]
C2/a6b9:    0C F7 1C        TSB $1CF7                [Otherwise enable the new SwordTech]
C2/a6bc:    F0 01            BEQ $01 to C2/A6BF        [If equal, skip the next line and continue the check]
C2/a6be:    60                RTS                        [Return to Sender]
C2/a6bf:    A9 40            LDA $40
C2/a6c1:    04 F0            TSB $F0                    [Test and set bits with A?]
                                                    [OR with binary 11110000?]
C2/a6c3:    F0 01            BEQ $01 to C2/A6C6        [Was formerly an unequal check, so applying DeMorgan's makes it an equal check to skip RTS]
C2/a6c5:    60                RTS                        [Return to Sender]
C2/a6c6:    A9 42            LDA $42
C2/a6c8:    -- -- --
            <US 1_0>         C2/a6c8: 4C D4 5F        JMP $5FD4    [Vanilla location of this pointer]
            <CV Bugfixes>    C2/a6c8: 4C C5 5F        JMP $5FC5    [CV Bugfixes to C3 moves this pointer]
C2/a6cb:    A2 08 00        LDX $0008
C2/a6ce:    C9 05            CMP $05                    [Check if the current actor is Sabin]  *******************************************************
C2/a6d0:    F0 01            BEQ $01 to C2/A6D3        [If so, skip the next line]
C2/a6d2:    60                RTS                        [Return to Sender]
C2/a6d3:    20 37 A7        JSR $A773                [Check Blitz list.  Is something learned this level?]  <<will need to be changed if moved to other freespace>>
C2/a6d6:    D0 01            BNE $01 to C2/A6D9        [If unequal, skip the next line and continue to check]
C2/a6d8:    60                RTS                        [Return to Sender]
C2/a6d9:    0C 28 1D        TSB $1D28                [Otherwise enable the new Blitz]
C2/a6dc:    F0 01            BEQ $01 to C2/A6DF        [If equal, skip the next line and continue to check]
C2/a6de:    60                RTS                        [Return to Sender]
C2/a6df:    A9 80            LDA $80
C2/a6e1:    04 F0            TSB $F0
C2/a6e3:    F0 01            BEQ $01 to C2/A6E6        [Was formerly an unequal check, so applying DeMorgan's makes it an equal check to skip RTS]
C2/a6e5:    60                RTS                        [Return to Sender]
C2/a6e6:    A9 33            LDA $33
C2/a6e8:    -- -- --
            <US 1_0>         C2/a6e8: 4C D4 5F        JMP $5FD4    [Vanilla location of this pointer]
            <CV Bugfixes>     C2/a6e8: 4C C5 5F        JMP $5FC5    [CV Bugfixes to C3 moves this pointer]
[Men's Natural Magic Recruitment]
<Split into Men and Women out of coincidence of the order spell lists were added, has no actual bearing on how this works>
C2/a6eb:    5A                PHY                        [Push Y onto the register]
C2/a6ec:    EB                XBA                        [Trade the low and high bytes of A]
C2/a6ed:    A0 10 00        LDX    $0010                [Check 16 bytes]
C2/a6f0:    DF 41 E3 EC        CPX $EC E3 41            [Start of Men's Magic levels (Mog's Levels)] <This is the only thing I changed>
C2/a6f4:    D0 14            BNE $14 to C2/A70A        [If no spell is learned this level, branch to check another one]
C2/a6f6:    48                PHA                        [Push A onto the register]
C2/a6f7:    5A                PHY                        [Push Y onto the register (again?)]
C2/a6f8:    7B                TDC                        [Transfer D to C?]
C2/a6f9:    BF 40 E3 EC        LDX $EC E3 40            [Start of Men's Magic spells (Mog's Spells)] <Well... and this>
C2/a6fd:    A8                TAY                        [Exchange A and Y]
C2/a6fe:    B1 F4            LDY $F4                    [Check Spell Learning Progress]
C2/a700:    C9 FF            CMP $FF                    [Compare against FF, learned]
C2/a702:    F0 04            BEQ $04 to C2/A708        [Branch if so]
C2/a704:    A9 80            LDA $80
C2/a706:    91 F4            STY $F4                    [Set spell as learned]
C2/a708:    7A                PLY                        [Pull Y off the register]
C2/a709:    68                PLA                        [Pull A off the register]
C2/a70a:    E8                INX                        [Increment X]
C2/a70b:    E8                INX                        [And Again]
C2/a70c:    88                DEY                        [Decrement Y]
C2/a70d:    D0 E1            BNE $E1 to C2/A6F0        [Branch back to $a6f0 if not equal, to check another spell]
C2/a70f:    7A                PLY                        [Pull Y off the register]
C2/a710:    60                RTS                        [Return to Sender]
[Women's Natural Magic Recruitment] <Need two because of signed values>
C2/a711:    5A                PHY                        [Push Y onto the register]
C2/a712:    EB                XBA                        [Trade the low and high bytes of A]
C2/a713:    A0 10 00        LDX    $0010                [Check 16 bytes]
C2/a716:    DF A1 E3 EC        CPX $EC E3 A1            [Start of Women's Magic levels (Relm's Levels)]
C2/a71a:    D0 14            BNE $14 to C2/A730        [If no spell is learned this level, branch to check another one]
C2/a71c:    48                PHA                        [Push A onto the register]
C2/a71d:    5A                PHY                        [Push Y onto the register (again?)]
C2/a71e:    7B                TDC                        [Transfer D to C?]
C2/a71f:    BF A0 E3 EC        LDX $EC E3 A0            [Start of Women's Magic spells (Relm's Spells)]
C2/a723:    A8                TAY                        [Exchange A and Y]
C2/a724:    B1 F4            LDY $F4                    [Compare against FF, learned]
C2/a726:    C9 FF            CMP $FF                    [Compare against FF, learned]
C2/a728:    F0 04            BEQ $04 to C2/A72E        [Branch if so]
C2/a72a:    A9 80            LDA $80
C2/a72c:    91 F4            STY $F4                    [Set spell as learned]
C2/a72e:    7A                PLY                        [Pull Y off the register]
C2/a72f:    68                PLA                        [Pull A off the register]
C2/a730:    E8                INX                        [Increment X]
C2/a731:    E8                INX                        [And Again]
C2/a732:    88                DEY                        [Decrement Y]
C2/a733:    D0 E1            BNE $E1 to C2/A716        [Branch back to $a716 if not equal, to check another spell]
C2/a735:    7A                PLY                        [Pull Y off the register]
C2/a736:    60                RTS                        [Return to Sender]
[BushidoBlitz Recruitment]
C2/a737:    A9 01            LDA $01
C2/a739:    85 EE            STA $EE                    [start by marking BushidoBlitz #0]
C2/a73b:    EB                XBA                        [get current level from top of A?]
C2/a73c:    DF 90 F4 E6        CPX $E6 F4 90            [BushidoBlitz Level List]
C2/a740:    F0 05            BEQ $05 to C2/A747        [Branch if the level matches]
C2/a742:    E8                INX                        [Increment X to check the next learning level]
C2/a743:    06 EE            ASL $EE                    [Arithmetic Shift Left: Mark next BushidoBlitz to be learned instead]
C2/a745:    90 F5            BCC $F5 to C2/6227        [Branch on Carry Clear: If Carry is Set we've checked all 8 to no avail]
C2/a747:    A5 EE            LDA $EE                    [Get the BushidoBlitz bitfield, where the bit corresponds to the move learned]
C2/a749:    60                RTS                        [Return to Sender]

[EC Bank]
[Freespace consumed: EC/e340 to EC/e3bf]
[Spell lists {At $ECE340}]
17 01 02 02 32 07 12 0B 24 10 06 14 19 1B 20 21
2D 24 0A 28 1F 2D 27 32 28 3A 21 4B 51 53 0F 63
00 01 01 02 02 03 03 04 24 07 05 1A 04 1C 07 1E
06 21 2D 26 0C 28 0D 2A 0E 2C 31 5A 30 5C 1F 5E
12 01 13 07 20 1F 32 22 2D 29 14 2D 19 34 1A 38
1C 3B 0E 3E 1D 3F 16 42 1B 44 2C 49 32 52 2F 5A
24 01 29 03 03 08 15 0C 2D 12 07 16 2C 1A 25 20
0E 23 1E 28 0B 2E 26 34 22 3C 2F 49 21 52 23 61
24 01 00 03 2D 04 12 0C 27 12 04 16 25 1A 2A 21
31 25 08 2B 2E 31 10 39 1D 44 0D 4B 0F 56 11 63
01 01 24 04 28 08 14 0D 2B 12 05 16 2D 1A 25 1E
30 20 1C 22 09 2A 2E 30 34 34 0C 48 33 51 35 62

The only way to set the learnsets for Relm, Shadow, Strago, and Mog is through hex-editing.  Use an editor to set up Terra's natural spells the way you wish
the target caster to learn them, then copy EC/E3C0-EC/E3DF and paste it over the corresponding caster.  Once you've done this for all spells desired, set Terra
up again with her own learnset.

I've been told the way I comment on notes is confusing, so you don't have to understand all or any of that to work with it.  It should work fine if you just use HxD to plug in the raw hex to what you've already patched: try it on a copy of your project and then load a save before Thamasa (so you can check that Strago and Relm's recruitment gives them spells).
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Español Spanish

Espero que funcione
ahora toca jugar porque no tengo un save cerca Thamasa

English Ingles

I hope it works
Now it's time to play because I don't have a save near Thamasa

Español Spanish insertar el codigo con snes stuff da error pero gracias igualmente

English Inglés insert the code with snes stuff gives error but thanks also

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You can't copy the dashes, they're just there to show you where the block of code goes.  You need to copy from the start of the hex values to the end of the hex values.  HxD will tell you what you're trying to write isn't hex code if you try to copy it with the dashes.

For instance, to copy the first block of Raw Hex, go into HxD, select "Find", select "Goto address", type 9F6D, and paste 20 D7 D8
Or this for example
[C2 Bank]
-- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- 20 70 A6 --
means goto 260BC, and paste 20 70 A6 at that address (Paste Write starting in column C of row 260B0).

Heads up, if you aren't using C.V. Reynolds bugfix compilation and you just copy the block of hex, the game will crash at the Vargas fight and again in Doma when Cyan runs to fight in the Imperial Camp.  This is because the bugfix compilation moves some hex that the Blitz learning and SwdTech learning uses, and when they are called by recruitment it causes a desync in the game script.  Changing those two addresses will fix the issue: if you encounter these crashes, you will need to swap the pointers as described in the middle of my first post.

Unless the error is something else.  Can you describe it please?

EDIT: Hmm... maybe I'll just prepare an IPS patch for it.  Might make this smoother, then you can just edit the spells learned as needed.  Can you give me a list of the spells you want Strago to learn?

EDIT: Okay, I set up four patches for you and attached them to the bottom of this post, pick the one that fits your rom: headered or unheadered, vanilla or w/CV bugfixes applied.  Note that the CVBugs patch doesn't actually include the CV bugfix compilation, it just assumes it's already been applied (provided for compatibility purposes).  If you want to change Relm's and Strago's spells after the fact, let me know and I can set up another patch for you.

Attached Files
.zip  NatAbi Extended (2.5 KB, 3 downloads)
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  • MoisésDGT (09-15-2019)

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LV Spell
1 Fire
1(2) Ice
1(3) Bolt
6 Sleep
8 Osmose
12 Drain
17 Fire 2
17 (18) Ice 2
17 (19) Bolt 2
25 Doom
32 Fire 3
32 (33) Ice 3
32 (34) Bolt 3
39 Dispel
45 Flare
68 Ultima

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Okay, I've attached another patch packet.  Apply one of the two following patches based on whether your ROM has a header or not.
.zip  MoisesDGT Spells for (398 bytes, 4 downloads)

It needs to be applied AFTER the NatAbi extension from the earlier post, as all it does is overwrite the spell table for Strago.

If you need to tweak these spells later, open the ROM in HxD, go to 2CE360 (Rom address EC/E360, probably different if your rom has a header) and adjust the hex values there.
[-] The following 2 users say Thank You to C-Dude for this post:
  • MoisésDGT (09-16-2019), Robo Jesus (09-17-2019)

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