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[Patch] Fair Damage

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Download page: Fair Damage 1.0

The game system has two different damage algorithms: one for physic damage and another one for magic damage. Unfortunatelly, they are unbalanced in a comparision between them. The physic damage is relatively weak and the magic damage is relatively strong.

The patch changes the main damage algorithm. Both physic and magic damage will use a new one algorithm. Because both of them will use the same algorithm, it is expected that the damage should be more balanced between them. Unfortunately, it is necessary to adjust the game data for the new algorithm. The old data setup will not be balanced.

Two patches are available. One is the alone new damage algorithm. The other one is the new damage algorithm with data modifications, called the test patch. I played the entire game from start to end with the new damage algorithm, adjusting the game data in the process. I avoided to be too much intrusive in the game data. The purpose was to test the new damage algorithm as the game advances. I tried many algorithms which doesn't work well enough until I eventually was satisfied with the actual algorithm. I belive a fine tuning should be necessary in specific parts of the game but overall I consider it satisfactory.

Weapons, spells and abilities with special effects may have their own damage algorithm. Examples are atma weapon, valient knife, flare star, etc. In the test patch, i ignored them. I plan to do individual patches for them, separated from this patch for compatibility and versatility sake.

The patch is somehow complex because it demands data adjustments to be a balanced algorithm. The old damage algorithms are a mess with two differents algorithms and different ranges of power values between physic or magic power for monster, allies, weapons, spells, abilities, etc. I understand that the patch may not be for everyone's taste but perhaps someone can find it helpfull.
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sounds cool, wouldn't you mind posting changes to damage formula?

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(04-14-2018, 10:38 AM)Tenkarider Wrote: sounds cool, wouldn't you mind posting changes to damage formula?

I guess you did not bothered checking the readme?

-   For reference, the new damage algorithm is, for both physic and magic damage:

    f1 = vigor if physic attack, magic power if magic attack
    f2 = weapon power if physic attack, spell power if magic attack
    min = (f1 + f2) / 2
    damage = (level * level * min / 64) + min

-   In the back row, received physic damage is cut in half and inflicted physic
damage in enemies is cut in half as well. It isn't noticeable in the default
game because physic damage was too low. Now, you should consider whoever you put
in the front or back row.

-   Pincer attacks does more than just force everyone in the front row. It adds
extra damage against everyone in the pincer. They will receive more damage when
compared with the the front row.

-   Because the algorithm is designed to avoid higher damage, lower healing
spells won't full heal one or all allies at full hp when compared with the
default game. If relative lower healing bugs you, you can try to edit the
healing spells for higher values.

-   Because the damage inflicted in monsters is generally lower when compared
with the default game, they can survive enough time to try to fight back at you.
It won't make bad designed monsters more attractive, but at least they should be
able to execute their full script.

-   If physic damage does poor damage, try magic damage and vice-versa.

-   It is expected that the player update their equipment and items regularly.
Don't neglect your stock of healing items like tonics, potions and fenix downs,
specially in the start of the game.

-   The patch changes the damage made with the following relics. The damage is
multiplied for the specified factor if the relic effect is active.
    - gauntlet: 1.5
    - offering: 0.5
    - genji glove: 0.75

-   The test patch has the following alterations in the game data:
    - allies: Terra, Vicks and Edge has the initial hp of 200.
    - specific enemies:
        - whelk head: hp = 256
        - marshal: hp = 256, bat. power = 16
    - all enemies: for each enemy, physic power and magic power was multiplied
        by 4.0.
    - spells (all 256): in the following priority, each spell with no null
    power was multiplied by a factor:
        - fractal damage: 1.0
        - healing: 4.0
        - pierce and physic: 0.25
        - pierce and magic: 0.5
        - physic: 1.0
        - magic: 2.0
    - tools items: all items power was multiplied by 0.25
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  • Tenkarider (04-15-2018)

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I remember testing Sabin's Bum Rush with physical damage; at 255 power it barely did 3000 damage, while we all know how vanilla Bum Rush, magical with 80 power, can hit the damage cap easily.

So happy to see this done.

May I suggest additional balance features that could aid with this project?

- The Atlas Armlet has different coding from the Earrings that allow the latter to stack but not the former. Could they be made to use the same coding too?
- Perhaps a Magic variant of the Hyper Wrist for +50% Magic?

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(04-14-2018, 08:31 PM)DrakeyC Wrote: May I suggest additional balance features that could aid with this project?

- The Atlas Armlet has different coding from the Earrings that allow the latter to stack but not the former. Could they be made to use the same coding too?
- Perhaps a Magic variant of the Hyper Wrist for +50% Magic?

For now, I plan to change the damage algorithms of special effects like valiant knife, flare star, atma weapon, etc. As the expression says, "to strike while the iron is hot". After I have done it, I will check those boost relics. It should be nice if they have equivalent variants for both physic and magic damage.

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I just recently tested this patch and indeed I foresee tons of work to re-adjust everything.

First of all, patch conflicts with Ultimate Damage Fix v1.4 from Leet Sketcher, it's not a problem by itself but my question is...does Fair Damage patch fixes both Physical and Magical damage overflows?

Also, is that normal that a monster lvl 94 with 230 Bat Pwr now hits for a lot less with the patch? Monster stats are already pretty high but still result in wet noodle damage. Seems like the solution to this is to reduce overall character defense by a good amount but I want to make sure before starting any tedious tasks.

Spells damage is about 3 times less at high level, affect both characters and monsters.

My testing is incomplet but that's what I noticed so far.

Note: testing is based on my hack which has increased difficulty.

Edit: Looks like I will be able to answer my own question here Tongue
New algorithm doesn't even reach 40000 raw damage (39406 to be exact) so an overflow fix is not needed.
I'm just surprised at how low damage is now but it makes a lot of sense.

I'm not sure if I'm ready to tackle adaptation to the original physical damage formula in my hack is already pretty good even tho damage scales too slowly at low level and too quickly at very high lvl in comparison to magic, it can be offset with proper monster defense/m.def for their level. This new formula is much better in the long term that's for sure.


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