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Add wind effect to a custom song.

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I want to add the wind effect to a custom song that i'm planning to use as the World of Ruin's theme in order to make it sound like the song "Dark World".
If it is possible, i have to add a new track to my song or use a special event or MML Command?

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The wind SFX you hear in the intro in Narshe is a song itself. I don't know how many channels it use, maybe one or two, but you would need that many empty channels and copy $C955DB-$C956C4 wind song data into those empty channels of your song. I think you should also sync the end of both song so as in an example your song does not play for 50 seconds and the wind channels end at 35 seconds. But this could maybe not be really relevant in the case of a wind SFX.

Edit: I'm not 100% sure the "Dark World Wind SFX" is same as "Intro Wind SFX" but the principle would remain the same, extract the wind channel(s) from Dark World and insert them in your song.

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The wind in Dark World is indeed different than the wind in Narshe. The wind you hear in Narshe is actually it's own music track, track ID 57 (hex=39), IIRC, and is called several times throughout the game (it's the track called for the wind effect in the rich man's house in South Figaro during Locke's scenario, as an example).

One thing FFVI did particularly good on was the inclusion of ambient sound effects in the actual audio data of a song, rather than as a separate effect (best example, the rain in Zozo); so if music is playing at the same time as an ambient sound effect, the chances are the sound effect is part of the music itself, rather than it's own track.

I just examined the different channels for Dark World's SPC data.

It looks like the wind effect Dark World uses is actually 2 channels of data, channel 1 has the higher-pitched aspects of the wind, and channel 2 has the lower pitched aspects of it. Channels 3-8 are the instrumentals.
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I'm so sorry for this (really) late response, but despite your suggestions, I still didn't managed to add the wind to my custom song. Here there are some doubts I had over my failed attempts, hoping they may be helpful in order to find a definitive solution:

1.As eale said, the Wind sound effect are contained into 2 channels of the Dark World's song data while the others are the instruments. However I had some difficulties in recognising the 2 Wind channels in hex. I tried dumping each one of the song channels which shared the same DC 2X hex and then pasting them at the end of my custom song but no wind sound played. Here's a log of the addresses of the data I took from the song "Dark World": (Note: The addreses are from an Headered Rom)
09AE83-09AF61: 3 Channels Sharing the hex DC 20
09AFE3-09B03F: 2 Channels Sharing the Hex DC 23
09B040-09B09E: 2 Channels, the first with hex DC 04 and the other DC 03.
If I made a mistake in choosing one of those data, can someone please provide me the true addreses of the 2 wind tracks?

2. After I paste the wind tracks in my custom Dark World song (which normally has only 3 tracks), do I need to make some changes to the song's data itself or I have to set up the instrument or channels in a certain way in order to wind sound to play?

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DC 04 and DC 03 tracks should be right. You'd need to change the track pointers as well as paste it onto the end of your song, of course.

For Beyond Chaos, when any song is used in place of Dark World, we first adjust the channels so that what used to be 1 is now 3, 2 to 4, and so on (getting rid of the pointers for 7 and 8) then paste this MML onto the end:

l16p64o3@4%a8p0,40,235v0,255,191m40,+2v10v192,40d8. $ [2^1  

l16p64%p1o6@3p0,68,56v0,160,191%a4v10v192,40a64 $ ^2  
[2m44,+7^8.m132,-8^1  m44,+8^8.m44,-10^8.]m24,+6

Some important considerations for using the wind sound:
- It uses the pitch modulation function, which means CHANNEL ORDER MATTERS. Specifically, the channel with @4 / DC04 must ALWAYS come IMMEDIATELY before the channel with @3 / DC03 or it will sound wrong.
- It's just one long, continuous note that is never restarted. This means that if it gets interrupted by a sound effect, it'll screw up the sound until the song restarts. The original puts the wind in channels 1 and 2 and you probably should too - though 3 and 4 are *probably* also safe. I've never been able to confirm whether sound effects can interrupt channel 4, but i've seen no evidence for it (5 absolutely can be interrupted, though, in a situation with a lot of sound playing like rapid menuing during Ultima cast).

Note that neither of these apply to the Zozo rain sound.

Just to make sure it doesn't get confusing, by the way, I should make sure it's clear that all the stuff about channel order is ONLY about the order of the channel pointers in the header (or the placement of numbers in braces, if you're using MML). It doesn't matter that the wind tracks are the last two tracks stored in the file; it only matters that the pointers to those tracks are the first two track pointers.
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