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Divergent Paths: The 3 Scenarios

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Sabin/Edgar's Scenario is done unless someone finds a bug.

In the original post, I have included an attachment so that people who are interested can try it out. Here are a few notes:
1. I included an SRM file for the "choose a scenario" room. So you can jump straight to the changes.
2. When choosing a scenario, ONLY talk to Sabin/Edgar. Terra/Banon and Locke currently jump to the wrong line of code for their scenarios, since I haven't touched them yet.
3. Sabin is equipped with a Moogle Charm so that you can speed through and just view the event hacks.

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I thought the patch was broken but I've discovered it's meant for a headered 1.1 ROM. 1.0 is the norm, but I suppose it's fine if you aren't planning to add patches that were made for 1.0.

Anyways just played through the scenario, very well done! I enjoyed the dialog/interactions for Edgar & Sabin and the event work all looks good with no bugs to report. The only small issue I saw was in the Phantom Forest, you could go outside the intended map boundary, I think it's not like that in the original anyway:
The circled part is where you can go past and move down into that area, the very bottom of the circle actually. I don't think there's any bad tiles there though that cause the player to get stuck forever on, and it's kinda fun to walk in those trees anyway lol. I thought it may be intentional and you hid a treasure there or something, but I don't believe so.

Oh and the party merge after the train switch flipping event looks a little rough I just noticed:
Those can be a bit tricky to make look perfect I do know.

I was a little sad you moved that semi-secret treasure in the Imperial Camp, that one you need to jump down and go into that tent. If you're gonna remove that I'd say remove the event trigger that has the player jump down to access it. Or just put a chest back there...unless I missed something that was there still...?

Feedback and suggestion wise, to me it felt like Edgar took a little bit of a backseat once you board the train, kind of like Edgar was just replacing Shadow in some of those scenes, imo. For instance when Sabin boards the train he says nothing. I mean he doesn't HAVE to, but I think it would be a smart move to have Edgar say Cyan's lines there more and have him be the one who's afraid of ghosts and getting on the haunted train. Cyan he pretty much just met so it would make sense to me to have that interaction be between the Figaro brothers instead, and good for this hack. Also it'd be cool to have Cyan not act like a pussy this time around, as he is an old battle-tested warrior and of course just lost his family and everything he ever cared about, so I would think he could care less about getting on a haunted train/dying, in fact he'd welcome it. But Edgar being afraid instead would be just plain funny! Once inside he could say something like: "If i die who will take care of the world's women!?" or, "I'm much too handsome to die!". One scene change I did admire greatly was the flipping of the switch event. And it'd be cool if when Sabin is eating the ghost food if he splits out from the party too, instead of just Cyan, and maybe says a line or two. I figure you'd wanna showcase Edgar's presence as much as possible. And one tiny request I have would be to have Edgar on the map after the train when Cyan is sad, and able to talk to him, well like Shadow was I guess lol. It just gives the player something to do and another opportunity to have Edgar shine.

Keep up the good work, I'm really looking forward to playing more of this hack! The new dialog definitely fits right in with the original, which is great. And that's nice you tackled the hardest/longest scenario first, should be downhill from here on I'd think unless you got some major twists in store.

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Hey, thanks for all the tips and pointers, and especially for finding the bug.

I'll look into adding Edgar a bit more on the Phantom Train segment. Your suggestions are all good. It'll mean finding space and creating subroutines, and I'm a bit hesitant to do that because I'm going to need to reserve a fair amount of bytes for adding Shadow into Locke's scenario. So we'll see. I thought about having him on the platform after Cyan sees his family leave, but decided against it because I wanted it to be Sabin/Edgar's scenario, not just Sabin's. It felt odd to choose one of them to be in the party and one to stand to the side. I guess for the "exiting the train" sequence, I could just swap Edgar/Sabin for pretty much all of it. I think I'd like to do that when the barmaid in Nikeah flirts with Cyan, because Edgar could have some fun lines there. I'm not going to change much about Cyan's reaction to the Phantom Train, because he is the one who knows the lore about it. Sabin/Edgar are clueless.

As for the secret chest in the military camp, I have played and beaten this game about a dozen times, and I didn't even know it was THERE until I started hacking the map! Maybe I'll stick it back there with a "Tent" and just create an event tile where you fight Telstar. I always thought that Edgar should gain "Flash" from the Telstar, so an event tile would allow me to do that.

Gi Nattack, I've checked my original files, and FF3usME lists both the original ROM I was working from and the patched version as v1.0 Headered.

I am also wondering about your comment that Edgar took a backseat on the Phantom Train. When you boarded the train and found it was locked, did you get the line of Edgar saying that the train is just a machine, and that he can disable it if they get to the engine room? Or the line about him forgetting his grappling hook? I'm wondering if we're running into a version mismatch here.

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The attachment has been updated to reflect changes to Sabin's scenario based on Gi's feedback. The changes are:

1. It's no longer possible to go out of bounds in the Phantom Forest
2. Edgar plays a more active role in all of the Phantom Train sequences. He has at least 1 line in each scene, and he now shows up in the food car scene.
3. Fixed a bug that I found if Edgar was in the lead when you visited the food car a second time.
4. If Edgar is in your party when Cyan talks to the bar maid, he has his own set of lines.

Additions I may still make: Adding a short scene where Edgar creates the "Flash" tool after fighting Telstar in the Military Camp.
Known Bugs: Locke's scenario doesn't load. Somehow, Terra's black magic targeting got thrown off.
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(09-17-2017, 09:29 PM)PowerPanda Wrote: Gi Nattack, I've checked my original files, and FF3usME lists both the original ROM I was working from and the patched version as v1.0 Headered.

I am also wondering about your comment that Edgar took a backseat on the Phantom Train. When you boarded the train and found it was locked, did you get the line of Edgar saying that the train is just a machine, and that he can disable it if they get to the engine room? Or the line about him forgetting his grappling hook? I'm wondering if we're running into a version mismatch here.

Huh I'm not too sure, alls I know is when I try to patch to a clean 1.0 ROM it doesn't work for me (black screen/doesn't load) and when I patch to a clean 1.1 ROM it works. Shrug Is this not the case for you? Can anyone confirm or deny this?

I did catch those two lines yes, and I really appreciated them. I don't mean to say that he was vacant or a carbon copy of Shadow, more that he could easily get a bit more well deserved screen time and it would go a long way - mainly for the scenes when they board the train from outside (he says nothing) and the restaurant event (he doesn't split from party/say anything). I think altering just those two things would have swayed me to not right that lol. It did feel imo like he was taking Shadow's spot just for those events, the others are all fine just fine. Kappa!

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(09-16-2017, 01:47 AM)PowerPanda Wrote: The solution on the Ghost leaving the party came to me very quickly, and thanks to some great shorthand coding of the following events (There was no check for party membership for Shadow's remaining scenes, nor on Gau's for the Nikeah ferry. The game just listed both of them as "Party Character 2"), I mostly completed the 2 brothers' scenario tonight. I just need to figure out a quick, elegant way to prevent the character from accessing Barren Falls until the scenario is done.

Couldn't you put an NPC guarding the falls and have them say something like "The Falls have been closed off for some reason or Edgar and Sabin are like "I don't think this is a good idea right now" or "We shouldn't be here, let's get out of here" something like that. It will at least make it logical.

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That's in the current patch. I ended up having the merchant from Gau's father's house block the entrance. It also allows Sabin/Edgar the chance to buy healing items, since neither have magic

FFVI: Divergent Paths (Completed) - a complete storyline and gameplay hack of FF6 that adds Leo as a playable character

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Terra's scenario is complete! It was a stroke of luck on my part. I had forgotten that EXP was not gained on the Veldt, so this scenario would leave whomever was in it under-leveled. It just so happens that the characters are Terra, who leaves the party after the battle to save the Esper and then is auto-leveld later in the game, Banon, who never joins your party again, and Gau, who joins right at the end and starts at a higher level.

Anyway, it took nearly 5 hours to figure out how to branch from the Serpent Trench to the "Choose a Scenario" room, since the Serpent Trench segment ends not in the trench, but on the dock in Nikeah. Darn embedded vehicle segments! I stumbled across a solution by having the Nikeah dock load in the background without music playing. Then, if you hadn't yet completed the scenario, the game would bring you back to the "Choose a Scenario" room. If you HAD completed the scenario, it would start up the music and restore the screen from fade. The load takes about 1 second longer, and your character starts on the dock standing upright (due to space issues), but I couldn't think of another way to do it.

I also changed around Gau's Father so that he is no longer sexist. He'll babble about his repairs to anyone who isn't a child or an animal. Also, almost 20 years after I first played the game, I finally gave him a clock that you can examine!

The one "error" I have right now is when you recruit Gau. Normally, the screen will fade, Sabin's character sprite will morph into an Imp, and the Imp will explain how to use "Rage". During the process, it will change to Gau's sprite, back to the Imp sprite, and then finally back to Sabin. Since Sabin is no longer IN this scene (all his actions were replaced with Banon), the sprite changes don't work. If anyone wants to examine that code and offer pointers, I'll hear them. For now, I've just changed that scene so that Gau explains his own abilities, and all of the sprite changes purposely fail out.

I will upload a new patch if people request it. Otherwise, I'll keep working in the background.

FFVI: Divergent Paths (Completed) - a complete storyline and gameplay hack of FF6 that adds Leo as a playable character

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I have made some major progress this week, finishing off Locke's scenario. New events were written for recruiting Shadow. You need to talk to him in the Cafe while in disguise. Then, once you wind the clock revealing the secret passageway, Shadow will corner you and give you the option of him joining. He stays in the party through fighting the Tunnel Armor, then can randomly leave between South Figaro Cave and Narshe. If he's still in your party in Narshe, he will leave once the guards deny you entry.

[Image: sO7TXyal.png]

I'm going to have some fun with the scene where everyone comes back together. It looks long and involved, but not that difficult compared to the other challenges I've faced with this hack.

The one thing that I don't yet know how to do is edit the mini-map. There's a utility on this page that allows you to put in a prebuilt image, but I need to make the following edits:
1. I filled in a bay to become the new Phantom Forest
2. Returner's Hideout has changed locations.
3. Gau's Father's House has changed locations.
So, fairly minor edits in the grand scheme, if anyone knows how to do it.

FFVI: Divergent Paths (Completed) - a complete storyline and gameplay hack of FF6 that adds Leo as a playable character

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The mini-map is a compressed graphic, so you'll need to use a utility called PeerSpriteViewer to decompress and export the graphic of the map, and then use yy-chr to edit it.
This here's a good tutorial on the process:
And PSV:

And the mini-maps offsets (Header):
2FE69B 2FEAB2 MAP World of Balance Miniature Map
408 compressed length

2FEAB3 2FEF25 MAP World of Ruin Miniature Map
473 compressed length

Be careful not to go past the original compressed length or it spill over into the next data and mess things up.

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