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Introduction Thread

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Well I'l break the Ice for myself I guess, I'm Gilgameshversion or better known as "Andrew".

My strong points of FF6 Hacking would be FF6 MDE for custom spell animations and I also double as a Developer of the Online game, Final Fantasy Dusk And Dawn .

I am not a very good part of the crew but soon hopefully I might be composing music for the game. You will be buying my Album, I wil be rich, MWUHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!!

(I'm joking the project is FTP and always will be)


What's up everyone, I learned about this website trough gamefaqs...

I'm a 24 years old french canadian guy, workin' in construction since two years now. I've been a fan of RPGs since I'm pretty much 8 years old, my love for these games got me unto learning english very early all by myself.

FFVI being my favorite one of the FF series, I had to come over on this website to see how I should modify it to set-up new standards toward this game I've beaten over 7 times...

So that's pretty much what's poppin'... I mean I'm not much of a programmer but I have very clever ideas if you guys are opened for suggestions upon your projects goin' on...

Anyone has some early suggestions about how I should re-run my FFVI? Or just a complete working mod?

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(10-19-2010, 10:05 PM)Orlandupid='5418 Wrote: I've been a fan of RPGs since I'm pretty much 8 years old, my love for these games got me unto learning english very early all by myself.

That is very impressive! It's nice to meet you, and welcome to the site.

We are born, live, die and then do the same thing over again.

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welcome Smile

"Sometimes ninjas do wrong to each other, and in dat way the force of tha earf' comes around da moon - and at that presence, da dirt, it overshadows the grass, so you're like, I can't cut dis grass, there's no sun comin' through. So in order to enable each other the two fruits have to look each other in da eye and understand we can only be right, as da ripe is wrong, you know what I mean?"


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Is your first language French, then?

Have you done any hacking before, even simple things?

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That's a pretty awesome way to learn the language. =)

(10-20-2010, 12:49 AM)DjinnAndTonic Wrote: Is your first language French, then?
Yes it is, I was born and raised in the province of Québec in Canada... In a small town named Cowansville, barely 30km beside the border of the USA.

(10-20-2010, 12:49 AM)DjinnAndTonic Wrote: Have you done any hacking before, even simple things?

Well I'm actually pretty good with computers, been studying for 3 years into informatics but I was really lame at programming and I was pretty much the black-sheep of the group... so I ended up quitting it Sad

As far as rom hacking goes, I've never really tried it anyhow but since winter's coming I'll spend more time at home then goin' out...

It's really nice to see that there's a gang of ppl that are die-heart lovers for FFVI and that your working on many projects... I'm also a huge fan of Chrono Trigger but it broke my heart when I saw the CT:CE videos cuz Square-Enix are such DICKS now! Hit

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Well we are glad to have you here, Orlandu! ^-^

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(10-23-2010, 05:10 AM)Orlandu Wrote:
(10-20-2010, 12:49 AM)DjinnAndTonic Wrote: Have you done any hacking before, even simple things?

Well I'm actually pretty good with computers, been studying for 3 years into informatics but I was really lame at programming and I was pretty much the black-sheep of the group... so I ended up quitting it Sad

Hey, that's more programming classes than I've had, and even -I- figured out the basics of hex-editing. You'll be a nice addition.

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Wow I never saw this thread but my names Justin shows and I I've always just loved ff6! I've played llg's. low level natural magic no item games. and a bunch more! After I FINALLY decided there was nothing more to do in ff6, I went to YouTube and somehow found nattaks video teaser of LH and was like WOW! (in my head of course, that's be weird :/ ) and just had to make what you guys called a rom hack! (A term that was really weird to me xD) but man has/is it a lot harder than I thought!
I SOMEHOW came through, well still coming through! (didn't sound bad in my head O__0)
I can't thank nattak and poco loco enough for having mercy on me in my first few topic posts ( don't u dare look) but they've really helped me get into this and now I've found my strengths and weaknesses. My weakness is definitely spiriting lol. But I love hex editing and map editing. You know something I've noticed in pretty much every rom hack is there's really no new levels, save for eve of darkness. The developers of FF3LE did an AWESOME job to me, save for the exit-fields-that-are-higher-than-three-bytes error, it's the second best editor to me.
But anyways, after seeing the lack of new maps, I was like is it really that hard to make new levels?? Then I decided to make a new figaro and and absolutely loved the first design! But then I realized that once I ran zsnes it didn't take long for all the sprites to collide with objects I'd drawn and soo much more issues! So I turned to hex editing of course, re rerouted their action queues and overall created a pretty good New Figaro!
(If you downloaded my other ROM hack delete it! Seriously I uploaded the wrong 1 for one thing, it's ancient, and loaded with bugs!)
But ANYWAYS the reason I mention all that is just so if ANYONE wants to make a new map but is/gets scared when their ROM crashes due to the new map design crashing with the action queues, PM me and I'll patch up the hex and action queues to make you new map look awesome! But yeah that's pretty much me, oh and I use this site from my ipod alot so sry about typos! It's loud in McDonalds and Taco Bell, sheesh!

[Image: funnysiga.jpg]


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