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Missing "throw" (Hawkeye effect) Animations

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Hi everybody.

I'm having some weapons have the "throw" effect of the Sniper/Hawkeye weapons, with modified code to do x1.5 damage to every enemy 50% of the time.

And while I am getting the damage, I'm not getting the animation. I'm not getting ANY animation, in fact. It looks like a regular attacks like the others.

The item I'm changing is 79, previously a Card weapon, Doom Darts. The new weapon doesn't have any usME flag other than "2 hands" and "SwdTech". Obviously, in extra effects, there's the "Randomly throw weapon."

Any ideas? I'm specifically looking for the knife throw animation.

Thanks in advance!

Also, just in case:
Sniper/Hawk Eye effect

C2/38FE: 20 53 4B     JSR $4B53      (random: 0 or 1 in Carry flag)
C2/3901: 90 FA        BCC $38FD      (50% chance exit)
C2/3903: E6 BC        INC $BC        (Add 1 to damage incrementor)
C2/3905: B9 F9 3E     LDA $3EF9,Y
C2/3908: 10 F3        BPL $38FD      (Exit if not target not Floating)
C2/390A: A5 B5        LDA $B5
C2/390C: C9 00        CMP #$00
C2/390E: D0 ED        BNE $38FD      (Exit if command not Fight?)
C2/3910: E6 BC        INC $BC
C2/3912: E6 BC        INC $BC
C2/3914: E6 BC        INC $BC        (Add another 3 to damage incrementor)
C2/3916: A9 08        LDA #$08
C2/3918: 85 B5        STA $B5        (Store Throw for *purposes of animation*)
C2/391A: A5 B7        LDA $B7        (get graphic index)
C2/391C: 3A           DEC
C2/391D: 85 B6        STA $B6        (undo earlier adjustment, save as Throw parameter)
C2/391F: 4C BB 35     JMP $35BB      (Update a previous entry in ($76) animation buffer
                                     with data in $B4 - $B7)

What I have is EA'd C2/3905, C2/3908 and, in C2/3910, C2/3912 and C2/3914, the BC bytes.

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Take a look at C1/B9C5. There's data at $D10040 (one byte per item) that determines what the throw and jump animation will be. Add one to the item index to find the byte for your weapon (i.e. for Doom Darts, edit $D10090). The format for the byte looks like this:

d: use normal "Fight" animation when thrown (ignore "t" value)
j: jump animation
  0 = unarmed
  1 = thick knife
  2 = thin knife
  3 = sword
  4 = katana
  5 = rod
  6 = spear
  7 = hawk eye/sniper
t: throw animation
  0 = thick knife
  1 = thin knife
  2 = sword
  3 = katana
  4 = rod
  5 = spear
  6 = hawk eye/sniper
  7 = ???
  8 = fire skean
  9 = water edge
  10 = bolt edge
  11 = inviz edge
  12 = shadow edge
  13 = full moon/morning star/rising sun
  14 = boomerang
  15 = ???
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Well, it certainly took me some time to figure it out (surprisingly), but this worked! I had trouble noticing that the 8 at "j" meant "ignore throw anim."
I also had trouble translating "djjjtttt" when a byte is just two elements xD I'm a dope.

So, yes, basically for each weapon, there's a byte composed by two numbers: the first one determines the jump animation, and the second the throw animation, each represented by the above table. Just laying this here if I get confused next time. Thank you!

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So to be sure I understand this, this stuff here.

[Image: ThrowJump_zpsmzhrvnd0.png]

in the highlighted bit, 2 is the Jump animation, 1 is the Throw animation, for Weapon #6?

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Indeed looks like that. As I said, first number 2 is the jump anim, and the second number 1 is the throw anim.

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Hm. Because mine isn't working. I made Item 25 a spear and changed its animation here as shown, but in-game it's a sword.

[Image: Spear_zpsezny08on.png]

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Don't quote me on this, but looks like the following byte is actual sword animation. Maybe you mistook the item you're editing?

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Nope. 6, 5 - Spear.

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No, the item NUMBER, as in you think you're editing item 25 but you're editing 24. Just a guess, again.

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Yup, everything is shifted forward one. So item 25 is actually 26. Okay then, thanks.

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