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Pony Fantasy VI Remake

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(04-14-2016, 07:43 AM)DrakeyC Wrote: So in other words, these sprites with the attachments at the top of the Air Force sprite just won't work?

Welll yes and no. they won't work like this but if you get creative you can probably make them work. Pessimism won't help.

My tests where quick and I only used the first two slots so I just wrote a rough analogy of what I saw. You should play around with the slots and X/Y locations to see what happens. I don't know how this works but it looks like your issue.

I think the developers must have realised this problem so there should be some solution, finding a monster formation where attachments to something are at the top would help.

But I need to leave soon so I'm just gonna go ahead and guess there is something in the Battle Animation Script that affects layering:
Here are some commands that looked phishy:

$D1 xx          $E73D Validate/Invalidate Character/Monster Order Priority (0 = validate, 1 = invalidate)
$EC xx          $DC55 Change Thread Layer (0 = sprite, 1 = bg1, 2 = bg3)
$ED             $DB8F
$EE --oo----    $E5C5 Set Target's Sprite Tile Priority
$F4 -------t    $F30F Set Sprite Layer Priority

But I have no clue about this really, never used it.

Looking again at the layout I don't understand why Laser Gun is on top, especially when Dinky is not, they have the same slot and relation to the blue box. Perhaps you have a modified Battle Event?

Other solutions might be to stretch the bounding-boxes with empty tiles. Fooling the layering engine.

If that's all to adamant you can simply have one big monster sprite and have Dinky and Button contain a transparent sprite. You won't see them die, but they will be targetable (and you'll hear them die).

Give it a little thought and test some stuff. Let us know what happens. Happy hacking!

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From your tests, does the layering work off the the top of the sprite, or the bottom? I should hopefully be able to add blank tiles to get them to work.

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The problem is I can't play around with the slots, Mold 7 is the only one that can be used - the Air Force sprite's size doesn't work with other molds that could accommodate four enemies, and other molds that can accommodate Air Force's don't work for 4 enemies.

The battle event would cause the sprite layers to change? Because if that's so it may be, I've been testing this via my bonus boss change that initiates the battle by talking to Gestahl's portrait in Jidoor.

@Rydel - but if blank tiles were added to Derpy to allow Dinky and Button to show, wouldn't that look weird when they're destroyed?

If we can't get this to work, my preferred course would be to get rid of the Speck, and go with Mold 4 where Air Force has one large sprite and the two attachments have their own aircraft flying alongside it. But I would like to get this to work if we can.

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It shouldn't look weird when they're destroyed - the blank tiles shouldn't change the appearance at all.

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Sorry, I don't have much time today to look into this. But here are some thoughts for now.

Quote:From your tests, does the layering work off the the top of the sprite, or the bottom?
I did the tests with evenly sized sprites I think :S so I don't really know, but I would expect bottom since this is to provide depth to the picture.

Quote:The battle event would cause the sprite layers to change? Because if that's so it may be, I've been testing this via my bonus boss change that initiates the battle by talking to Gestahl's portrait in Jidoor.

If you can look up the original battle event there should be something interesting in the battle animation for monsters in slot 2 and 4.

Padding with empty tiles might screw the cursor position, but I'm not sure.

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Playthrough of second beta version begins. Wish me luck, hope all works well.

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Okay, I want to remove the event where Edgar and Locke to Terra's magic. However, it seems that's going to be trickier than just removing the event from the Magitek Armor's attack script. If I had to guess, the event is hardcoded to happen when Terra uses her magic, because that is what's happening - the event is gone from the AI script but casting magic with Terra makes it happen. And it's Terra specifically, Edgar also has magic but only Terra's spells trigger the event.

So, how might I look at getting rid of it?

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Disable the setting of the bit when you escape Figaro (FD FD):

CA/637F: B8    Set bit $1DC9($41) [$1DD1, bit 1]

Alternatively, if I'm missing the obvious or something, a dirty way to possibly do it is ending the battle event right when it start by putting "FF" at $D0A0E4 (headered ROM). This is quite less elegant but I'd be interested of seeing the result, not interested enough to try it myself though.

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Well, intriguingly, on a headered rom D0A0E4 is already FF. Go figure.

The other stuff, do you mean when I actually spawn on the world map that works? Because it's during the fight with the Magitek Armor. I'm just unclear on what you mean by "escape from Figaro."

Anyway, this is what is at the address you directed me to, what needs to be replaced with FD FD? Just replacing B8 did nothing and I don't see 1D, C9, or D1 bytes in the sequence. (EDIT - replacing the B8 41 with FD FD didn't work either)

[Image: Event_zpszvuzon1s.png]

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You need to restart the game from before you speak to kefka in Figaro Castle (well before you escape on chocobos). Last dialogue before is:


Erasing the two bytes of the command should work. If not, replace B8 by B9 and keep the 41.

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