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???????????? skills

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Now this might be a simple fix but after doing a bunch of editting I went to test my beta and at the beginning with Vicks and wedge, instead of having empty slots for skills they don't have, they have the ?????????? There. How do I fix that?

[Image: 5452812CeqVF.png]
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Have you modified this? (maybe with FF3usME)
Data: Magitek attacks for everyone but Terra

C1/9114:    00 01        C1/9116:    02 FF        C1/9118:    04 FF        C1/911A:    FF FF

[Image: SvEf6Yh.png]

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(05-10-2014, 09:47 AM)Xenovant Wrote: Have you modified this? (maybe with FF3usME)
Data: Magitek attacks for everyone but Terra

C1/9114:    00 01        C1/9116:    02 FF        C1/9118:    04 FF        C1/911A:    FF FF

I did not

[Image: 5452812CeqVF.png]
[Image: RoyakenGif_zpsacedef24.gif]

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Please, check it, maybe you modified it and you didn't even notice Tongue

The ""empty" value is FF

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(05-10-2014, 10:02 AM)Xenovant Wrote: Please, check it, maybe you modified it and you didn't even notice Tongue

The ""empty" value is FF

I write down everything I change xD. I even enter patches manually bcuz. Of issues in the past. Lol. It's not been changed. That being said I'm at work so I can't check anyway. Also, wouldn't that give met skills and not "??????????" skills? In ff3usme they empty slots are defaultey listed as "??????????"

[Image: 5452812CeqVF.png]
[Image: RoyakenGif_zpsacedef24.gif]

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IIRC, ffusme is "bugged" there, it assumes that ????? and "empty" are the same thing, but they aren't. I changed a few commands there once, and it changed every empty value to ?????, I had to change them back to "empty" (FF) manually.

[Image: SvEf6Yh.png]

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This is from an email I wrote Lord J in August 2013 and sounds like the issue you are probably having, although if you did not have this happen from working with the M-Tek Editor, I'm not sure what caused it:

Me: Hi J, I stumbled upon a bug and I'm not sure if it's a direct result of usme or something that is unrelated and just also does it in usme, but here's what it is:

For the Magitek skills, normally the non-terra actors have 4 selectable skills, and the unused skills are labled as ???????????, which is the spell that does nothing - and in game the Magitek skills with the ??????????? do not show up and are unselecable.

The bug is that if/once you change the ?????????? skills to something else in the Magitek skills editor and save, then if you want to change them back to normal again, to the ??????????, the ?????????? will show up in the game and you can select them and are glitched.

So the bug is once you edit the ????????? to another skill, then try to change them back to normal, they will now show the ?????????? in the list and be glitched.

Lord J:

Hi Mike,

Indeed there is trouble with the M-Tek Editor. Every time the selection is made to be the last entry, the empty command that normally is 0xFF is replaced with 0x7C. Best stick with the hex editor for this ATM.

I've confirmed (and fixed :p) this on my local build. Guess I have no choice than to start working on v6.8, eh? Seriously, I don't know if this time it'll be real but I've already started a list of stuff people requested over the last two years.


Please go to the address Xenovant showed ya and change them back to FF. He is right for you to at least take a minute to check it and not assume that since you didn't change anything directly that nothing is wrong there, although if this is the case you did change it but changed it back.

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Here is the thing I am not understanding. I may have misunderstood from nattacks post but a gather that if I had editted those skills but then changed them back that's what caused the issue. Probably misunderstood that.

Now, I did just check the hex and they were indeed changed but not once did I even touch the skills of anything so why would that happen?

Also, thanx guys!

EDIT: also I wasn't just not doing it. I'm at work and not have access to a hex editor. Had to get my ff to do it xD

[Image: 5452812CeqVF.png]
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