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Need help to create a custom event

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This is how your event is right now (from the 6B command):

1) 6B 84 00 00 40 21    (load map 84, party position 00, 40)
2) 40 40 00             (assign property 00 to character 40)
3) 01 3D ....           (and the 3D next bytes since it's an action queue of 0x3D long for character 01)

What it should be roughly (from what I understand of your post):

1) 6B 84 00 XX YY ZZ    (I can't tell exactly what ZZ should be)
2) 40 00 01             (Assign property 01 to character 00)
3) 3D 00                (create object 00)
4) 37 00 04             (give character 00 graphic set 04)
5) 43 00 01             (assign palette 01 to character 00)
6) 45                   (refresh object)

palette numbers and graphics set are maybe not right but you get the idea.

You can repeat this for every party member. As for party members, you got it inverted. it would be as an example 3F 01 0E to assign character 0E to party 01.

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Thank you Madsiur, its working. :-)
But I need more help, 'm only able to make 1 character in my party.
This is working
The adress is CC9AE0
2) 40 00 01 (Assign property 01 to character 00)
3) 3D 00 (create object 00)
4) 37 00 00 (give character 00 graphic set 00)
5) 43 00 01 (assign palette 01 to character 00)
6) 45 (refresh object)
7)3f 01 00 to have character 00 in party 01
8)3f 01 02 to have character 02 in party 01(I dont see this character)
9)3f 0e 00 3f 0f 00 (biggs and wedge not in my party
I tried to add the character 02 but the fight dont start
[Image: z068x0g3pizgvbm4g.jpg]
I've done the same thing twice (point 1 to 6) and put 4d 01 3f to start a battle but... the screen goes black.
[Image: c0pcfsb3if62o2j4g.jpg]

1- What is wrong with what I've done?
2-Where do I input the 4d invoke battle?
3-Do I need to create an object to have them in my party at the beginning

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(09-01-2013, 04:53 PM)Astaroth_ Wrote: 1- What is wrong with what I've done?

With a quick look your WindHex screenshots seems ok. The only wrong thing I see is your step 9. We should read 3F 00 0E and 3F 00 0F. If object 0E and 0F were not created and you try to remove them from the party, I dunno if it would cause the game to crash. Also, the first thing I would do after the bit cleared (DD 2A) is loading the map. I'm not sure if this change anything in fact, but in every event the map is loaded first or is one of the first thing that is done.

(09-01-2013, 04:53 PM)Astaroth_ Wrote: 2-Where do I input the 4d invoke battle?

Usually, it is set on the event that will be trigerred when you talk to a NPC (such as a boss) but I'm pretty sure it can be placed anywhere. If you want to check for a game over (if your party dies) you need to call another event that will check for a possible game over and after restore screen from fade in case your party won the fight.

CB/04A1: 4D    Invoke battle, enemy set $08, background $0D (Raft on a River), (mosaic effect enabled), (swoosh sound enabled)
CB/04A4: B2    Call subroutine $CA5EA9
CB/04A8: 96    Restore screen from fade

(09-01-2013, 04:53 PM)Astaroth_ Wrote: 3-Do I need to create an object to have them in my party at the beginning

Yes. There is no default party at the beginning. Terra, Biggs and Wedge are created and added to the party.

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