Poll: Which is your favorite spell?
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Flare 60.19% 65 60.19%
Holy 39.81% 43 39.81%
Total 108 vote(s) 100%
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Flare or Holy

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So, in your opinion, which is better? Do you like Flare, or Holy more?

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I like Flare more 'cause it's imba and goes right through defense, and is not fire damage so it cannot be absorbed whaaaa?!

If we're talkin' FFVI, I like the sound much more also - I find Holy, or Pearl, rather, rather annoying. It's also more of an evil spell I guess, which appeals more to me than some good ol' white angelic spell. Holy does have the 2X damage vs. undead going for it though, which is cool, but can be absorbed in a lot of instances which makes it pale in comparison.

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idk something about flare always had a place in my heart

I feel holy never truly got the exposure it deserved throughout the years (at least thats my opinion), and I think its a pretty awesome spell

but my vote goes to flare

"Sometimes ninjas do wrong to each other, and in dat way the force of tha earf' comes around da moon - and at that presence, da dirt, it overshadows the grass, so you're like, I can't cut dis grass, there's no sun comin' through. So in order to enable each other the two fruits have to look each other in da eye and understand we can only be right, as da ripe is wrong, you know what I mean?"


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Gameplay wise , the fact that flare ignores defense makes it one of the most unique spell in the game. But, Pearl animation is far superior.Still, point goes to Flare.

[Image: rrj.gif]

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oh yeah the animation 4 pearl in FF6 was always epic, when I 1st saw it as a kid I was like "holy shit" LMFAO

"Sometimes ninjas do wrong to each other, and in dat way the force of tha earf' comes around da moon - and at that presence, da dirt, it overshadows the grass, so you're like, I can't cut dis grass, there's no sun comin' through. So in order to enable each other the two fruits have to look each other in da eye and understand we can only be right, as da ripe is wrong, you know what I mean?"


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I voted holy but I mean pearl not the spell name holy. Pearl Is the coolest spell name of all ff spells after Merton and Quasar (meltdown sounds lame but merton sounds badass) to me. Well I thought Heartbreaker was awesome too especially In combination with the nicely looking weapon lionheart but im getting off topic here Tongue.

Point is I voted it for the name Pearl and not any effects or the animation (though the animation is indeed amazing).

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I'm surprised no one pointed out how awesome Holy (White) was in FFIV on the SNES. It's animation was awesome with the white and blue pearl-esque obs, then the screen turns red as if they're burning from the inside out. The sound effects were amazing for that spell on the SNES version too, that's why I voted for Holy instead of Flare.
Flare is just another strong spell for a black mage because a BM can just learn Meteor, or Ultima which are both better. Holy on the other hand is like the only offensive White Mage spell there is.

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Meteor and Ultima aren't exactly what one would call economical spells; especially Ultima. A Black Mage may be able to learn those but Flare in and of itself is quite superior to them (with the exception of SOME meteors) as it ignores defense it isn't too costly and you would deal more damage by casting that twice than casting ultima once and still save mp.

Holy itself is rarely used and often not obtainable. in final fantasy 9 Holy was incredibly powerful and made Eiko an actual choice between Garnet and her. But overall if you have Flare; a non-elemental defense ignoring spell against a powerful but absorbable spell...Holy kind of falls short in my opinion.

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In terms of MP, Flare is a better choice in the long run. At end game when you have Gem Box and Economizer, Ultima and Meteor are the better choices.

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My favorite is Flare cause several reasons:

1. in every Final fantasy game it fry the bad guys everytime!
2.I LOVED Lucca using it! (I refering Chrono Trigger)
3.what can I say it's like having baby dragon on your side!

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