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hello everyone im MugenHeadNinja (my youtube is the same) and i enjoy final fantasy games and general turn based RPGs such as Chrono Trigger/Cross,earthbound ect. my fav RPGs are
1.Final fantasy 6
2.Chrono Trigger
3.Final Fantasy 4 (and interlude and after years thats on the complete collection)
4.The Last Reminent
5.Lost Odyssey
(i didnt wanna put both lost odyssey and the last reminent but last reminent just had to be here and i didnt wanna overhype ff7/8/9)
the reason i enjoy final fantasy 6 so much is the extensive database of rom hacks there are so once i beat the original ff6 ill just use a romhack to fix that weither its adding a new boss or a new story or whatever making almost infinite replay value what also gives it replay value is how many hacks that are being made the main thing i want you all to know is that ive tried to get into rom hacking but i just cant get to it i use to have lordenvoy teach me but school got me caught up and whenever i had free time it seemed he didnt so i gave up all together but now i have the urge to start again one of the main problems is that its kinda hard for me to learn it like whenever i look at a script you may see A87 - B24 - A94 and say oh ok he will do flare and if terra is in the party and alive it will always attack her and if she isnt it will attack a random alive party member when all i see is numbers and letters and wonder "what the hell is this" (of course i was using a figure of speech btw) so if anybody can help me out on that it will be appresiated [ im suck at spelling big words like that Smile ] anyways im glad to be on the forums and i hope to have a good time and my biggest goal is to make a hack boss that gets atleast 3 stars Smile

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(12-30-2011, 02:07 PM)MugenHeadNinja Wrote: hello everyone im MugenHeadNinja (my youtube is the same) and i enjoy final fantasy games and general turn based RPGs such as Chrono Trigger/Cross,earthbound ect. my fav RPGs are
1.Final fantasy 6
2.Chrono Trigger
3.Final Fantasy 4 (and interlude and after years thats on the complete collection)
4.The Last Reminent
5.Lost Odyssey
(i didnt wanna put both lost odyssey and the last reminent but last reminent just had to be here and i didnt wanna overhype ff7/8/9)
the reason i enjoy final fantasy 6 so much is the extensive database of rom hacks there are so once i beat the original ff6 ill just use a romhack to fix that weither its adding a new boss or a new story or whatever making almost infinite replay value what also gives it replay value is how many hacks that are being made the main thing i want you all to know is that ive tried to get into rom hacking but i just cant get to it i use to have lordenvoy teach me but school got me caught up and whenever i had free time it seemed he didnt so i gave up all together but now i have the urge to start again one of the main problems is that its kinda hard for me to learn it like whenever i look at a script you may see A87 - B24 - A94 and say oh ok he will do flare and if terra is in the party and alive it will always attack her and if she isnt it will attack a random alive party member when all i see is numbers and letters and wonder "what the hell is this" (of course i was using a figure of speech btw) so if anybody can help me out on that it will be appresiated [ im suck at spelling big words like that Smile ] anyways im glad to be on the forums and i hope to have a good time and my biggest goal is to make a hack boss that gets atleast 3 stars Smile
Welcome to the forum! I'm sure you'll be able to get lots of help here Smile

NNID (Wii U): pjmcphee
PSN: PaJMtree
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lol thanks im enjoying it here so far Smile like i said im trying to get into romhacking but its hard for me lol

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Not to try and be an ass at all or anything, but the "Introduction" Thread I feel would have been a much better place for this, as that's what it's there for.

Also, on a side note, I did not spot a period in that whole wall of text, it was pretty difficult to read bro. =X Might want to show a little better attempt at some real sentence structure and punctuation. I apologize if English is not your primary, or some other reason. We are not grammar whores here, I'm just saying this as my opinion, as it almost detours me away from looking at the post at all, thus negating any potential response or assistance. So just please keep this in mind for future threads. ^_^

Welcome to the forums, nonetheless!

We are born, live, die and then do the same thing over again.

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I agree with Nattak. After reading the second sentence my eyes instantly stray away, looking for something else to do. Please read the rules regarding the proper use of language.

That aside, welcome to the site! Take your time and browse through the forums, it's most likely that your questions are answered in the tutorials section or other threads.

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guys english is my first language but ive gotten use to not putting punctuations or anything like that. on some posts you may notice im using punctuation im still trying to get use to using them. forgive me for this not using punctuations has become a habbit because i typed like that all the time on facebook

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