Author: madsiur - Replies: 19 - Views: 19865
Stamina in HP Growth Calculation
author: madsiur
version: 1.0
date: 2016/05/05
Apply to: FF3us 1.0

hpC2.asm: For implementation in bank $C2
hpEE.asm: For implementation in bank $EE or any other bank

Apply with xkas 0.06
Command example: xkas hpEE.asm romname.smc

Space used

hpC2.asm: 36 bytes in bank $C2
hpEE.asm: 46 bytes in bank $EE (or the bank of your choice)


This tweak implement character stamina
Author: HatZen08 - Replies: 1 - Views: 3097
Patch: Nature Dance

I will slowly add my patches in the wiki. For the new or uptaded patches with relevance, i should create a thread for discussion, notification or comments. For the old ones whitout significative changes, i will silently add them. Because of real life and the time necessary to review and adjust the patches, it should take a while...

For now, i have a new one. Please, check the wiki page: [url=https://www.ff6hacking.com/wiki/doku.php?id=ff3:ff3us:patches:hatzen08:nature_dance]Natu
Author: HatZen08 - Replies: 1 - Views: 2946
Patch: Shadow's Stay
wiki link: Shadow's Stay

This simple patch skips the random leave of Shadow at the end of battles in the World of Balance.

Recommended if you want to use Shadow's slot for another new character with a different plot history.
Author: Binarynova - Replies: 6 - Views: 7227
Final Fantasy III NES - Job System Improvement
Final Fantasy III - Job System Improvement

Final version (v2.1) is finished! Download from my site here or at ROMHacking.net here.

The original Final Fantasy 3, for the Famicom, is a great game stuck with some of the worst one-off mechanics from a bygone era. While all of the other 2D era Final Fantasy games got re-rele
Author: MoisésDGT - Replies: 5 - Views: 2731
Strago natural magic
Español Spanish

Tengo un problema de que tengo a Relm como maga blanca y Strago como mago negro y no tengo idea de cómo hacer que Strago aprenda magia de una manera natural y solo se editar cosas básicas en hexadecimal.

English Inglés

I have a problem that I have Relm as a white mage and Strago as a black mage and I have no idea how to make Strago learn magic in a natural way and only edit basic things in hexadecimal.

[code]; header ;

Author: snaphat - Replies: 1 - Views: 1860
Walk Through Walls
I was told that people would probably find these useful so I'm posting. These are raw and game genie codes for FF6 that work without issues (unlike existing codes). As far as I'm aware there isn't any other through wall code for the overworld. I'm also providing the ASM for hacks (helps me with testing).

Walk through walls in Towns/Dungeons:

[code]Raw: C04E4E:EA+C04E4F:EA+C04E57:EA+C04E58:EA+C04E6A:EA+C04E6B:EA+C04E73:EA+C04E74:EA+C04E7E:EA+C04E7F:EA+C04E86:EA+C04E87:EA+C04E8D:EA+C04E8E:EA

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