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24 bit monster HP patch

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Title: 24-bit Monster HP
Author: cklein0001 (aka CRK)

This patch has been made for several years and was taken back up from the grave by Assasin (see this thread). It was made by CRK (cklein0001). The patch allow you to give monsters a HP up to 16 777 215. The patch must be applied to a ROM with a header.

The third byte of the HP is located from 0FD150 to 0FD2CF (CF/CF50 to CF/D0CF). The order of the monsters is the same than the one in FF3usME. As an example, if you want to edit samurai's HP (monster #004) you edit the byte at 0FD154.

Now let's say you want samurai to have 8 000 000 HP. That is 7A1200h. Use your windows calculator if you don't know the hexadecimal system. The byte at CF/D154 will be 7A. For the rest, you can edit the 1200h (4608) with FF3usMe or change manually it in the monsters data (0F0200 to 0F31FF), but I won't cover this.
Your monster will have 4608 HP on the first 2 bytes and 7 995 392 HP on the third one.

Edit: The FC 06 monster script command might behave differently with this patch since the condition would possibly be effective at different intervals depending of the value of the HP. I haven't tested the patch myself with a monster script so I can' tell for sure and maybe the FC 06 command works accordingly with the patch but would still check only below 65535 HP or less.
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can you give me a clue as to what you use to do this? this stuff confuses the heck out of me wanting to put the data in moreso trying to find the hex program to do this.

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(02-20-2012, 12:24 AM)kefkaroth Wrote: can you give me a clue as to what you use to do this? this stuff confuses the heck out of me wanting to put the data in moreso trying to find the hex program to do this.

Any HEX editor will do the work. Some have features that others don't have but they all edit hexadecimal data in the end. I use either HxD, WindHex or XVI32. I would suggest you one of the first two to start.

To use it properly, you can follow a tutorial...there is plenty on the web (like this one). Open your editor, then load a ROM (FF3us ROM in this case). You will have a clear distinction between the address (left) and the data (right). There is 16 bytes per row in the editor. You can now navigate the ROM and go to the good address. If you want to understand binary and Hex data, you can check this tutorial.

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(02-20-2012, 12:24 AM)kefkaroth Wrote: can you give me a clue as to what you use to do this? this stuff confuses the heck out of me wanting to put the data in moreso trying to find the hex program to do this.

No offense, but I suggest that you try figuring out on your own before making a post here or on any other forum *cough*slick productions*cough*. Those poor souls that do not know how Lenophis is, will receive divine judgment; and also, they shall taste the wrath of the gods, delivered by his hand.

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Before I begin with this, i have a question.
After patching this on a headed rom, all the values between 0FD150 to 0FD2CF are FF.
Does this not mean that all of the monsters has 16 million HP?
Shouldnt it be 00?
Or is it just the second byte of theese 2 that matters? But shouldnt it be 0 and not F?
I mean are all the monsters allready set to maximum HP?

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(07-22-2013, 03:11 AM)xeblon Wrote: After patching this on a headed rom, all the values between 0FD150 to 0FD2CF are FF. Does this not mean that all of the monsters has 16 million HP?

The patch doesn't initialize the third bytes. Your best bet is to set them all to 00.

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(02-19-2012, 04:13 PM)madsiur Wrote: The third byte of the HP is located from 0FD150 to 0FD2CF (CF/CF50 to CF/D0CF). The order of the monsters is the same than the one in FF3usME. As an example, if you want to edit samurai's HP (monster #004) you edit the byte at 0FD154.

Now let's say you want samurai to have 8 000 000 HP. That is 7A1200h. Use your windows calculator if you don't know the hexadecimal system. The byte at CF/D154 will be 7A. For the rest, you can edit the 1200h (4608) with FF3usMe or change manually it in the monsters data (0F0200 to 0F31FF), but I won't cover this.
Your monster will have 4608 HP on the first 2 bytes and 7 995 392 HP on the third one.

Judging on where the original monster data is stored according to your post, I assume this is meant for the SNES version of FF6. I'm currently using the GBA ROM which has monster data starting at 73798A instead of 0F0200.

Even after applying the patch (which apparently went through successfully) I cannot find where the 3rd byte is for HP. Can I assume this is not compatible with the GBA version or am I completely off here? I am quite new to this Smile

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Oh yeah, this is definitely NOT compatible with the GBA rom. They're completely different blocks of code, although most of the data structures will be similar. Most of the forum is dedicated to hacking the original SNES version, although you'll find a few projects around that look at GBA (and a couple newer people who are interested in hacking the Steam release).

But yeah, what a patch like this does is just replace one block of code with another, and since the SNES and GBA versions run on different base code -- SNES is 65816 assembly, and I believe GBA is ARM? -- a patch like this isn't going to be directly compatible.

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That's fine. I'll only miss out on Dragon's Den and a few extra esper bosses anyway. I can live with that. Time to move on to SNES. Thank you sir.

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Sorry to be a hassle. But does this patch work with 1.0, 1.1 or both? I know the ROM must be headered (mine is a 1.0 headered). But when I hex edit the Guard at 0FD150 to 01, the guard still has just 40 HP and dies with 1 fire beam attack.

Also will expanding my ROM effect this in any way? I have expanded it to 28-bit. Just wondering why it's having issues. Thanks!

I've included the code below as well. I will note that these did all appear as FF as noted earlier. I don't expect this had anything to do with this issue though.
[Image: HexFF6.png]

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