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Making a bridge...can't quite get it down..

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Bridges can be a real pain in the ass! Trust me I know. I'm still having issues with a bridge on one of my custom maps. From that pic I cannot really tell what the tile properties are, or anything at all. I'd need to really look at the map better, and see exactly what tiles are being used for that structure. But hey, I'll try my best.

First of all, have you changed any tile properties? You shouldn't have to, or be changing any, or it will inevitably mess up other maps that use the same tile sets. Figaro is actually kind of an exception though, because it uses its very own tileset. But as a rule, don't mess with the tile properties. Unless you really know what your doing. Don't worry too much though if you do royally #%@$ up a tileset, you can always import whole tilesets back, as well as export them. Look for that option in the top left somewhere. If you feel like messing around and testing stuff, this is a good way to do so.

Secondly, you will need Level 1 tiles to make it walkable. Level 2 tiles, like you said, are basically only for show and are not physical in any way. That's why you cannot edit their properties, they don't have any. If you find yourself walking and vanishing behind a tile, that's a level 2 tile. If you find yourself getting stuck in a tile, getting mad, and having to reset, that's a level 1 tile. I'm pretty sure I remember that all bridges and bridge like structures are made up of level 1 tiles. I mean the actual part where you walk over. The "physical" part. The level 2 tiles are just what make it look like a bridge. It's kind of hard to think this way, but once you do your good. What your doing though is not a wood bridge, so I don't think level 2 tiles are needed. Could be wrong though. Check Doma Castle's bridge areas for reference.

My advice would be to look at how the other bridged areas are done in the game, and what the tile properties are set at, to compare to your structures. You'll have to open up two LE's (if your computer can handle that.) While your working, often disable (uncheck at the top under "view") level 2 tiles to get a much better look at what's going on physically with the map properties, as well as doing the same for the level 1 tiles. This way you can see what tiles are what, making it easier to build carefully. Keeping the physical map checked so you can see the yellow and red is a must also. I see your already doing that.

Bridges and bridge-like structures that you can walk on and under should always be yellow. It looks to me like yours is all red. XD. Keep in mind that there are different shades of yellow and red. Darker yellow tiles are solid and cannot be walked on, but are passable from all four directions. Let me explain more about that.

Now, I'm not exactly sure what the "solid to tier 1 and 2 are, or really any of that stuff; the "Solid tile, cannot be walked on" sounds pretty self explanatory, but it hides a deeper meaning and can be a little misleading... just know that even if that's checked, you can still make the tile passable from any directions, but you can't physically "walk" on it, for instance your character will not pop up from underneath to walk on that tile, like what's happening to you. The actual level 1 bridge tile properties should be a tile that is solid and cannot be walked on, but is also passable from the west, east, north, and south. These tiles are usually at the top left, and are darker yellow.

Red tiles do not have the solid tile property, and are not passable from any direction, that's why your getting stuck. The different shades of the two colors just have different things checked. The non-colored tiles are solid until tier 2, and like I said, I'm not exactly sure what that means, I just know that all the generic property grassy areas use them. They are the "safest" tiles to use, can't get stuck in them. Now, I'm not going to list what is what for every tile, so I'll stop here.

And never put more tiles on a map than it started with or can allocate, or when you save you'll get a horrible error window, and your ROM will never be able to have its levels edited again. So like anything else, make sure to backup your ROM often.

I hope this helps you out, tiles and bridges are very tricky. Good luck, lemme know how it goes.

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Messages In This Thread
RE: Making a bridge...can't quite get it down.. - by Gi Nattak - 12-20-2010, 05:24 AM

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