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Intermediate Event Editing Video Tutorials

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(12-03-2010, 07:02 PM)xJCSx Wrote: Cool stuff! Here's a link in case anyone wants to see it :p

Might look into that one day Wink
Man I feel like I'm Angelo-abusing here but there's one more thing I was wanting to ask you dude.
And if you don't know the answer that's perfectly fine cuz I don't blame you.
What I need to do in my game is make it where if the player tries to equip an esper on Locke (Bartz), he won't be able to.
You know how the game makes that sound and the screen goes mosaic if you try do something that you aren't allowed to do in the menu?
Well that's kinda what I need to do if the character tries equipping an esper on him.
So what I'm thinking is, once I find the place that has the esper menu data, should I create a jump command that goes to an empty space in the ROM and then, in that empty space, I script the mosaic screen and sound?
I feel like I'm wrong and I'm kinda in the dark with this one.
So either I do that or I guess I find some data to NOP concerning Locke and Espers...
I understand this questions hard to answer so I understand if you don't know man Wink

Thanks nevertheless! Smile


No worries man, ask away anything you want :p

That shouldn't be too much trouble, you want to disable the esper option to locke right? The game already disables this ability for Gogo, it's a matter of finding it and replacing gogo's byte by locke.

Let me look to see what I can find, and I'll get back to you.
This is going to be long...
I found some pieces of code in the C3 bank that may help you, I've highlighted it in red below

Determine if a character actually knows magic
C3/0D2B: AD691A LDA $1A69 (from C3/0CB7)
C3/0D2E: 0D6A1A ORA $1A6A
C3/0D31: 0D6B1A ORA $1A6B
C3/0D34: 0D6C1A ORA $1A6C
C3/0D37: D02A BNE $0D63 (branch if you have at least one esper)
C3/0D39: A667 LDX $67
C3/0D3B: 7B TDC
C3/0D3C: BD0000 LDA $0000,X (character ID)
C3/0D3F: C90C CMP #$0C
C3/0D41: F020 BEQ $0D63 (Branch if it's Gogo)
C3/0D43: B01C BCS $0D61 (Branch if it's Umaro or higher)
C3/0D45: 8D0242 STA $4202 (we're here if character is below Gogo, and you have no espers)
C3/0D48: A936 LDA #$36
C3/0D4A: 8D0342 STA $4203 (#$36 as multiplier)
C3/0D50: A03600 LDY #$0036 (TAY?)
C3/0D53: AE1642 LDX $4216 (load character * spell total)
C3/0D56: BD6E1A LDA $1A6E,X (load spell at X)
C3/0D59: C9FF CMP #$FF (learned it?)
C3/0D5B: F006 BEQ $0D63 (branch if so)
C3/0D5D: E8 INX
C3/0D5E: 88 DEY
C3/0D5F: D0F5 BNE $0D56 (branch if we haven't checked every spell)
C3/0D61: 18 CLC (used by C3/0C6C, says that this character doesn't know magic)
C3/0D62: 60 RTS

C3/0D63: 38 SEC (flag MP as ok to display)
C3/0D64: 60 RTS

Enabling and disabling aspects of the skills menu
C3/4D3D: A924 LDA #$24 (from C3/1E89, C3/4CDB)
C3/4D3F: A600 LDX $00
C3/4D40: 9579 STA $79,X
C3/4D42: E8 INX
C3/4D43: E00700 CPX #$0007
C3/4D47: D0F8 BNE $4D40 (disable all commands for that character)
C3/4D49: 20DD4E JSR $4EDD
C3/4D4C: 5A PHY
C3/4D4D: A20400 LDX #$0004
C3/4D50: DA PHX
C3/4D51: A600 LDX $00
C3/4D53: B91600 LDA $0016,Y
C3/4D56: DF784DC3 CMP $C34D78,X
C3/4D5A: D004 BNE $4D5F (branch if skill does not match one on list)
C3/4D5C: A920 LDA #$20
C3/4D5E: 9579 STA $79,X (enable the skill for that character)
C3/4D5F: E8 INX
C3/4D60: E00700 CPX #$0007
C3/4D64: D0ED BNE $4D53 (branch if haven't checked all 7 skills?)
C3/4D66: C8 INY
C3/4D67: FA PLX
C3/4D68: CA DEX
C3/4D69: D0E5 BNE $4D50
C3/4D6B: 7A PLY
C3/4D6C: B90000 LDA $0000,Y
C3/4D6F: C90C CMP #$0C
C3/4D71: D004 BNE $4D77 (Branch if it's not Gogo)
C3/4D73: A924 LDA #$24
C3/4D75: 8579 STA $79 (disable esper menu)
C3/4D77: 60 RTS

The byte 0C corresponds to Gogo's ID, you could just replace 0C by locke's ID (01?), or the long way may be using JSR / RTS to include several characters...

Let me know if this helps. :p

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RE: Intermediate Event Editing VIDEO Tutorial! :) - by Angelo26 - 12-03-2010, 09:14 PM

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