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Patch: Restored Ability Names (Update)

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(05-26-2024, 03:33 PM)DrakeyC Wrote: It occurred to me suddenly - why is it that the Magitek ability names are retained in their vanilla location and just made longer? I noticed their longer names in the list in the F bank I had moved the expanded ability names to. Trying to simply redirect the C1 bank pointer didn't work, so obviously there were problems you can into trying to do this, and I ran into problems but am not quite sure how to put them into words. So I'm wondering why you didn't do it, and perhaps I can troubleshoot for you?

The new list in the F2 bank is used for the attack message that appears at the top of the screen.
It is rendered with the large variable width font, where the only real limiting factor is the width of the rendered text.
RAN allots 16 characters per entry. ("Magitek Missile", for example, has 15 characters.)

The pointer in the C1 bank (C1/650A), which points to the vanilla location, is for the menu.
The menu is only wide enough to fit 13 small-font tiles per side, so it can't use the F2 list.
We have to use new custom tiles in order to squeeze "Magitek Missile" into 13 tiles.

So, due to the font differences, it is necessary to maintain two lists of Magitek ability names.

If the menu's small font were variable-width rather than tile-based, it would have been possible to use just one expanded list.
Hope that clarifies!

Messages In This Thread
RE: Patch: Restored Ability Names (Update) - by SilentEnigma - 06-02-2024, 11:34 PM

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