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New FF6 hack in discussion...thanks for any feedback.

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Panda: I actually don't know if the softlock is caused by Setzer's intro. I know that there IS a softlock possible using the saves in the save archive, having to do with Setzer's letter respawning in Owzer's Mansion, and players reading it without both Locke and Celes in the party.

That helps. I need to get in the habit of using new/fresh save files if I'm going to be able to take myself seriously. I know that I can view my work via FF6LE and ZSNES, but I haven't had the gumption to do so yet.

Panda: The 2 things that the Editor Restoration does is:
1. Restores WoR Vargas event code after saving in FF3usME. This code is actually free space at the end of the dialog pointers code, but since I don't reach the number of lines where I would need that in DP, FF3usME doesn't detect it as dialog pointers when you load up the rom. If you have added more lines, then you may actually be blowing away your pointers every time you apply the editor restoration patch. You'll need to relocate Vargas's event code to different free space.
2. Restores Leo's theme after saving in FF6LE. The FF6LE map editor tries to place a new compressed minimap in C3, but I am using an edited version of Madsiur's new minimap, which puts a better map in a different part of the rom. When FF6LE tries to save the minimap to "free space", it's actually corrupting Leo's theme, causing the sound to glitch out. It also changes the minimap pointer to point at C3, rather than the location where I actually placed the map.

That first point is most likely what's happening. I haven't added any lines in terms of adding any new captions/lines, but I have added PLENTY of page breaks (i.e. <EOP>).

Panda: If this seems drastic... I can't stress enough how full Divergent Paths got. I used almost every spare byte in the 3MB rom. If you take Vargas's code, Leo's theme, and the new minimap and figure out how to relocate them to an expanded bank, you might be able to avoid running the editor restoration patch. I don't remember where all of the pointers are, and I won't have time to look until next Wednesday at the earliest. You will likely be able to find the pointers from looking at the rom map on the wiki though.

Well, there's no rush at all. Mind if I get a link to the rom map? I'm positive it's on this site, but... ...

I can see the logic in keeping the rom size 24bit instead of 23bit, though. There's so much more freedom the community will have when they get around to making another FF3 build. I'm glad to hear that the Vargas' code, Leo's theme, and the new minimap can be relocated without breaking the game. That'll have to be a project I sink my teeth into soon. Right now, I want to stick with projects I know I can complete with success.

1. Editing events in Vanilla/TWUE so that Dialog is either skipped, removed, or rerouted to redundant lines without having maptiles glitch on me. There are just a few events that I want to edit in minor ways.

2. Changing a few of the NPC sprites to better reflect the context of a given event. This mostly involves the misuse of the bandit and old man sprites. As an example, I'd like Duncan to show up in the WOB instead of the old man. The player may know who Duncan is, but the fictional characters don't (Edgar, Locke, Terra). Making use of Duncan's sprite adds to the irony of Vargas battling Sabin in the first place. It also adds a wink-wink moment to the player. Sometimes bandits are used instead of far better sprites, IMO.

3. Replacing the ground tiles in the end credits with water tiles.

This should give me practice for my end-goal of adding a script to Divergent Paths. The excitement of the changes you've made and my initial conversations with you inspired me to cross a new and improved FF6 script off my bucket list (by that I mean a script for Vanilla/TWUE). Everything else is just gravy right now.

I'll move generalized hacking questions to this thread from this point onward. I have questions... Many questions.

Oh, speaking of requests! I've been watching some of the tuts the community uploaded on YouTube. The one's involving the COV build seem to be the most instructive. Unfortunately, they're an hour a piece and have NO time stamps. This means chatter between friends needs to be endured. Endured isn't the RIGHT word for it. Can we get some time stamps for the older tuts on YouTube that run close to the hour mark?

Messages In This Thread
RE: New FF6 hack in discussion...thanks for any feedback. - by Joshua H. - 01-19-2023, 10:20 PM

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