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Looking for help on a new FF5 ROM hack

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From what I can see, the fight command is incredibly simplistic, but the X-Fight command is excessively complicated.  While it might be possible to introduce a weapon check and change the targets, maybe having harps swap "Fight" for a different command that works like magic would be easier.

The Right Hand and Left Hand weapons are checked maybe a dozen times each in the combat bank, but they're checked against variables that are undocumented (weapon types, maybe? Or perhaps item numbers, though that seems too restricted).

I'm looking at the code and there are a bunch of JSRs to $4AFE, which is in the MIDDLE of another command.  It executes a completely different function when interrupted, which makes me fear this code is quite maliciously intertwined... in a manner which frightens me.
C2/4AFB: 14 A2        TRB $A2          C2/4AFB:        14 A2 -16-
C2/4AFD: 16 A6        ASL $A6,X        C2/4AFE:        A6 32        LDX $32        [Commonly called subroutine...]
C2/4AFF: 32 DA        AND ($DA)        C2/4B00:        DA            PHX           [In the middle of another command?]
C2/4B01: 64 0E        STZ $0E          C2/4B01:        64 0E        STZ $0E        [What is this mess?]
Is it even stable to change a byte in this ROM, or does some other function use the same value for a completely unrelated purpose?
Or... perhaps the disassembly I found is off by a byte, and the function on the left is not performed at all?

I'm unsure, but it does make me wary to meddle.

...OH!  Maybe it's a data table and the subroutine starts after it, in which case 16 is a table value and A6 32 is the first command.


Not sure there's an easy answer for this.

EDIT: And setting "Always target all" on the harp weapons doesn't achieve the intended effect? Nope, dangit, the weapons don't check target info when you attack. Needs to be some tweak to the Fight command.

Messages In This Thread
RE: Looking for help on a new FF5 ROM hack - by C-Dude - 09-04-2020, 05:36 PM
RE: Looking for help on a new FF5 ROM hack - by MysticLord - 09-12-2020, 03:14 PM
RE: Looking for help on a new FF5 ROM hack - by MysticLord - 10-20-2020, 03:18 AM

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