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Excluding Weapons from Use With Genji Glove

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Thank you for replying, Madsiur, but after 2 days of messing around with it, I GOT IT! The trick was that the list item was no longer in the Y accumulator at the point where I was trying to do my check. I needed to store the value earlier on in the code, then check against it later. So, I scrolled up in the code to where it stores the item class for the list item to $F6, then added another 8-byte chunk that stored the value for the "Dual Wield" flag to $F7. Once I had that value safely stored away, I was able to change the accumulator to the equipped item, do all the normal checks, and then check the dual wield flag of the equipped item against $F7.

I have tried this with every combination I can think of, and it seems to be working as intended. I have also tested this with the Gauntlet, and both effects work in tandem with one another. Now, to dig into the Optimize routine and the C2 re-equip. Semi-final code is as follows. Note that due to Novalia Spirit's optimization, I was able to make all of these additions and still save 13 bytes.

;Determine if gear list entry is disabled    
    C3/9A56:    5A          PHY            ...
    C3/9A57:    AA          TAX            Gear List Slot
    C3/9A58:    BF 8A 9D 7E    LDA $7E9D8A,X        Inventory Slot
    C3/9A5C:    AA          TAX            Index it
    C3/9A5D:    BD 69 18      LDA $1869,X         Item in slot
    C3/9A60:    20 21 83      JSR $8321        Compute Index
    C3/9A63:    AE 34 21      LDX $2134        Load it
    C3/9A66:    BF 00 50 D8    LDA $D85000,X        Get Item Properties 00
    C3/9A6A:    29 07        AND #$07        Get Class
    C3/9A6C:    85 F6        STA $F6            Save it to F6
    C3/9A6E    BF 13 50 D8    LDA $D85013,X        Get Item Properties 13
    C3/9A72    29 04        AND #$04        Check Dual Wield Flag
    C3/9A74    85 F7        STA $F7            Save it to F7
    C3/9A76:    7A          PLY                ...
    C3/9A77:    A5 5F        LDA $5F            Check Slot
    C3/9A79:    C9 02        CMP #$02        Head or Body?
    C3/9A7B:    B0 55        BCS $9AD2        If so, jump to 9AD2
    C3/9A7D:    C9 01        CMP #$01        L-Hand/Relic 2?
    C3/9A7F:    F0 05        BEQ $9A86        if no, branch to R-Hand
;Fork: For L-Hand    
    C3/9A81:    B9 20 00      LDA $0020,Y        Check Left Hand's Item
    C3/9A84:    80 03        BRA $C39A81        skip next line
;Fork: For R-Hand
    C3/9A86:    B9 1E 00    LDA $001E,Y        Check Right Hand's Item
    C3/9A89:    C9 FF        CMP #$FF        is it empty?
    C3/9A8B:    F0 23        BEQ $9AC3        if so, jump to $9AB0 (enable)
    C3/9A8D:    20 21 83      JSR $8321        compute index
    C3/9A90:    AE 34 21      LDX $2134        load it
    C3/9A93:    BF 00 50 D8    LDA $D85000,X        Check properties
    C3/9A97:    29 07        AND #$07        Get Class
    C3/9A99:    C9 03        CMP #$03        Is it a Shield?
    C3/9A9B:    F0 28        BEQ $9AC5        if so, branch to duplicate check

; Genji Glove/Dual Wield check
    C3/9A9D:    AD D8 11      LDA $11D8        Check character properties
    C3/9AA0:    29 10        AND #$10        check for "allow weapon in each hand"
    C3/9AA2:    F0 21        BEQ $9AC5        If not, branch to duplicate check
    C3/9AA4:    BF 13 50 D8     LDA $D85013,X        Check Weapon Properties
    C3/9AA8:    29 04        AND #$04        Is Dual Wield enabled?
    C3/9AAA:    F0 19        BEQ $9AC5        If not, branch to duplicate check
    C3/9AAC:    C5 F7        CMP $F7            Is Dual Wield enabled on list item?
    C3/9AAE:    D0 15        BNE $9AC5        If not, branch to duplicate check
    C3/9AB0:    38          SEC            allow item
    C3/9AB1:    60          RTS            end
    C3/9AB2-9AC4    EA        NOP ($13 bytes)

;Fork: Duplicate Check
    C3/9AC5:    BF 00 50 D8    LDA $D85000,X        Load item in hand
    C3/9AC9:    29 07        AND #$07        get item class
    C3/9ACB:    C5 F6        CMP $F6            is it the same as the list item?
    C3/9ACD:    F0 02        BEQ $9AD1        if so, branch to $9AD1 (deny)
    C3/9ACF:    38          SEC            allow item
    C3/9AD0:    60          RTS            end
    C3/9AD1:    18          SEC            deny item
    C3/9AD2:    60          RTS            end

FFVI: Divergent Paths (Completed) - a complete storyline and gameplay hack of FF6 that adds Leo as a playable character
[-] The following 3 users say Thank You to PowerPanda for this post:
  • madsiur (08-24-2018), Robo Jesus (05-20-2019), Warrax (08-25-2018)

Messages In This Thread
RE: Excluding Weapons from Use With Genji Glove - by PowerPanda - 08-24-2018, 06:23 PM

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