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All About Battle Events

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No wonder we still can't progress too much with battle events until now: that list is kinda outdated.

Asking for help to Everything, while doing some hex change for CotG, i gathered a bunch of good info about battle events, 
while having PM conversations with him.

i gathered the list, some hint and wrote down some note into a file.
since it's thanks to sensei that i have those info i'll share them as well:

Everything's battle event command list

The pointer table to battle event commands is at C1/FDBE

00 xx           $C1970C Display short battle dialog xx (top of screen)
01 xx           $C196C1 Display long battle dialog xx (bottom of screen)
02               $C1FFE3 No effect
03 xx yyyy   $C1FF78 Animation for character 1 (actor xx) at $yyyy
04 xx yyyy   $C1FF78 Animation for character 2 (actor xx) at $yyyy
05 xx yyyy   $C1FF78 Animation for character 3 (actor xx) at $yyyy
06 xx yyyy   $C1FF78 Animation for character 4 (actor xx) at $yyyy
07 xx yyyy   $C1FF60 Animation for monster 1 at $yyyy
08 xx yyyy   $C1FF60 Animation for monster 2 at $yyyy
09 xx yyyy   $C1FF60 Animation for monster 3 at $yyyy
0A xx yyyy   $C1FF60 Animation for monster 4 at $yyyy
0B xx yyyy   $C1FF60 Animation for monster 5 at $yyyy
0C xx yyyy   $C1FF60 Animation for monster 6 at $yyyy
0D xx yy zz  $C1FE2D Do event animation xx (yy = attacker, zz = target)
0E               $C1FF47 Clear animations
0F               $C1FF55 Execute animations
10               $C196AD Close dialog window (bottom of screen)
11               $C196AA Open dialog window (bottom of screen)
12 xxxx ...   $C1FEB9 Animations for all characters, based on graphics index (24 addresses)
13 xx          $C1FDE8 Add/remove actor xx as a target (MSB = 0: add, MSB = 1: remove)
14 xx          $C1FDED Show/hide HP and gauge for actor xx (MSB = 0: show, MSB = 1: hide)
FF                   End of event

Make a space for your battle event pointer. Unfortunately there's no free space after the battle event 
pointers so you'll need to either replace an existing pointer or relocate the battle event pointers. 
The pointers are at D0/9800. If you decide to relocate them, you'll need to adjust the line of code at C1/FD9B.

$yyyy is a pointer to an animation script in bank $D0. For example:
      D0/9EE6: 03 04 92 9F  Animation for character 0, actor $04 (EDGAR) at D0/9F92

empty space at D0/CF4A?


The code at C1/FE2D processes command 0D if you want to dig around and try to figure that out.


Add a pointer to your event animation. There's a pointer table at C1/FDF9 with two-byte values that point 
to the animation data (at D0/7FB2). The last two pointers are unused (index $12 and $13) so you can change 
them to whatever animation you want without any side effects. Find the address of the animation data you want 
to use and set that value in the table (i.e. to change event animation $12 to the animation for throwing a 
spear, store $1156 at C1/FE1D).


I think clear and execute animations allows multiple animations to run simultaneously. I haven't done much 
testing with this, but it makes sense based on the way the event scripts are written. First you clear all 
animations with command 0E, then you load all your animations with commands 03 through 0D, then you execute 
them with command 0F.

Command 12 has a two-byte pointer for each possible character graphic set, so 24 addresses total. This is 
used when a battle starts and all the characters jump on-screen in different ways. Here's a disassembled 

D0/9842: 0E           Clear animations
D0/9843: 12           Animations based on character graphics index
        7B 98        Actor $00 (TERRA) at $D0/987B
        94 98        Actor $01 (LOCKE) at $D0/9894
        C4 98        Actor $02 (CYAN) at $D0/98C4
        F4 98        Actor $03 (SHADOW) at $D0/98F4
        1B 99        Actor $04 (EDGAR) at $D0/991B
        3B 99        Actor $05 (SABIN) at $D0/993B
        63 99        Actor $06 (CELES) at $D0/9963
        85 99        Actor $07 (STRAGO) at $D0/9985
        B5 99        Actor $08 (RELM) at $D0/99B5
        F5 99        Actor $09 (SETZER) at $D0/99F5
        26 9A        Actor $0A (MOG) at $D0/9A26
        61 9A        Actor $0B (GAU) at $D0/9A61
        8B 9A        Actor $0C (GOGO) at $D0/9A8B
        D3 9A        Actor $0D (UMARO) at $D0/9AD3
        F4 98        Actor $0E (Brown Soldier) at $D0/98F4
        51 9B        Actor $0F (Imp) at $D0/9B51
        7B 98        Actor $10 (LEO) at $D0/987B
        94 98        Actor $11 (BANON) at $D0/9894
        C4 98        Actor $12 (Esper TERRA) at $D0/98C4
        F4 98        Actor $13 (Merchant) at $D0/98F4
        1B 99        Actor $14 (Ghost) at $D0/991B
        3B 99        Actor $15 (KEFKA) at $D0/993B
        90 9B        Actor $16 (Emperor) at $D0/9B90
        76 98        Actor $17 (Green Soldier) at $D0/9876
D0/9874: 0F           Execute animations
D0/9875: FF           End of event


Credits to Everything, of course.

Tenkarider's project #2 is started: FF6 Curse of the Madsiur Joke (CotMJ)
What happens when Madsiur tweaks your account? This full game hack will show that!
[-] The following 1 user says Thank You to Tenkarider for this post:
  • Imzogelmo (10-21-2016)

Messages In This Thread
All About Battle Events - by Angelo26 - 07-03-2011, 06:41 PM
RE: All About Battle Events - by Gi Nattak - 07-04-2011, 01:25 PM
RE: All About Battle Events - by Angelo26 - 07-13-2011, 08:35 AM
RE: All About Battle Events - by Gi Nattak - 07-13-2011, 05:42 PM
RE: All About Battle Events - by Angelo26 - 07-14-2011, 08:24 PM
RE: All About Battle Events - by Gi Nattak - 07-15-2011, 02:29 AM
RE: All About Battle Events - by Angelo26 - 07-22-2011, 05:36 PM
RE: All About Battle Events - by madsiur - 12-30-2011, 01:23 AM
RE: All About Battle Events - by Angelo26 - 02-14-2012, 11:57 PM
RE: All About Battle Events - by Angelo26 - 03-18-2012, 09:44 PM
RE: All About Battle Events - by Angelo26 - 03-25-2012, 08:06 PM
RE: All About Battle Events - by DjinnAndTonic - 05-11-2012, 02:44 AM
RE: All About Battle Events - by madsiur - 05-11-2012, 11:02 AM
RE: All About Battle Events - by DjinnAndTonic - 05-11-2012, 04:00 PM
RE: All About Battle Events - by DjinnAndTonic - 05-30-2012, 03:09 AM
RE: All About Battle Events - by madsiur - 06-01-2012, 11:56 PM
RE: All About Battle Events - by madsiur - 10-15-2016, 04:04 PM
RE: All About Battle Events - by Everything - 10-16-2016, 01:34 PM
RE: All About Battle Events - by madsiur - 10-16-2016, 02:08 PM
RE: All About Battle Events - by Tenkarider - 10-15-2016, 06:00 PM
RE: All About Battle Events - by madsiur - 10-15-2016, 07:55 PM

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