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Event bits in ASM and World Map Load events

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The escape from figaro castle is all handled in event script, with a normal jump to chocobo mode at the end of it. Which says I need to go back to my original plan of trying to call an event from the point the airship lands (this being in Bank EE). There are a couple direct calls for events in bank EE but I had no luck what so ever trying to mimic them.

As far as doing it all without using events, so far I've got two ways that are hopeful, but still broke.

Method one: I intercept the jump from creating the World Map going to Character Mode (as in no vehicle mode already applied).
Problem: Everything functions fine, except no sprite is displayed while you running around in chocobo mode. Dismount the bird and it shows everything fine, just not while riding.

Method Two: branch off the "rts" at the end of the dismount script. Branch to chocobo mode if bits check, go to "rts" if bits clear.
Problem: Chocobo mode, dismount, battles, airship flying landing, etc work 100%. Until you launch tue airship and try to enter it(as in open menu). Then I get a complete lockup and a black screen.

If I try either method in a loop (no bit cleared to end it) the sprite will show after the first dismount regardless which method I'm attempting. Which points to something being done after the dismount "rts" that lets the chocobo initialization script run properly. However if I use method two, then land the airship a few times ( run the full dismount script without interuption) it stills crashed when you enter the menu while flying.Anywhere else I try to branch out of crashes as soon as it attempts it, anywhere else I try to branch back into the normal script either does nothing or crashes as soon as it attempts to jump.

Still dont know at what point the code in EE actually starts chocobo mode based off of the mode setting in events. So even setting that bit give me no result because I done know where to set it that it will not be cleared before its used.

Got one more idea then... I'm not sure.
*edit* Eh course that idea didn't work, it almost made sense. Took the code from the finalizing dismount script (clearing and resetting switches) and got absolutely no change in function. Everything I find that might need to be done, IS already done in the chocobo initialization script that I'm going to and yet it refuses to coopperate. Not sure where to go from here.

The only true wisdom is knowing you know nothing.

Messages In This Thread
RE: Event bits in ASM and World Map Load events - by Catone - 03-08-2015, 09:51 AM

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