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Event bits in ASM and World Map Load events

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Have to remember, I'm a noob. Never seen a debugger in this realm.

On another note, I've only rewrote the code about 15 times. Ran it from every place I could come up with, split it into two parts, rewrote it a few more times... wtf...

Anyway, the code works as far as I can tell, but the damn extra bit won't reset.

I can load a savestate with bits set, land, bird, dismount, everything okay. Except doing it again. I can load the same save state, clear several bits, and no bird on landing. It acts like the code is looking at one bit and the events are playing with another, but every piece of documentation says 1EC1, bit 4 is $20C.

I know I'm able to clear whatever bit the code is using, with an event, guess I'll go through that list until I find which bit its actually using.

As far as the events for chocobo stables, it sets a vehicle bit $02. Bank EE checks that when loading the world map. One attempt involved cutting in before that check, check my bits, the set that if it should. I think that time it only did it when I came out of a town or cave, not landing the airship.I also attempted to go directly to where that check leads, which didn't work much better. Currently I'm running my code between that section between where it would jump to character mode, and actually getting to charater mode(The jump was already there and it seemed to take better than other options as well as run when I wanted it to). I could try setting that vehicle bit if I have bugs after I get the custom check to work properly, but as of now it doesnt seem to need it.

I also tried, again, to call an event from Bank EE to run the bird script as intended fully, and that failed miserably both times.

The only true wisdom is knowing you know nothing.

Messages In This Thread
RE: Event bits in ASM and World Map Load events - by Catone - 03-07-2015, 12:01 PM

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