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Reverse actors HP MP progression

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There may be a little extra coding involved. I'm pretty sure the character startup stats only leave one byte for initial HP. so to start a character at 9999 will require a little extra code in the character startup code in C0.

C0/A27E:    A916        LDA #$16       (22 = width of character startup struct)
C0/A280:    8D0242      STA $4202
C0/A283:    B90016      LDA $1600,Y    (character ID)
C0/A286:    8D0342      STA $4203      (save as a multiplier)
C0/A289:    B90816      LDA $1608,Y    (character level)
C0/A28C:    851B        STA $1B        (save it for now)
C0/A28E:    641F        STZ $1F        (zero out upper HP byte)
C0/A290:    AE1642      LDX $4216
C0/A293:    BFA07CED    LDA $ED7CA0,X  (Initial HP)
C0/A297:    851E        STA $1E        (save initial HP)
C0/A299:    A600        LDX $00        (X = #$0000)
C0/A29B:    C61B        DEC $1B        (decrement levels to do)
C0/A29D:    F012        BEQ $A2B1      (branch if none left)
C0/A29F:    BFA0F4E6    LDA $E6F4A0,X  (HP mod. by level)
C0/A2A3:    18          CLC
C0/A2A4:    651E        ADC $1E        (add it with current HP)
C0/A2A6:    851E        STA $1E        (save it)
C0/A2A8:    A51F        LDA $1F        (load upper HP byte)
C0/A2AA:    6900        ADC #$00       (incremented based on previous ADC)
C0/A2AC:    851F        STA $1F        (save it)
C0/A2AE:    E8          INX            (increment next level's value)
C0/A2AF:    80EA        BRA $A29B      (...and loop)
C0/A2B1:    C221        REP #$21
C0/A2B3:    A51E        LDA $1E        (load HP)
C0/A2B5:    990B16      STA $160B,Y    (save as max HP)
C0/A2B8:    7B          TDC            (A = #$0000)
C0/A2B9:    E220        SEP #$20          (8 bit accum./memory)
C0/A2BB:    60          RTS

It shouldn't take much since it has the code already works with the high byte, but you will need to make a little room because you need to replace the

STZ $1F ( zero initial high byte)


LDA #$27 (#$270F being Hex for 9999)

Then you'll have to set everyone's starting HP in FF3usME to 15 (#$0F)...

You might also want to consider changing the Esper HP bonuses to -50% HP so characters don't run themselves down to 0 max HP.

Happy Hacking!
[-] The following 1 user says Thank You to B-Run for this post:
  • Tenkarider (06-13-2014)

Messages In This Thread
Reverse actors HP MP progression - by Tenkarider - 06-12-2014, 07:43 AM
RE: Reverse actors HP MP progression - by Cyprus - 06-12-2014, 07:54 AM
RE: Reverse actors HP MP progression - by Cyprus - 06-12-2014, 09:16 AM
RE: Reverse actors HP MP progression - by Cyprus - 06-12-2014, 03:28 PM
RE: Reverse actors HP MP progression - by B-Run - 06-13-2014, 07:20 AM
RE: Reverse actors HP MP progression - by Cyprus - 06-13-2014, 10:41 AM
RE: Reverse actors HP MP progression - by Cyprus - 06-13-2014, 04:43 PM
RE: Reverse actors HP MP progression - by madsiur - 06-14-2014, 06:42 PM
RE: Reverse actors HP MP progression - by madsiur - 06-14-2014, 07:47 PM
RE: Reverse actors HP MP progression - by B-Run - 06-16-2014, 07:19 AM
RE: Reverse actors HP MP progression - by B-Run - 06-17-2014, 03:16 PM

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