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Umaro's Dash, Relics & Unequipping All

No worries! If ever you get a chance, I'd really appreciate it.

The good news is, a slightly different approach caused that scene to stop popping up and the game now resumes as normal. However, neither Gogo (0C) nor Umaro (0D) now get de-equipped. I moved Gogo's call to de-equip to the new event space, and added Umaro's right after it. The new approach was to use the existing conditional check for Gogo to call my sub instead of the "simply return" sub, and I removed the "FE" return command that I shouldn't have placed at 0C3799, replacing with another FD (I think this is what fixed the "end of the world" problem).

If you get the chance to test, all you'd need is a save state with both Gogo & Umaro in party, standing right in front of the airship de-equip man. Then de-equip, land, fight, and see if they use their fists instead of bone club & whatever.

The non-freezing, not-working-for-Gogo-nor-Umaro modifications are:

Theoretical code mods, as I understand:
CC/3792: C0    If ($1E80($1AC) [$1EB5, bit 4] is clear), branch to E6/F640
CC/3798: FD FD

E6/F640: 8D    Remove all equipment from character 0C
E6/F642: E1    Load CaseWord with characters who are collected
E6/F643: C0    If ($1E80($1AD) [$1EB4, bit 5] is clear), branch to $CA5EB3 (simply returns)
E6/F649: 8D    Remove all equipment from character 0D
E6/F64B: FE    Return

Actual hex mods:
C0 AC 01 40 F6 1C  (If ($1E80($1AD) [$1EB4, bit 5] is clear), branch to 26F640)

8D 0C              (Remove all equips from character 0C)
E1                 (Load CaseWord with characters who are collected)
C0 AD 01 B3 5E 00  (If ($1E80($1AD) [$1EB4, bit 5] is clear), branch to $CA5EB3)
8D 0D              (Remove all equips from character 0D)
FE                 (Return)

It appears as if I'm very close, and it's simply not running my sub. Who knows!

EDIT: With the non-freezing mods, I've tried to make it play a sound effect during my sub; no luck hearing the effect, so I'm guessing it's simply not calling my sub for some reason.

Messages In This Thread
Umaro's Dash, Relics & Unequipping All - by aatc85 - 11-25-2013, 10:12 AM
RE: Umaro's Dash, Relics & Unequipping All - by aatc85 - 11-25-2013, 02:14 PM
RE: Umaro's Dash, Relics & Unequipping All - by aatc85 - 11-25-2013, 06:18 PM
RE: Umaro's Dash, Relics & Unequipping All - by aatc85 - 11-25-2013, 07:05 PM
RE: Umaro's Dash, Relics & Unequipping All - by aatc85 - 11-25-2013, 08:34 PM
RE: Umaro's Dash, Relics & Unequipping All - by aatc85 - 11-25-2013, 10:00 PM
RE: Umaro's Dash, Relics & Unequipping All - by aatc85 - 11-25-2013, 11:31 PM
RE: Umaro's Dash, Relics & Unequipping All - by aatc85 - 11-26-2013, 12:26 AM
RE: Umaro's Dash, Relics & Unequipping All - by aatc85 - 11-26-2013, 07:48 PM
RE: Umaro's Dash, Relics & Unequipping All - by aatc85 - 11-27-2013, 12:16 AM
RE: Umaro's Dash, Relics & Unequipping All - by aatc85 - 11-27-2013, 01:56 AM

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