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Esper Learning Rate HELP!

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This is the spell learning routine.

You could check:

A) If the code of your hack is the same as the disassembly (most likely yes, but we never know).

B) If the data starting at D8/6E00 is correct (I'm pretty sure it would show up in FF3usME if it was incorrect).

C) Set a breakpoint in the routine using Geiger's debugger and see what goes wrong.

I would personally go as A-C-B since B can be done in step C.

C2/602A: DA           PHX
C2/602B: 20 93 62     JSR $6293     (Multiply A by #$0B and store in X)
C2/602E: A0 05 00     LDY #$0005    (Do for each spell taught by esper)
C2/6031: 7B           TDC           (Clear A)
C2/6032: BF 01 6E D8  LDA $D86E01,X (Spell taught)
C2/6036: C9 FF        CMP #$FF
C2/6038: F0 0A        BEQ $6044     (Branch if no spell taught)
C2/603A: 5A           PHY
C2/603B: A8           TAY
C2/603C: BF 00 6E D8  LDA $D86E00,X (Spell learn rate)
C2/6040: 20 4B 60     JSR $604B     (Add amount to known% for spell)
C2/6043: 7A           PLY
C2/6044: E8           INX
C2/6045: E8           INX
C2/6046: 88           DEY
C2/6047: D0 E8        BNE $6031     (Check next spell taught)
C2/6049: FA           PLX
C2/604A: 60           RTS

Messages In This Thread
Esper Learning Rate HELP! - by Snap006 - 11-11-2013, 10:25 PM
RE: Esper Learning Rate HELP! - by madsiur - 11-12-2013, 01:35 AM
RE: Esper Learning Rate HELP! - by Snap006 - 11-12-2013, 06:51 PM
RE: Esper Learning Rate HELP! - by madsiur - 11-13-2013, 12:01 AM

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