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Trying to sort through the Gau recruitment scene. I got lost during the end of it where the screen fades to black, music changes, and the Imp shows up to tutorial about Leap/Rage. Need help annotating if anyone can?

Assumes a headered ROM, typed by hand, so possibly misformatted in parts?
Give Gau Dried Meat (D0/AC21)
11 - Open dialog window at bottom of the screen
0E - Begin action
03 0B - Gau's action
88 AC - Gau hops around the screen, blinking a lot
0F - End action

0E 03 05 - Begin Sabin's action
21 AD 0F - Sabin goes into Ready pose, end

01 3A - Display message $3A "SABIN: What the...?"
01 4C - Display message $4C "CYAN: Thou art so... odd."

0E 03 02 - Begin Cyan's action
2D AD 0F - Cyan spins around once quickly, end

01 3B - Display message $3B "I'm CYAN and he's SABIN."
01 3C - Display message $3C "You SABIN... you CYAN, me want more food!!

0E 03 0B - Begin Gau action (connected to Sabin)
46 AD  - Gau jumps backward across screen
04 05 - Begin Sabin simultaneous action? (connected to Gau)
59 AD - Sabin jumps forward across screen
0F - End action

01 3D - Display message $3D "SABIN: No more for you."
01 3E - Display message $3E "GAU: You go... get more for me."

0E - Begin Action
03 0B - Queue for Gau
6C AD - Gau hops backward
04 05 - Queue for Sabin
A4 AD - Sabin hops forward (with Gau)
0F - Execute action, End

01 3F - Display message $3F "SABIN: You're a regular munchkin!
01 F8 - Display message $F8 "GAU: And you... afraid of me!

0E - Begin action
03 0B - Queue for Gau
7A AD - Gau hops forward
04 05 - Queue for Sabin
B2 AD - Sabin hops backward
0F - Execute, End action

01 40 - Display message $40 "SABIN: You wanna fight?

0010ac64  0e 03 0b - Begin action for Gau
88 ad - Gau hops forward again
04 05 c0 ad 0f  - Sabin simultaneously hops backward again

01 41 - Display message $41 "GAU: Me not wanna hurt you..."

0e 03 0b - Begin action Gau
96 ad - Gau hops forward again
04 05 ce ad 0f - Sabin simultaneously hops backward again

01 42 - Display message $42 "SABIN: Stop looking at me like that!"

0e 03 0b dc ad 04 05 5d ae 0f - Gau and Sabin hop around like idiots and stop mid-screen.

01 4d - Display message $4D "SABIN: Wheeze.. puff...! You're pretty tough!"

01 f9 - Display message $F9 "GAU: Wah, ha!"

0e - Begin action
03 0b - Queue for Gau
de ae - Gau hops around like an idiot then laughs
04 05 - Queue for Sabin
6e af - Sabin hops around like an idiot with Gau then keeps hopping before landing mid-screen, facing Gau
0f - Execute and end action

01 43 Display message $43 "GAU: Me like dancing!

0e 03 05 ef af 0f - Sabin raises and drops arms

01 44 - Display message $44 "SABIN: Shut up!!

0e - Begin action queue
03 02 - Queue Cyan
fd af - Cyan jumps between Gau/Sabin, faces down, blinks
04 0b - Queue Gau
1a b0 - Gau is pushed backward slightly, faces down
05 05 - Queue Sabin
38 b0 - Sabin is pushed backslightly, faces down
0f- Execute and End action queue

01 45 - Display message $45 "CYAN: Simmer down, sirs! And thou, o wild one... who might thou be?"

0e 03 0b 56 b0 - Gau moves diagnally up/right and faces Cyan
04 02 15 b4  - Cyan faces left
05 05 15 b4 0f - Sabin faces left

01 46 - Display message $46 "GAU: Thou?"

0e 03 0b 74 b0 - Gau jumps diagonally downward/right
04 02 09 b4 - Cyan faces down
05 05 09 b4 0f - Sabin faces down

01 47 - Display message $47 "GAU: Thou! Thou!"

0e 03 0b 8a b0 - Gau jumps to the left side of the screen
04 02 15 b4 - Cyan faces left
05 05 15 b4 0f - Sabin faces left

01 47 - Display message $47 again "GAU: Thou! Thou!"

0e 03 0b a0 b0 - Gau jumps to the right side of the screen
04 02 0f b4 - Cyan faces right
05 05 0f b4 0f - Sabin faces right

01 47 - Display message $47 again "GAU: Thou! Thou!"

0e 03 0b b6 b0 - Gau jumps to the middle of the screen
04 02 1b b4 - Cyan faces up
05 05 09 b4 0f - Sabin faces down at Gau

01 47 - Display message $47 again "GAU: Thou! Thou!"

01 48 - Display message $48 "GAU: You angry?"

0e 03 05 cc b0 0f - Sabin moves diagonally up/right and faces left

0e 03 0b df b0 0f - Gau moves slightly upward toward Cyan

01 49 - Display message $49 "GAU: CYAN! You angry... me?"

0e 03 0b f2 b0 0f - Gau moves diagonally left/up and faces right in crouching pose

01 49 - Display message $49 "GAU: CYAN! You angry... me?"

0e 03 0b 05 b1 0f - Gau moves right (through Cyan) and faces left in crouching pose

01 49 - Display message $49 "GAU: CYAN! You angry... me?"

0e 03 05 18 b1 - Sabin turns and walks to the right side of the screen, then faces left
04 0b 30 b1 0f - Gau is dragged along the same path in crouching pose, then faces right (still crouched)

01 4a - Display message $4A "SABIN: Listing, his family was just...

0e 03 0b 43 b1 0f - Gau, crouched, turns and slides diagonally up/left to Cyan

01 4b - Display message $4B "GAU: Me understand... me sorry. Me not mean person...

0e 03 02 0f b4 0f - Cyan faces right

01 9e - Display message $9E "CYAN: Look! We can't have ye two prancing 'round all day! GAU, I think we're going to get on well together. Why don't you join us?

0e 03 0b 56 b1 - Gau (not crouched) hops slightly down/left
04 02 09 b4 - Cyan faces down
05 05 09 b4 0f - Sabin faces down

01 9f - Display message $9F "GAU: Ah! I give you present! GAU give CYAN and SABIN nice gift in thanks for food!

0e 03 0b 1b b4 - Gau faces upward
04 02 0f b4 - Cyan faces right
05 05 69 b1 0f - Sabin performs "wags finger" animation

01 a0 - Display message $A0 "SABIN: What sort of rubbish do you suppose he's gonna...?"

0e 03 0b 76 b1 - Gau raises and drops arms continually
04 02 09 b4 0f - Cyan faces down

01 a1 - Display message $A1 "GAU: GAU's treasure... shiny, shiny!! Shiny, shiny, shiny!

0e 03 05 83 b1 - Sabin hops left/down slightly and assumes "looking down/left" pose
04 02 0f b4 - Cyan faces right
05 0b 0f b4 0f - Gau faces right

01 a2 - Display message $A2 "SABIN: Can anything be THAT shiny?
01 a3 - Display message $A3 "GAU: Does Mr. Thou like shiny thing?

0e 03 05 15 b4 0f - Sabin faces left

01 a4 - Display message $A4 "SABIN: Mr. Thou's that one, over THERE!!

0e 03 05 96 b1 0f - Sabin faces down, closed eyes pose

01 4e - Display message $4E "A shiny thing, eh...? Think how jealous LOCKE's gonna be when he hears about this!

0e 03 0b 9f b1 - Gau walks right/up to Sabin
04 05 15 b4 0f - Sabin faces left

01 a5 - Display message $A5 "GAU: Who be LOCKE? He bad man? Maybe he try steal my treasure!

0e 03 0b b4 b1 0f - Gau spins around in place continually, arms raised

01 a6 - Display message $A6 "SABIN: LOCKE? Well, he's...

0e 03 05 bc b1 0f - Sabin raises his arms, still facing left

01 a7 - Display message $A7 "SABIN: Listen when someone's talking to you!

0e 03 02 0f b4 0f - Cyan faces down?

0e 03 02 09 b4 - Cyan faces down?
04 05 15 b4 0f - Sabin lowers his arms, still facing left

01 a8 - Display message $A8 "CYAN: I think he's trying to tell us something."

0e 03 05 cb b1 0f - Sabin faces down, blinks continually

01 a9 - Display message $A9 "SABIN: Urgh... all right... carry on..."

0e 03 0b da b1 - Gau runs diagonally down/left to the bottom middle of the screen, crouches and stands several times, then faces up
04 05 09 b4 0f - Sabin stops blinking, still facing down

01 aa - Display message $AA "GAU: Here! Here! Shiny thing here!!
01 ab - Display message $AB "GAU: SABIN, place where you buy food, it called Mobliz!
01 ac - Display message $AC "GAU: CYAN, place where you stand... river brought you there...
01 ad - Display message $AD "Now, we go Crescent Mountain! Shiny thing there"

0e 03 0b 17 b2 - Gau hops upward slightly
04 02 2c b2 - Cyan hops downward slightly
05 05 41 b2 0f - Sabin hops left slightly (all three get closer together, facing eachother)

01 ae - Display message $AE "CYAN: Look, let's just go along with him to this Crescent Mountain."

0e 03 0b 56 b2 - Gau begins walking calmly left offscreen
04 02 68 b2  - Cyan begins walking calmly left offscreen
05 05 7a b2 0f - Sabin begins walking calmly left, pauses mid-screen, faces downward

01 af - Display message $AF "SABIN: Phew... why'd we invite him along, anyway...?

0e 03 0b 91 b2 0f - Gau walks (backward) back on-screen slightly, hops once (facing right, landing facing left)

01 b0 - Display message $B0 "GAU: Mr. Thou! Hurry up! We're leaving!!

0e 03 05 15 b4 0f - Sabin faces left

01 b1 - Display message $B1 "SABIN: Hey! I told you once, I'm not Mr. Thou!!!

0e 03 05 e1 b2 - Sabin runs left offscreen
04 0b e1 b2 0f - Gau runs left offscreen

0e 03 05 ec b3 0f

0e 03 05 f6 b2 0f

0e 03 05 09 b4 0f

01 b7
01 b2

0e 0d 03 05 ff 03 05 1a b3 0f

01 b3

0e 03 05 3a b3 0f

01 b4

0e 03 05 5f
b3 0f

01 b5

0e 03 05 6e b3 0f

01 b5
01 b6

0e 03 05 7d b3 0f

01 9d

0e 03 05 98 b3 0f
0e 03 05 dd b3 04 05 fd b3 0f

10 ff 00 e0 c7 02 c7 0b 10 09 ff e1 00 d2 50 68 e7 c7 07 1f e5 02 03 00 c7 01 81 35 35 e1 01 ff 00 e0
0010ae80  c7 03 81 00 00 c8 00 ff 00 e0 c7 00 00 81 00 00 89 1f c8 07 1f 8a d2 60 40 e7 c7 07 1f e5 06 03 28 c7 01 d2
0010aea4  70 80 e7 c7 07 1f e5 05 03 28 c7 01 d2 80 48 e7 c7 07 1f e5 04 03 28 c7 01 d2 90 78 e7 c7 07 1f e5 03 03 28
0010aec8  c7 01 d2 a0 50 e7 c7 07 1f e5 02 03 28 c7 01 d2 b0 60 e7 c7 07 1f e5 01 03 28 c7 01 81 00 00 89 1f c8 0f 1f
0010aeec  1f 8a 89 1f c8 0e 1f 1f 8a 89 1f c8 10 1f 1f 8a d2 78 58 e7 c7 07 1f e5 02 03 00 c7 01 89 1f c8 10 1f 1f 8a
0010af10  d2 a8 58 e7 c7 07 1f e5 02 03 00 c7 01 81 35 35 ff 00 e0 c7 02 89 1f c8 0b 1f 1f 8a ff 00 e0 c7 02 84 08 81
0010af34  02 02 1f 81 35 35 1f 81 0f 0f 1f 81 05 05 1f 84 01 ff 00 e0 81 35 35 d2 60 58 e7 c7 07 1f e5 04 03 40 c7 01
0010af58  ff 00 e0 d2 78 58 e7 c7 07 1f e5 04 03 50 c7 01 81 05 05 ff 00 e0 d2 28 58 e7 1f e5 05 03 40 c7 01 ff 00 e0
0010af7c  d2 50 58 e7 1f e5 05 03 40 c7 01 ff 00 e0 d2 78 58 e7 1f e5 05 03 20 c7 01 ff 00 e0 d2 a0 58 e7 1f e5 05 03
0010afa0  10 c7 01 ff 00 e0 d2 40 58 e7 1f e5 05 03 40 c7 01 ff 00 e0 d2 68 58 e7 1f e5 05 03 40 c7 01 ff 00 e0 d2 90
0010afc4  58 e7 1f e5 05 03 20 c7 01 ff 00 e0 d2 b8 58 e7 1f e5 05 03 10 c7 01 ff 00 e0 81 00 00 c8 00 89 02 d2 a0 88
0010afe8  e7 c7 07 1f e5 03 03 28 c7 01 d2 c0 70 e7 c7 07 1f e5 03 03 28 c7 01 d2 c0 58 e7 c7 07 1f e5 03 03 28 c7 01
0010b00c  d2 a0 40 e7 c7 07 1f e5 03 03 28 c7 01 d2 78 40 e7 c7 07 1f e5 03 03 28 c7 01 d2 58 58 e7 c7 07 1f e5 03 03
0010b030  28 c7 01 d2 58 70 e7 c7 07 1f e5 03 03 28 c7 01 d2 78 88 e7 c7 07 1f e5 03 03 28 c7 01 8a d2 80 68 e7 1f e5
0010b054  05 03 40 c7 01 81 35 35 ff 00 e0 81 00 00 c8 00 89 02 d2 a8 88 e7 c7 07 1f e5 03 03 28 c7 01 d2 c8 70 e7 c7
0010b078  07 1f e5 03 03 28 c7 01 d2 c8 58 e7 c7 07 1f e5 03 03 28 c7 01 d2 a8 40 e7 c7 07 1f e5 03 03 28 c7 01 d2 80
0010b09c  40 e7 c7 07 1f e5 03 03 28 c7 01 d2 60 58 e7 c7 07 1f e5 03 03 28 c7 01 d2 60 70 e7 c7 07 1f e5 03 03 28 c7
0010b0c0  01 d2 80 88 e7 c7 07 1f e5 03 03 28 c7 01 8a d2 98 68 e7 1f e5 05 03 40 c7 01 81 05 05 ff 00 e0 81 00 00 c8
0010b0e4  00 89 01 d2 a0 88 e7 c7 07 1f e5 07 03 28 c7 01 d2 c0 70 e7 c7 07 1f e5 07 03 28 c7 01 d2 c0 58 e7 c7 07 1f
0010b108  e5 07 03 28 c7 01 d2 a0 40 e7 c7 07 1f e5 07 03 28 c7 01 d2 78 40 e7 c7 07 1f e5 07 03 28 c7 01 d2 58 58 e7
0010b12c  c7 07 1f e5 07 03 28 c7 01 d2 58 70 e7 c7 07 1f e5 07 03 28 c7 01 d2 78 88 e7 c7 07 1f e5 07 03 28 c7 01 8a
0010b150  d2 80 60 e7 1f e5 05 03 40 c7 01 89 08 84 08 81 1a 1a 1f 81 1b 1b 1f 84 01 8a 81 35 35 ff 00 e0 81 00 00 c8
0010b174  00 89 02 d2 a8 88 e7 c7 07 1f e5 07 03 28 c7 01 d2 c8 70 e7 c7 07 1f e5 07 03 28 c7 01 d2 c8 58 e7 c7 07 1f
0010b198  e5 07 03 28 c7 01 d2 a8 40 e7 c7 07 1f e5 07 03 28 c7 01 d2 80 40 e7 c7 07 1f e5 07 03 28 c7 01 d2 60 58 e7
0010b1bc  c7 07 1f e5 07 03 28 c7 01 d2 60 70 e7 c7 07 1f e5 07 03 28 c7 01 d2 80 88 e7 c7 07 1f e5 07 03 28 c7 01 8a
0010b1e0  d2 98 60 e7 1f e5 05 03 40 c7 01 81 05 05 ff 00 e0 81 00 00 89 1f c8 15 1f 8a c8 00 ff 00 e0 81 00 00 d2 88
0010b204  48 e7 c7 09 1f e5 06 03 50 c7 01 89 1f c8 0e 1f 1f 8a 81 02 02 ff 00 e0 89 0b 1f 8a d2 68 58 e7 c7 09 1f e5
0010b228  06 03 a0 c7 01 89 1f c8 0f 1f 1f 8a 81 02 02 ff 00 e0 89 0b 1f 8a d2 a0 58 e7 c7 09 1f e5 06 03 a0 c7 01 89
0010b24c  1f c8 10 1f 1f 8a 81 02 02 ff 00 e0 d2 78 48 e7 c7 07 1f e5 06 03 00 c7 01 d2 78 48 e7 1f e5 05 03 10 c7 01
0010b270  81 35 35 ff 00 e0 81 00 00 d2 88 78 e7 c7 07 1f e5 03 03 28 c7 01 81 02 02 ff 00 e0 81 00 00 d2 30 68 e7 c7
0010b294  07 1f e5 03 03 28 c7 01 81 05 05 ff 00 e0 81 00 00 d2 d0 68 e7 c7 07 1f e5 04 03 28 c7 01 81 35 35 ff 00 e0
0010b2b8  81 00 00 d2 88 68 e7 c7 07 1f e5 03 03 28 c7 01 81 0f 0f ff 00 e0 d2 b0 48 e7 c7 07 1f e5 01 03 00 c7 01 81
0010b2dc  05 05 ff 00 e0 d2 88 58 e7 c7 07 1f e5 01 03 18 c7 01 81 0f 0f ff 00 e0 d2 70 48 e7 c7 07 1f e5 06 03 00 c7
0010b300  01 81 44 44 ff 00 e0 d2 a0 48 e7 c7 07 1f e5 06 03 00 c7 01 81 14 14 ff 00 e0 81 00 00 c8 00 d2 e8 50 e7 c7
0010b324  07 1f e5 01 03 00 c7 01 81 05 05 ff 00 e0 d2 d0 50 e7 c7 07 1f e5 01 03 00 c7 01 81 44 44 ff 00 e0 d2 98 48
0010b348  e7 c7 07 1f e5 02 03 00 c7 01 81 14 14 ff 00 e0 d2 90 60 e7 c7 07 1f e5 02 03 28 c7 01 81 02 02 ff 00 e0 81
0010b36c  00 00 89 1f c8 20 1f 1f 8a ff 00 e0 81 00 00 89 1f c8 16 1f 1f 8a ff 00 e0 d2 d0 58 e7 c7 07 1f e5 03 03 20
0010b390  c7 01 81 1d 1d ff 00 e0 81 00 00 81 0b 0b ff 00 e0 c8 00 d2 b8 58 e7 c7 07 1f e5 02 03 00 c7 01 81 35 35 ff
0010b3b4  00 e0 81 00 00 c8 25 ff 00 e0 81 00 00 89 1f c8 1a 1f 8a 81 00 00 ff 00 e0 81 00 00 89 1f c8 0e 1f 8a 81 00
0010b3d8  00 ff 00 e0 c8 00 d2 88 80 e7 c7 07 1f e5 04 03 00 c7 01 c8 00 81 00 00 84 08 81 04 04 1f 1f 81 44 44 1f 1f
0010b3fc  81 04 04 1f 1f 81 44 44 1f 1f 81 04 04 1f 1f 81 44 44 1f 1f 1f 84 01 81 0f 0f ff 00 e0 c8 00 d2 88 70 e7 c7
0010b420  07 1f e5 02 03 10 c7 01 81 0f 0f ff 00 e0 c8 00 d2 88 50 e7 c7 07 1f e5 02 03 00 c7 01 81 02 02 ff 00 e0 c8
0010b444  00 d2 98 60 e7 c7 07 1f e5 03 03 18 c7 01 81 05 05 ff 00 e0 c7 02 81 00 00 c8 04 89 a0 86 60 1f 1f 1f 8a ff
0010b468  00 e0 c7 02 81 00 00 c8 04 89 a0 86 60 1f 1f 1f 8a ff 00 e0 c7 02 81 00 00 c8 04 89 28 86 60 1f 1f 1f 8a c8
0010b48c  00 81 02 02 ff 00 e0 c7 02 81 00 00 c8 04 89 3c 86 80 1f 1f 1f 8a 81 43 43 86 c3 1f 86 c2 1f 86 c2 1f 86 c2
0010b4b0  1f 86 c1 1f 86 c1 1f 86 c0 1f 86 c0 1f 86 c0 1f 86 20 1f 86 20 1f 86 20 1f 86 21 1f 86 21 1f 86 22 1f 86 22
0010b4d4  1f 86 22 1f 86 23 1f 81 00 00 c8 00 ff 00 e0 c7 02 81 00 00 c8 04 89 23 86 63 1f 8a c8 00 81 02 02 ff 00 e0


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