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All About Battle Events

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***Edit: After some investigation I realized that some commands especially the ones involving movement and/or jump could vary in distance and/or jump length and/or direction. For one command there can be multiple results depending on the starting position of the character. So some descriptions in the MMMMAGIC event could be incomplete.***

Here's the tritoch event that I studied. I was able to identify almost all the actions in it. Note that some queues involving monster or background actions uses other actor number for their queues because the backgroud and a monster have no actor number. I wasn't able to decipher the explosion at the end however.

I'm planning to do the same with all the battle events, and once it will be done I'll post a complete list of all the possible actions or at least all the ones used in existing events that are not glitchy. It's not as bad to decipher an event once you understand the basic, you just have to replace some unknown actions by one that you know and you can identify them. It took me about 2 hours. It should go faster next time...

Those 24 bytes are located from 10FF00 to 10FF17. For their meaning see this

00 FF FF FF FF 00 00 FF FF FF 00 00 FF FF FF 00 00 FF FF FF 00 00 FF FF

This event is from D09E26 to D09E85 (ROM with a header).

0E                   Begin action queue(s).
    03 00             Queue for Terra.
        2A 9E        backgrouds goes darker slowly.
    04 20             Queue for Wedge.
        05 9E        Monster flash twice (white).
0F                     Execute queues.

11                     Open dialogue window at the bottom of the screen.
    01 00             Display message $00 at the bottom of the screen.
0E                   Begin action queue(s).
    03 00             Queue for Terra.
        86 9C         unknow action/no graphical or sound change.
    0C 20             ????????
        42 9E         Monster flashes twice (white) with a sound effect.
0F                     Execute queues.

0E                    Begin action queue(s).
    03 00             Queue for Terra.
        91 9C         Character move 4 tile forward/1 tile down (diagonal movement).
0F                     Execute queues.

    01 01             Display message $01 at the bottom of the screen.
    01 03             Display message $03 at the bottom of the screen.
0E                    Begin action queue(s).
    03 00             Queue for Terra.
        AD 9C         Party and monsters flash 3 times (white).
0F                     Execute queues.

0E                    Begin action queue(s).
    03 00             Queue for Terra.
        2B 9D         Party and monsters flash 2 times (white).
    04 20             Queue for Wedge.
        02 9D         Character turn around 3 times on himself.
    05 21             Queue for Biggs.
        02 9D         Character turn around 3 times on himself.
0F                    Execute queues.

    01 02            Display message $02 at the bottom of the screen.
0E                    Begin action queue(s).
    03 00             Queue for Terra.
        2B 9D         Party and monsters flash 2 times (white).
    04 20             Queue for Wedge.
        A4 9D         Character flash and dissapear (with a sound).
0F                     Execute queues.

    01 05            Display message $05 at the bottom of the screen.
0E                    Begin action queue(s).
    03 00             Queue for Terra.
        2B 9D         Party and monsters flash 2 times (white).
    04 21             Queue for Biggs.
        A4 9D         Character flash and dissapear (with a sound).
0F                     Execute queues.

    01 04             Display message $04 at the bottom of the screen.
0E                    Begin action queue(s).
    03 00             Queue for Terra
        68 9D         Character goes right 3 tiles/down 1 tile (diagonal movement) and face left.
    0C 14             ????????
        42 9E         Monster flashes twice (white) with a sound effect.
0F                    Execute queues.

   0D 00              ????????
        00 01         ????????
0F                      Execute queues.
10            Close dialogue window at the bottom of the screen.    
FF                    End of event.

Now the whelk event:

From D0A077 to D0A0A9 (ROM with a header).

0E                  Begin action queue(s).
    03 21            Queue for Biggs.
        AA 9E        Character jump twice in the air.(no sound)
0F                  Execute queue(s).

11                Open dialogue window at the bottom of the screen.
01 06             Display message $06 at the bottom of the screen.
0E                  Begin action queue(s).  
    03 20             Queue for Wedge.
        D3 9E        Character jump once in the air with arms raised.(no sound)
0F                  Execute queue(s).

01 07                Display message $07 at the bottom of the screen.

0E                  Begin action queue(s).  
    03 21            Queue for Biggs.
        BF 9E        Character raise/lower both harms three times.
0F                  Execute queue(s).

01 08                Display message $08 at the bottom of the screen.

0E                  Begin action queue(s).
    03 20             Queue for Wedge.
        BF 9E        Character raise/lower both harms three times.
0F                  Execute queue(s).

01 09                Display message $09 at the bottom of the screen.

0E                  Begin action queue(s).
    03 21            Queue for Biggs.
        BF 9E        Character raise/lower both harms three times.
0F                  Execute queue(s).

01 0A                Display message $0A at the bottom of the screen.

0E                  Begin action queue(s).  
    03 20             Queue for Wedge.
        AA 9E        Character jump twice in the air.(no sound)
0F                  Execute queue(s).

01 0B                Display message $0B at the bottom of the screen.

10                Close dialogue window at the bottom of the screen.                    

FF                End of event.

This one was a lot easier...
Finally (for tonight): the MMMMMMAGIC event (Terra/Edgar/Locke).

Note that this event was triggered during the back attack where he is suppose to. I beleive the actions would be the same in a normal attack, but I haven't checked, as this event can be trigerred later but before reaching South Figaro for the first time(I'm not too sure about that).

I tried my best to calculate the tiles in jumps and movements but sometime it's hard. If you see something like "action1/action2/action3" it's the order in which the character does the moves except for "turn/face" which are synonyms and "move X tiles in direction1/move Y tiles in direction 2" which the resulting move is sometimes the diagonal of those two moves. Anyway experiment with those actions to see the different possible combos...

Edit: see the edit at the beginning before taking for granted those commands (involving jump especially).

From D0A0E4 to D0A191 (ROM with a header)

0E                  Begin action queue(s).
    03 04            Queue for Edgar.  
        92 9F        Character move 5 tiles right/2 tiles down with a suprised face and finish his move with a jump.
    04 01            Queue for Locke.
        BA 9F        Character jump once. After he has his "ready to fight" pose.
0F                  Execute queue(s).

0E                  Begin action queue(s).
    03 00            Queue for Terra.
        98 A1          Character turn/face left.
    04 01            Queue for Locke.  
        C8 9F          Character jump 4 tiles right/ 1 tile down and bounce when he lands.
0F                  Execute queue(s).  

11                  Open dialogue window at the bottom of the screen.

01 B8                  Display message $B8 at the bottom of the screen.

0E                  Begin action queue(s).
    03 04            Queue for Edgar.
        E1 9F        Character turn 2 times on himself with arms raised.
0F                  Execute queue(s).  

01 B9                  Display message $B9 at the bottom of the screen.

0E                  Begin action queue(s).
    03 01            Queue for Locke.  
        FF 9F        Character turn/face left and then turn/face right.
0F                  Execute queue(s).  

01 BA                  Display message $BA at the bottom of the screen.
01 BB                  Display message $BB at the bottom of the screen.

0E                  Begin action queue(s).
    03 01            Queue for Locke.  
        17 A0         Character with a suprised face jump three times.
0F                  Execute queue(s).  

01 BC                  Display message $BC at the bottom of the screen.

0E                  Begin action queue(s).
    03 01            Queue for Locke.  
        29 A0          Character move 2 tiles up/1 tile right and face up.         
    04 04            Queue for Edgar.
        3F A0          Character move 2 tiles up/1 tile left and face up.
0F                  Execute queue(s).  

01 BD                  Display message $BD at the bottom of the screen.

0E                  Begin action queue(s).
    03 04            Queue for Edgar.
        55 A0         Character jumps 2 tiles left and face left.
    04 01            Queue for Locke.  
        98 A1         Character turn/face left.
0F                  Execute queue(s).  

01 BE                  Display message $BE at the bottom of the screen.

0E                  Begin action queue(s).
    03 00            Queue for Terra.  
        6B A0         Character move 4 tiles right/1 tile down with head down.
    04 04            Queue for Edgar.
        92 A1          Character turn/face down.
    05 01            Queue for Locke.  
        92 A1        Character turn/face down.  
0F                  Execute queue(s).  

01 BF                  Display message $BF at the bottom of the screen.

0E                  Begin action queue(s).
    03 01            Queue for Locke.  
        83 A0        Character jump 1 tile left/move 2 tile down/face down.
    04 04            Queue for Edgar.
        A6 A0        Character turn right/fall down/get up and face down.
0F                  Execute queue(s).  

01 C0                  Display message $C0 at the bottom of the screen.

0E                  Begin action queue(s).
    03 04            Queue for Edgar.
        C7 A0        Character move down 3 tiles          
0F                  Execute queue(s).  

01 C1                  Display message $C1 at the bottom of the screen.
01 C2                  Display message $C2 at the bottom of the screen.

0E                  Begin action queue(s).
    03 01            Queue for Locke.  
        DD A0        Character jump 2 tiles down/2 tiles right/face left
0F                  Execute queue(s).  

01 C3                  Display message $C3 at the bottom of the screen.

0E                  Begin action queue(s).
    03 00            Queue for Terra.  
        F3 A0        Character eyes blink.  
0F                  Execute queue(s).  

01 C4                  Display message $C4 at the bottom of the screen.

0E                  Begin action queue(s).
    03 00            Queue for Terra.  
        02 A1          Character eyes blink/character turn left.
0F                  Execute queue(s).  

01 C5                  Display message $C5 at the bottom of the screen.

0E                  Begin action queue(s).
    03 01            Queue for Locke.  
        A4 A1        Character turn/face up.
    04 04            Queue for Edgar.
        A4 A1        Character turn/face up.  
    05 00            Queue for Terra.
        4D A1         Character move up 2 tiles/left 1 tile/face down/do a wink/jump left 3 tiles/face right. (jumps back to her postion in battle formation).*
0F                  Execute queue(s).  

0E                  Begin action queue(s).
    03 01            Queue for Locke.  
        11 A1        Character slowly go down 1 tile while keeping his "open mouth" pose (facing down).
    04 04            Queue for Edgar.
        11 A1        Character slowly go down 1 tile while keeping his "open mouth" pose (facing down).  
0F                  Execute queue(s).  

01 C6                  Display message $C6 at the bottom of the screen.

0E                  Begin action queue(s).
    03 01            Queue for Locke.  
        31 A1      Character jumps 4 tiles up/5 tiles left with raised harms/face right. (jumps back to his position in battle formation).**
    04 04            Queue for Edgar.
        31 A1        Character jumps 5 tiles up/1 tile left with raised harms/face right. (jumps back to his position in battle formation).**
0F                  Execute queue(s).  

10                  Close dialogue window at the bottom of the screen.                
FF                  End of event.

* I don't know if we could call this dynamic jumping (the game would calculate where to land but I doubt that...) since the character lands exactly in his battle position in the formation. I haven't really tested the possibilities.

** Same as above and both character have the same command (31 A1) and have a really different postition prior to the jump. They both land in the right spot in the battle formation.

Messages In This Thread
All About Battle Events - by Angelo26 - 07-03-2011, 06:41 PM
RE: All About Battle Events - by Gi Nattak - 07-04-2011, 01:25 PM
RE: All About Battle Events - by Angelo26 - 07-13-2011, 08:35 AM
RE: All About Battle Events - by Gi Nattak - 07-13-2011, 05:42 PM
RE: All About Battle Events - by Angelo26 - 07-14-2011, 08:24 PM
RE: All About Battle Events - by Gi Nattak - 07-15-2011, 02:29 AM
RE: All About Battle Events - by Angelo26 - 07-22-2011, 05:36 PM
RE: All About Battle Events - by madsiur - 12-30-2011, 01:23 AM
RE: All About Battle Events - by Angelo26 - 02-14-2012, 11:57 PM
RE: All About Battle Events - by Angelo26 - 03-18-2012, 09:44 PM
RE: All About Battle Events - by Angelo26 - 03-25-2012, 08:06 PM
RE: All About Battle Events - by DjinnAndTonic - 05-11-2012, 02:44 AM
RE: All About Battle Events - by madsiur - 05-11-2012, 11:02 AM
RE: All About Battle Events - by DjinnAndTonic - 05-11-2012, 04:00 PM
RE: All About Battle Events - by DjinnAndTonic - 05-30-2012, 03:09 AM
RE: All About Battle Events - by madsiur - 06-01-2012, 11:56 PM
RE: All About Battle Events - by madsiur - 10-15-2016, 04:04 PM
RE: All About Battle Events - by Everything - 10-16-2016, 01:34 PM
RE: All About Battle Events - by madsiur - 10-16-2016, 02:08 PM
RE: All About Battle Events - by Tenkarider - 10-15-2016, 06:00 PM
RE: All About Battle Events - by madsiur - 10-15-2016, 07:55 PM

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