Poll: Kefka vs. Sephiroth
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Kefka 58.41% 66 58.41%
Sephiroth 26.55% 30 26.55%
They'd Ally 15.04% 17 15.04%
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Kefka vs. Sephiroth

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[Image: imgshk.png]

Above Kefka's Tower, in the clouds.

Kefka starts in his normal form where he's been imbued with Esper powers. When weakened, he can transform into god-form Kefka.
Sephiroth starts in his normal form and can later transform into his later forms.
Fallen One and Heartless Angel cancel each other out.

*Important Facts*
Since this is a FF6 hacking website and FF7 is widely known and played, I don't feel I need to tell you about these two main antagonists. We all know who Kefka and Sephiroth is.

This is an epic battle between fallen angels.
This is a FF6 hacking website, that being said, don't be bias towards Kefka. See this battle through with an open mind.

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I vote Kefka mainly because I didn't like Sephiroth after he went crazy, he just wasn't nearly as interesting as he could have been. He kept the story going but as a villain he was actually a bit boring, were it not for Cloud Sephiroth wouldn't have had much purpose, not to mention that Sephiroth didn't technically become a god-like being yet, he still needed meteor to "nearly" kill the planet so that he could become one.

Kefka was manipulating practically everything from the start, he was a supremely treasured strategist and you actually see that during the events of the game, considering how much power he had over Ghestaul, plus Kefka did actually become a god.

My last reason for choosing Kefka over Sephiroth is the aspect of their deaths.
Sephiroth (not including anything after the events of ff7 (especially since none of it even made a tidbit of sense, at least I thought it was ridiculous)) did not impact anything with his death. He died and the one thing he did do was destroyed by the one person he should not have killed. Beyond the destruction of Meteor, nothing changes in the world when it comes to Sephiroth's death.

Kefka isn't the same on that one. Kefka's death was immediately impacting on the world; magic was destroyed the moment he was. All the espers that may have been alive at the time, fade from existence, terra's life was also threatened but she had a strong enough connection with the children of Mobliz to keep her existence. With Kefka gone, magic does not exist and never will exist again, that has a lot of impact on a world.

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This reply to the poll is who I feel is more powerful. A click-and-vote is not enough to sum up who's more powerful, so I feel I must write this to do both villains justice.
I'm going to be completely unbiased and try to get my facts straight.

Kefka started out as an upper peon in Gestahl's army, and was thought of as a psychotic clown to his peers because of an unperfected procedure of Cids esper-power insertion. To add to his powers, he captured Espers from the Esper world and had Cid drain them of their powers and imbued him with them. The only person Kefka was loyal to was himself and soon as power presented itself, he seized it. I'm speaking of the Warring Triad.
Kefka became a demi-God thanks to the Warring Traids power and shaped the world in his image.

Sephiroth was formed by Professor Hojo and Lucrecia, but not through sexual intercourse. When Lucrecia was pregnant, Hojo injected her unborn child with Jenova cells and thus Sephiroth came into existence. Twenty years later on a mission, he defects from SOLDIER. Based on the Shinra reports, he comes to believe Jenova was a Cetra, and therefore he as Jenova's "son" is the last Cetra survivor. He also believes the human race had betrayed the Cetra 2,000 years in the past, leaving them alone to defend the Planet from a calamity it had faced (eventually revealed to have been Jenova itself), and resolves to take vengeance for his "ancestors". He then becomes unstable and begins destroying towns such as Nibelheim. He is stopped by Cloud and claimed as "killed in action" by Shinra. In actuality, he falls into a giant chasm that the Lifestream transverses. He is kept alive through shear will power and is sealed by Mako power into a crystal-like form. Over time, he regains his strength and gains even more of it due to the Mako power he's absorbing. He creates clones of himself to do his bidding and he continues to hibernate in his crystal form. Using the Black Materia, Sephiroth plans to call the Ultimate Destructive Magic - Meteor. The impact caused by Meteor will heavily injure the Planet, and Sephiroth will place himself at the center of its impact zone as the Lifestream emerges to heal the Planet's wound. Thus Sephiroth will merge with the Lifestream, becoming a god ruling over the Planet.
He is later stopped by Cloud and party before this can continue.

I am speaking completely unbiased when I say I think Kefka is more powerful. Here me out.
Kefka absorbed many of the Espers powers, as well as became a demi-God. The game didn't end and he wasn't stopped soon as that happened which seems to be a reoccuring role in many of the Final Fantasies. He completely devastated the world with his "Light of Judgement" and assumed control over the world.

Sephiroth on the other hand was born with the power of Jenova streaming through his blood. Once he found out that he was a failed experiment by Hojo, he went mad (not as mad as Kefka might I add) and attemped to destroy the world. FF7 was 3 CD's long and he was still not able to do what Kefka did.

In terms of power, Kefka's combined Esper and Warring Traid powers top Sephiroths imbued Jenova cells and his Mako energy he absorbed in the Lifestream.

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I voted as a guest by mistake, but I feel that Sephiroth would easily kill the hell out of Kefka, with one fell swoop of his Masamune. Let's see... an insane clown powered up on Magicite, VS a biologically programmed from birth to be a powerful super soldier 1st class, injected with alien DNA as well as Mako energy, who wields a ridiculously giant & incredibly sharp sword that only he can use because its apparently that awesome. Just look at the screenshot as a reference - It's skewering God Kefka's leg like a plump and juicy pig, lol. I do love Kefka for his personality, but not exactly for his combat skills in a 1v1 battle. (which is what we are voting for, correct?)
Not anything story related.

Although if that -were- the case, I still think summoning up a giant meteor to kill of pretty much the entire population in order to greatly injure the planet and absorb enough power from the wound (Lifestream) to become a god, is better and more ingenious than moving some statues, which in turn ushers in an apocalypse, and then slowly and sadistically burning down towns and who knows what else with the Light of Judgment. Sure, the LoJ is undoubtedly more evil, but imo less effective in extinguishing a planets population, and achieving the goal of becoming a "god".
Sry Kefka! ;[

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My vote goes twords Sephiroth.

Mike covered most of how I feel about this topic as well. However, one point I would like to get more on is their ultimate "weapons".


Maybe it was only limited because of the Super Nintendo, but I really found the Light of Judgement to be pathetic and boring. A magic laser from space (I know, I know, from the top of the tower. But still.) that only seems to have the power to zap a single house? In an instant, that laser can deal it's damage, and be gone just as fast. And when Kefka demonstrates to the heroes the power of the light... the way it just swings across the land and water... I found to be boring.

Then there's Meteor. The sheer power of CASTING Meteor scared the hell out of the Planet itself, so it summoned the WEAPONS to seek out the caster. For ten days, Meteor lingered in the sky, slowly getting closer and closer. It was not a wham-bam-gone-in-a-flash attack. It was something that made the people feel despair, and true hopelessness. Their despair only grew more and more each time they tried to get rid of it.

As for abilities, Sephiroth has insane physical strength. Kefka does not. Likewise, Kefka has insane magic power. Sephiroth does not.

But in an actual battle... Sephiroth would win. Even without Materia and post Crisis-Core abilities... Sephiroth was still insanely strong. Strong enough to kill Ifrit in one blow. Strong enough to effortlessly impale a Midgar Zolom on a tree. Strong enough to come back from the dead.

Sure Sephiroth was a little more bland than Kefka. But he is a hell of alot more dangerous.

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A couple of people are going to die.
Even though you can turn back the time,
you're always a moment too late!"

I have to continue debating who to vote for on this one. It's not something I can just click and decide as with every other poll I've voted in on here.

I definitely don't think they would ever ally under any circumstances, because Kefka would end up betraying Sephiroth, true to character, and I don't ever see Sephiroth agreeing to it in the first place.

So, this is gonna take a little more time for me to decide.. But I'd rather at least make a decision I could be true about than to have regret it later, or simply make no decision at all. I'll be carefully considering my choice.

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I have to say Kefka wins by a nose. Kefka became a God and magic died when he died. He was also the guy that paved the way for other game villains. Sephiroth would not stand a chance because one he's human through and through with genetic engineering. He also uses less magic but had some forms. I have to pick a winner and its Kefka.

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Sephy,of course..let's review,SHALL we? Kefka insalts Sephy(Has anyone forgot the YOUTUBE video?) and remember the dissidia?

I say Sephiroth!Smile0:-)

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Kefka, best villian ever. ;[

edit: Sephy is a great villian too, he killed Aeris, that made me sad. Surprised

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its about damn time I put my input here Wink

we got the whole accomplishment thing out of the way and there is no point in repeating what everyone else already said

but when it comes 2 sheer appearance I'm sorry Sephy wins that hands down, and he is much more of a badass, but when it comes to their power, Kefka obtained the powers of a god, and even though Sephy did call a meteor that truly gave the people fear and dispair, he called the meteor, its not like he created it (srry Scorpion although it was a bangin argument and I agree with its overall effect/impact 100%) but Kefka actually succeeded in his goals and when he died, he died giving everyone the middle finger while he did it, and even tho the world "supposedly" returned to the way it was, the planet was still scared beyond repair

so in the end I gotta say Kefka wins this 1

"Sometimes ninjas do wrong to each other, and in dat way the force of tha earf' comes around da moon - and at that presence, da dirt, it overshadows the grass, so you're like, I can't cut dis grass, there's no sun comin' through. So in order to enable each other the two fruits have to look each other in da eye and understand we can only be right, as da ripe is wrong, you know what I mean?"


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