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blitz, swordtech, and other battle animations

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is there away to change the animations in battle for things like blitz, swordtech, and other battle options?

can it be done in ff3usme 6.7? if so, how?


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I'm not sure if you're referring to the intro animations, or the actual spell animations, but in both cases, yes, you can edit those animations with FF3usME. For the intro animations, look under the battle tab, (go figure) then animations 1.

[Image: imgshk.png]

If you want to edit each blitz or swordtech animation, you want to go to spell>animations.
Just know that swordtechs are @ 85-92 and don't appear on the list visually on a clean/unedited ROM, but once you click it it will show you the real name.

[Image: imgshk.png]

Alternatively you could use FF6MDE to edit spell animations, it's actually a bit more
user-friendly, at least for editing the spells. For the intro's and battle animations, I would recommend looking at this thread:

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What exactly are the intro animations for? Is that for the intro sequence as any battle starts?

Also for the spell animations:
You have aura blast shown on your screen shot. If I wanted Aura Blast to look the same way as pummel, for instance. Would I select Aura Blast as you have in screen shot and then adjust Idx 0 -3 to be the same numbers as pummel?

Also thanks very much. You are very helpful.
I just actually tried what I asked you and found that indeed that is how it works. Now here's another question that comes to mind. If I wanted to have a skill say pummel, look like a throwing star - i know how to do that, but what if I wanted it to hit all enemies on screen? Can that be done?

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(03-02-2011, 02:38 PM)ribbits Wrote: What exactly are the intro animations for? Is that for the intro sequence as any battle starts?

After you select the skill, (example: a blitz, or a sword tech) the intro animation is that very brief animation before the move. Like the magic casting intro is that blue sphere that goes around the character. The Blitz intro is the bright flash. For Relic it is that glimmer of spiky light when the spell is absorbed, etc.

(03-02-2011, 02:38 PM)ribbits Wrote: Also for the spell animations:
You have aura blast shown on your screen shot. If I wanted Aura Blast to look the same way as pummel, for instance. Would I select Aura Blast as you have in screen shot and then adjust Idx 0 -3 to be the same numbers as pummel?

Yes, that's correct.

(03-02-2011, 02:38 PM)ribbits Wrote: Also thanks very much. You are very helpful.

You're very welcome.

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Do we know what Idx 0 -3 do individually? As in what does Idx 0 do in the animation and idx 1, and so forth and so on.

Is 0 the beginning of the action and each one following is a subsequent part of the animation, which could technically be mixed and matched?


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Yes, they are in order; for instance animation 1 (in MDE, in usME it's "index 0") for the spell Ice would be that bouncing line that bounces around super fast, while animation 2 would be the following upward pillar of ice. Flare's animation 1 is the inward spiral of fire, and animation 2 is the outward exploding. They are in order.

Animation 3 (or index 2 in FF3usME) usually affects the backround, like the blue backround in Ultima, or the wavy screen in Megazerk. Some animation's can even take your player (or monster) off the map, like Sneeze, or Bababreath.

Special, or index 4, has to do with a certain object showing up and interacting with the spell, for instance the Alexander Summon where his metal Jaw opens and releases the beam. That is the special animation. The ghost's in Evil Toot? You guessed it. Try adding them to other spells and see what happens.

Sound, is obviously sound. Try swapping sound from one spell to another, and even to weapons. Longer sounds can sometimes get cut off as a result of another animation, and of course because the game uses Stereo. Some animations include the sounds with them, without changing the "sound" itself.

A spell animation (or rather a byte) can also be transfered to weapons, which are 8 bytes. For instance putting "66" in for the hit graphic of a weapon will result in that weapon releasing an aura canon upon striking. Change the palette of the hit graphic to whatever color you please, #'s 0-FF. Or 0-255. That is hex, here's a chart that will help you out:

Byte 10, or the ??? byte is unknown but I have messed around with it and it seems to make certain animations faster or effect the movement of things like Dispatch and Cleave, but I'm not sure.

And for the "speed", or "repeat speed" setting, that's how fast one animation goes to the next, not how fast the spell goes as a whole.

FF3usMe's spell editor looks a little more complex than FF6MDE, and for the more spiffy spells it is. I would recommend starting out with MDE. Just know that the index 4 for usME = special animation in MDE. If you do decide to use MDE, here's a nice little reference for the intros and special animations:

Also know that keeping index's in the same spot is generally a good idea, otherwise your spell might come out looking bad or a total mess and even glitch the game out in ways you could never imagine. But this is not always the case, you'll just have to experiment. Animation 1 has "priority" and will always use the 1st animation how the spell is intended. It's hard for me to explain this, but for instance if you were to move up a spells animation 2 to the 1 spot, it would do the 2nd animation instead, how the 1st one is supposed to. Again though, not all spells are friendly of having their index's moved.

Well, that concludes my essay for today. Making new spells is one of the funnest things to do, and is very rewarding and relatively easy to pick up. Good luck, and have fun!

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I haven't been on in months, but am back to dabbling in the ff6 hacking world.
I've been looking around and either i am blind or I can't seem to find the code's for boomerang so that it can be used in a magic slot, or the code for jump so that it can also be used in a magic slot. Basically meaning I want to make spells that look like boomerang and jump.

does anyone have a clue what the codes are?

thanks in advance

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I'm not sure about using a weapon animation for a spell, I don't see that working. They are coded far too differently from each other, for instance spells work with 2 byte indexes, weapons use just one.

But who knows, there's probably -some- way you could get a boomerang weapon animation to show up in a spell, dunno. Just experiment with putting some of the bytes from the weapon animation of a boomerang (item editor>weapon animations) into a spell index, and hope for the best. That's the only way I know lol. But, boomerangs also need a special flag checked to make it look and act like a boomerang, otherwise it just does throw - and spells do not have the flag! So I'm 90% that there's no way without some super leet hacking skills. =X

And look for a bunch of jump animations there in battle editor>animations 1, those are the only 'normal' jump animations I see, other than a select few spells like Shadow's desperation attack etc from the regular spell animations.

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thanks for the reply, Nattak.

I did happen to stumble across a boomerang type animation that I can use as a spell. In the battle editor > animations 1 > animation 70:

idx0: 0279 pal 0: 24
idx1: FFFF pal 1: 0
idx2: FFFF pal 3: 0
idx3: FFFF

snd fx: 40
byte 10: 10

i've been able to test it once and so far it works pretty good.

I've tried creating jumping one with some of the options there, but nothing tested as of yet.

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how about changing the health skill? Banon's skill set?

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