Poll: First Final Fantasy
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Final Fantasy 17.86% 5 17.86%
Final Fantasy II 3.57% 1 3.57%
Final Fantasy III 3.57% 1 3.57%
Final Fantasy IV 17.86% 5 17.86%
Final Fantasy V 17.86% 5 17.86%
Final Fantasy VI 28.57% 8 28.57%
Final Fantasy VII 3.57% 1 3.57%
Final Fantasy VIII 3.57% 1 3.57%
Final Fantasy IX 3.57% 1 3.57%
Final Fantasy X 0% 0 0%
Total 28 vote(s) 100%
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Your First Final Fantasy

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how come we don't have XI or XII on here? >_< (VI was my first, I used to play it all the time on my step bro's SNES XII was my second, then X, V, IV, III, I, II :p [notice I haven't been scared by a shirtless-silver-haired-emo-one-winged-angel who shall remain nameless Tongue XD])

Whelp. I still remember this place 13 years since first joining   Laugh

I played IV first, back when the U.S. thought it was II. I was about 7. I absolutely loved it and it got me into RPGs.

Next came FF I, which I hated. Later I thought maybe it was just because I was too young, but no, it still sucks.

FF VI came next, and it's still to this day my favorite game of all time. Smile

Then VII - I enjoyed it and spent a good portion of time playing it and replaying it, but I never understood the massive love for it and I still don't.

Afterwards I played VIII and because it was so awful I didn't play another FF game for years.

Eventually I broke down and saw FF Tactics in a store and had never heard of it or knew quite what it was, so I bought it and I loved it. Next came the (awful) port of FF V and VI for Playstation and that was my first time playing V. I thought it was alright and having played FFT just before helped me appreciate the job system more.

I decided to give a newer game another shot and played IX and fell in love with Final Fantasy all over again. It's easily my second favorite game of the series. However, that was quickly ruined with the release of X, and even worse, the subsequent release of X-2.

I tried III on the DS, but haven't yet finished it or even gotten too far in. I enjoy the job system and everything, but the story does little to grab my attention.

I've never played II, XI (in my opinion this doesn't count) or XII.

Oh yeah, I played XIII. It sucks.

Hm... I've played 9 games out of the "classic" 10. I've completed 8 of them. I only enjoy 5 of them (IV, V, VI, VII, IX) and those are the only ones I would replay. Final Fantasy is pretty hit or miss. The game is usually either really good, or just downright awful.

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(08-25-2010, 08:12 PM)NeoBahamut Wrote: how come we don't have XI or XII on here? >_< (VI was my first, I used to play it all the time on my step bro's SNES XII was my second, then X, V, IV, III, I, II :p [notice I haven't been scared by a shirtless-silver-haired-emo-one-winged-angel who shall remain nameless Tongue XD])

I couldnt put them in because you can only post 10 options in a poll.

I got the original the day it came out! beat the game with just about every possible party..Final fantasy 1 on nes for sure! nothing comes close lol

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my first final fantasy game if not just talking about the series was mystic quest which got me started in rpgs. but if you're talking series wise it will be final fantasy 4 which was also the toughest in the series to me. next was ff6 that was my 2nd toughest back in the early-mid 90s. after that the rest were not as tough mainly losing to 1 boss or enemy per game. ff 5 and 10 was the only one that i lost to more than 1 boss or enemy a game.

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I'll go with FFVI as my first(did not like the fact that I had to play as a girl to start), I rented FFIV or II in the US. I liked that one better. Also Final Fantasy Mystic Quest was the first RPG I finished.

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I played FFIV (FFII SNES) on the console back when I was a youngin.
I'm 22 so it must have been when I was like 4-5 years old or something.

Mine was Final Fantasy V Advance. 8]Wink

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Hey, most of you guys are using this to rate the ff's so i'm gonna 2!

FF1: Is a classic one of the first i played and one that really got me into rpg's.

FF2: Didn't think this one was as good as ff1 but is was still good all in all, the thing i didnt like about it was the fact that most people that joined you died when they left you.

FF3: One of my favirites, the one that introduced the job system and also the Onion Knight!

FF4: Another masterpiece, great sountrack 2, I liked the fact that 5 members were in the party.

FF5: One of the best in the series it brought back the job system and introduced bartz also know as butz Laugh!

FF6: My second fave whith so many characters to choose from and the allpowerfull ultima this is a legend, but you allready know that as this site is hacking ff6!

FF7: Great game never understood the bazzar popualtry though, i liked though materia ablities i men you could have acommand menu whith 15 command!

FF8: My third fave, introducing squall my fave main character and some other memrible characters 2 i liked the junction system and the ability draw magic instead of buying it.

FF9: My favarite which i think is the best one ever, it had everything thing in it, bosses from other games, the best sountrack ever and you coulf finally have 4 characters in your party again!

FF10: Wasnt the best one made but better than some of the newer ones, summoning was much more fun now as you could control your summons.

FF11: Never Played but it sounds crap.

FF12: Ugh I hated it the contols were ugly and the full game it self was not intresting, but thats my opinion you might think diffrent.

FF13: A lot of people really hate this but i think its better than 12, the command sytems crap though and its not really the best of ff's.

And thats it! Laugh

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FF1 dawn of souls gba was my first! but i stuck right now ......
FF11 is crap also shantotto is insideX.X she kills u there if u say NO.....

Wurmi: ... i live in Peach`s castle together with Mario...you don`t know how bad that is D:
Mario: is this so bad?
Wurmi: *cries*
Mario: don`t worry i am here Laugh
Wurmi: UWAAAAH! D;

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