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Sprite Requests

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I don't know if your suppesed to ask for sprites or not but i have some ideas for some, a whole lot of ideas oh and dont say anything like do them yourself because i'm crap at making sprites:. Laugh

anyway theres a link at the bottom for some examples I know you cant use them but there there anyway and i'm also not asking you to do them all at once and you also dont have to do them right away just do them when youve got time.

so heres the list i'll put a * next to ones i want doing most Smile

FF9 Freya/Freyga*
FF7 Yuffie*
FF8 Quistis*
FF8 Edea
FF9 Stainer
FF7 Vincent*
FF13 Lightning* (I didnt like FF13 itself but lightnings ok)
FF12 Van
FF12 Penelo
FF8 Ultimecia*
FF1 Garland
FF2 Emperor
FF3 Cloud of Darkness* (most likely this will be pretty hard sorry about thatSad)
FF8 Laguna
FF8 Zell
FF8 Selphie
FF9 Quina*
FF9 Amarant
FF7 Cid (and i mean the FF7 not one from the other FF)
FF4 Golbez*
FF5 Gilgamesh
FF5 Exdeath
FF5 Renna (you can choose job)
FF5 Krile (you can choose job)
FF5 Galuf (you can choose job)
FF4 Tellah
FF4 Palom
FF4 Porom
FF6 Typhon/Chupon
FF1 some Jobs from the game
FF3 some Jobs from the game

Pretty big list huh but i dont mind if you dont do them they are just some suggestions and some sprites i wanted anyway thanks for reading and i hope you can do someTongue!


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well I have 2 let u know a good handful of these cannot be done

due to the fact that they are too big

and if u were to re-size them they will come out way too distorted and wont look right

the main 2 I mean are Steiner and Quina

some of these however I was planning to do anyway

but dont rush me due to the fact I already have my plate full @ the moment

"Sometimes ninjas do wrong to each other, and in dat way the force of tha earf' comes around da moon - and at that presence, da dirt, it overshadows the grass, so you're like, I can't cut dis grass, there's no sun comin' through. So in order to enable each other the two fruits have to look each other in da eye and understand we can only be right, as da ripe is wrong, you know what I mean?"


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No offense to you but thats a shit ton of sprites and im not a spriter but I konw thats way to many sprites and I would love to see them myself but we all are doing things and requests are inpossible ATM so sorry Sad

We are doing FF D&D ATM and thats a full time job nearly but we can base our sprites off them and most of them minus villians are in the game so expect to see a few in the next few months.

But I know youre bad at spriting ( like me! ) but as Poco says its trial and error you gotta try and no ones gonna luagh at you (maybe me if its horrible lol joking) and im currently learning from Poco myself Smile Good luck!!!


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(08-30-2010, 11:06 PM)Poco Loco Wrote: well I have 2 let u know a good handful of these cannot be done

due to the fact that they are too big

and if u were to re-size them they will come out way too distorted and wont look right

the main 2 I mean are Steiner and Quina

some of these however I was planning to do anyway

but dont rush me due to the fact I already have my plate full @ the moment

Ok dont worry i wouldt of minded if you didnt do them anyway.
(08-31-2010, 02:20 AM)Gilgameshversion Wrote: No offense to you but thats a shit ton of sprites and im not a spriter but I konw thats way to many sprites and I would love to see them myself but we all are doing things and requests are inpossible ATM so sorry Sad

We are doing FF D&D ATM and thats a full time job nearly but we can base our sprites off them and most of them minus villians are in the game so expect to see a few in the next few months.

But I know youre bad at spriting ( like me! ) but as Poco says its trial and error you gotta try and no ones gonna luagh at you (maybe me if its horrible lol joking) and im currently learning from Poco myself Smile Good luck!!!

Really to many oh well i had to try i really shouldve thought about
FF D&D though you guys wont have time to do any of these sprites so maybe i should try doing some myself but dont blame me if they come out wrong.

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well if u follow the rules posted on here when it comes 2 sprite sheets u should be fine

we take those rules really seriously

"Sometimes ninjas do wrong to each other, and in dat way the force of tha earf' comes around da moon - and at that presence, da dirt, it overshadows the grass, so you're like, I can't cut dis grass, there's no sun comin' through. So in order to enable each other the two fruits have to look each other in da eye and understand we can only be right, as da ripe is wrong, you know what I mean?"


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Yeah so I said I was making a sprite so I am.

I'm making Freya from FF9.

She's coming along really well and I said I was a bad spriter hahaha...........ummm she isnt really all my work infact very little is mine, what I did was use the link at the bottom of the first post (just incase you dont know the link is called Sprites) and went down to Freya's sprites and saved the sheets, then I zoomed in on the pictures and copied all the coulers and outlines and that.

The only problem is that Freya's hat was to big so I had to shrink it down a touch but other than that it's perfect Wink and I'm happy whith it.

its not finished yet but when it is I'll show it to you but the problem whith that is that I don't know how to insert images otherwise i would show you what I've got so far so could someone tell me how I have it saved in my documents and you have to insert the link right? Huh

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yea u gotta insert the link when its finished but it needs to be done in the FinalFantasy3SpriteEditor the 1 with the Relm icon, because any other will make the character look distorted, if the char looks distorted it wont be accepted,also the last 4 colors cannot be used (bottom right corner), they come out messed up looking in battle, the other huge thing is the order in which the colors are placed (look @ the sprite rules to fix that, u don't want any other chars sharing the same palette to look messed up do u? Freya on the other hand is kind of an exception, but still certain colors must be consistent regardless

certain things need to be re-sized and reshaped anyway like my Vivi, I had 2 do his hat from scratch, and Kuja I had to edit his hair substantially so its not that easy

"Sometimes ninjas do wrong to each other, and in dat way the force of tha earf' comes around da moon - and at that presence, da dirt, it overshadows the grass, so you're like, I can't cut dis grass, there's no sun comin' through. So in order to enable each other the two fruits have to look each other in da eye and understand we can only be right, as da ripe is wrong, you know what I mean?"


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(08-31-2010, 03:05 PM)Poco Loco Wrote: yea u gotta insert the link when its finished but it needs to be done in the FinalFantasy3SpriteEditor the 1 with the Relm icon, because any other will make the character look distorted, if the char looks distorted it wont be accepted,also the last 4 colors cannot be used (bottom right corner), they come out messed up looking in battle, the other huge thing is the order in which the colors are placed (look @ the sprite rules to fix that, u don't want any other chars sharing the same palette to look messed up do u? Freya on the other hand is kind of an exception, but still certain colors must be consistent regardless

certain things need to be re-sized and reshaped anyway like my Vivi, I had 2 do his hat from scratch, and Kuja I had to edit his hair substantially so its not that easy

so if i do freya in ffse the one whith the icon that looks like the atma weapon (monster not weapon) and then load that file on the one you said and import that will that work?

and you said something about sprite rules where are they at?

I'm pretty clueless heh.

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the FF3SE is good 4 recoloring the sprites

but to be more specific look @ the help thread

"Sometimes ninjas do wrong to each other, and in dat way the force of tha earf' comes around da moon - and at that presence, da dirt, it overshadows the grass, so you're like, I can't cut dis grass, there's no sun comin' through. So in order to enable each other the two fruits have to look each other in da eye and understand we can only be right, as da ripe is wrong, you know what I mean?"


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