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Complete and Utter Chaos

15-year old Mazeru Jonouchi(I may dub him Joseph for heaven's sake;he's supposed to be me) was leading as normal a life as it could possibly seem. Little did he know, he accidentally stepped into the territory where fantasy becomes fact, and he isn't quite prepared for it.

His first strange incident occurs when he enter his school looking for his favorite expensive coat, and finds a mysterious figure who begins to tell him what would otherwise seem like incoherent babble, and he continues walking, though he does turn around to find the figure gone soon after.

Next off, he is visited by a figure in a rather depressing black attire, named Chaos, who says he needs to go with him, where to? He's reluctant to say. Jonouchi doesn't go without a fight, and despite the obvious crutch of not knowing what's going on and the fact that he hasn't gained any magical aptitude and doesn't regularly carry weaponry on his person, he is able to subdue Chaos enough to get an answer out of him.

Jonouchi is supposed to go to the Realm of Zarathustra, a complex part of the galaxy with it's own laws, systems, and such. The idea gets him going, but he refuses to go knowing that he has no defenses. So Chaos opens the bridge between reality and Zarathustra, and tells him to challenge him again. Chaos is about ten times more relentless, but Jonouchi unlocks his true powers-his magical capabilities and his arsenal of unique weaponry. He gets Chaos to submit, who says it's time to go. Jonouchi has no fears as he steps through the portal, but he probably regrets it when he gets out on the other side.

Little did this boy know that he isn't being whisked away for no reason, and that this is only the beginning of an epic tale.
I've decided what I'm going to do for my first hack.

Considering I hate just about everything in Final Fantasy VI with a burning passion more intense than the sun, but there are some things I can use from the system it employs, I'm going to stick with it. I've got the basic stuff that was laid out in all of the tutorials Zeemis has got, I'll start there and if I'm not satisfied, I'll look into further methods. So far all I've accomplished is making sprites, I'll get to work on the heavy duty work and the real stuff afterwards, I at least want the characters done.


The system will employ things like the old Bushido system, all the magic, the Blitz command, and Steal when I find room for it, but most characters will be limited in magic they can take, and summons are more or less out, but the system will be more favorably replaced with something else while probably retaining the esper's stat bonuses and such. Gender-locking and character specific stuff is still "the norm", and just about every character can also unlock combat skills more on-par with skillsets from Final Fantasy IX. Not in content, but in design. I also want to look into something like Trance from Final Fantasy IX as well, where characters can transform if they warrant enough power(because Final Fantasy VI's idea of trance is nowhere good enough). This can increase their stats but it replaces whatever they have set for a skill list with a set list that only does so much, but emulates what the character is best at.

Enemies will have less focus on the elemental paradigm, because every character has a set in stone element about them, and Final Fantasy is notorious for making enemies with high elemental resistances, including immunity and even absorption. Not to say you still can't find enemies like that, but the numbers of them will be lessened. To an equal degree, there will be a downplay on the party having elemental resistances and immunities and such.

Speaking of enemies, there may or may not be a drastic decrease in enemy count to make up for all the new crap. And even if I do find enough room and have plenty of enemies, I'm still probably going to cut it down to size.

Lastly, I plan to throw in tons of new and unique weaponry and armor, and even relics that will do things such as, change the Attack command to Element, which will in turn make the character perform a unique attack corresponding to their element and their element only.

I was thinking of working on the aspect of building a command bar for the character, making Item optional as well.


Mazeru Jonouchi: Jonouchi, despite being almost a gentle giant, is a dangerous kind of person. He sees and comprehends a great lot of things in life, philosophy being a big deal to him, but he has little to say. Some say being this soft-spoken isn't a good quality, but being dangerous is how he rolls. He loves being playful and raising eyebrows, but he works within normal boundaries. In battle, he is the only character to average out everything in good numbers. He is a jack of all trades, but a master of little.

Abraxas Chaosus "Chaos" Malifact": Chaos never smiles. He retains an air of neutrality about him that most people not only find intimidating, but question the being of. His father and mother were both powerful casters and had divine roots of opposite ends, but he meshes them well together. He is more of a smartass who cracks tongue at will, and is nary afraid of the consequences. He is also very tactically minded. In battle, he serves well as a debuffer and is good at drawing attention to himself, as well.

Jonouchi no Heian: Known as Heian, he is an enigmatic one who strives for peace, both inner and outer, but knows the boundaries of his dream enough to keep it out of other's affairs. He can be, at times, a little hot-headed, and is certainly contagious and bright perhaps a bit too often. He serves as a special kind of character, who works to deal damage evenly to all the enemies on the field, but can also hold his own in combat.

Daichi no Nippon: Daichi is one vibrant guy. He really gets things pumping, and loves training. He is proud of mixing speed and wit exceedingly well together, as he always hits his sure mark and does it with grace. Despite this, he is easier to enrage than all of his companions. In battle, he has high accuracy and good magic attack, as he uses his lightning-based techniques furiously.

Noelle: Noelle is an orphaned angel, and Chaos' love at that. She is very peppy and overly optimistic about everything ever and always seems to be right in her predictions, which is an even scarier aspect about her. In combat she gets stats that make her a spellcaster, moreso a combat medic and/or buffer than a direct damage dealer. She has access to every spell, however, for mixing and matching purposes.

Jessyka Proctor: Jess is a Valkyrion, a special kind of vampire that works on the life essence of the evil and devours that, but can become increasingly sick if it devours good souls, and does not need to survive solely on those. She is mysterious and brandish, and she prides herself in being more down-to-earth than even Chaos, which causes the two to clash at some points. In battle, she strives to be a variety of things, but she excels at offensive magic, though she also has the ability to get techs. She also has access to every spell in the game.

Keep in mind that until the spritework is dealt with and I've gone through all the tuts enough, I'm not going to have any progress(and that probably includes the programs) on the actual game, I take pride in my spritework and aesthetics and all that. Till then, hang tight and I can totally ask any questions you may have.

Post your comments, criticism, all that jazz. I have no regrets.

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Nice story, can't wait for some screenshots.

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it seems like a good idea, however the story itself seems a bit vague (I'm guessing its a recap or a teaser, but if you want to capture more eyes u need to add some more detail, @ least that's how I see it, and please don't take it the wrong way), regardless a lot of the things you want can be accomplished, you are gonna need to ASM edit a lot of stuff seeing as how a lot of names contain more then 6 letters, other then that if you are really into and passionate about your sprite work by all means take your time and please follow some advice I am about 2 give u (idk if u know already), the last 4 colors are not to be used since they mess up in battle, the colors should also be in a specific order (look @ the sprite rules to figure it out), and finally create your sprites in the relm editor because that is the only one that can provide perfect sprites (meaning you wont have disfigured sprites in the game)

"Sometimes ninjas do wrong to each other, and in dat way the force of tha earf' comes around da moon - and at that presence, da dirt, it overshadows the grass, so you're like, I can't cut dis grass, there's no sun comin' through. So in order to enable each other the two fruits have to look each other in da eye and understand we can only be right, as da ripe is wrong, you know what I mean?"


I was figuring that I'd probably use more normal dubs of the names that need it(Jonouchi just gets turned into Joseph, which is six letters, as if it went through translation like some kind of anime or manga), if anything, and even then, if there's s six letter max, I'm good.

It's more like their nicknames. Just about every character uses a nickname.

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ah ok ok

good luck with this project and we are here to help if u need it

"Sometimes ninjas do wrong to each other, and in dat way the force of tha earf' comes around da moon - and at that presence, da dirt, it overshadows the grass, so you're like, I can't cut dis grass, there's no sun comin' through. So in order to enable each other the two fruits have to look each other in da eye and understand we can only be right, as da ripe is wrong, you know what I mean?"


Nice to know I've got some support behind me.

When comes the beta ??????
its cool i hope (hope great!!!!)

I will play it.when its come.

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