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Play-by-Post FF6 Story game!

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Hey guys! it's time to play another forum game. Let's write a story... but not just any story, no. This will be the most ultimate FF6 story ever told!!! or something to that effect.

The game is simple. Just take what the poster above you said, and continue the story with your post. The main body of the post should be whatever you decide to write, should you decide to comment or chat about the game, it should be visually separated with (spoiler) tags, so as not to break the flow of anyone who may be coming to read. I'm totally fine with the story taking wild and unexpected turns, just have fun with it! The only thing I ask is that inappropriate material be left out entirely. No innuendo or excessive cursing. PG-13 rating is your guideline.

Let's begin!

The world was in ruin. Celes couldn't believe she had managed to find all of her friends. Looking across the camp she could see them all amusing themselves with various activities: Relm played with Interceptor, Setzer was hustling Locke for all his GP in cards, Sabin was bench-pressing the Falcon... but among her friends, one person caught her attention specifically...


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It was Edgar. He stood away from the group, barely visible against the glare of the campfire, looking glum into the mountains. She walked up to him and said "what's with you? you've been acting weird all night". He tilted his head, not facing her, his back turned. She wondered if it was another of his charm tactics for reeling women. After a moment of silence, he replied "I'm... not fit to be a king, anymore".


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After all the ranks she rose through to become a general, it was a completely foreign idea; how could someone question whether they deserved something they earned?  "What are you talking about Edgar?"

"If it weren't for my castle's ability to burrow into the sands, my people would not have survived so long.  We burrowed when Kefka tried to burn it down.  We burrowed when the Empire invaded South Figaro.  We burrowed when the Empire marched through our lands north to Narshe, and we burrowed when the world ended."


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"But Edgar", replied Celes, "Isn't the safety of your people the highest priority? Besides, while the kingdom itself may have fled from Kefka's power, you have continued to risk your life to protect them. You didn't burrow to escape the fire. You didn't burrow to flee the Empire. You didn't burrow when the world ended. You chose to stand and fight, because you knew that it was best for your people. Isn't that the very definition of what one should expect from their king?"

Confused Moogles FTW

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"NOOOOO!!!!" screamed Edgar, who then stormed off in a crying rage to his bedroom, leaving Celes to feel an awkwardness she never felt before.

"What troubles you this time milord?" asked Matron, who was having an otherwise great day, since it was her birthday.

"I hate being a king and it sucks bad!" said an emotional Edgar, who has never received such questioning and rejection from a female before, such as Celes...

"Why did I use that stupid fixed coin, I want to be a monk instead!" said Edgar.

"Ugh, why am I even here...?" murmured Matron.

Then, later that night...

We are born, live, die and then do the same thing over again.

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...Sabin entered in Edgar's room, he was still awake.

"What's up, bro? The matron told me you suddenly became insane, so i rushed toward you" said Sabin, laughing out loud.

"don't make fun of me! Yes, i'm serious about the monk part, so what?"  answered Edgar, slightly annoyed.

"A monk? you? ok, follow me."  Told Sabin, becoming serious, suddenly.

Edgar rarely saw that expression in his face, so he followed him and the two travelled outside the castle without saying a word.
The journey lasted until they reached a beach, near to the forest on the right of South Figaro(WoR location)

"what's this place, Sabin?" said Edgar, a bit disoriented

"Lemme see..." said Sabin looking toward the rocks 
"Oh, it's there! do you see this sign of a fist on this rock? that was Vargas's Fist sign... it's the rock we used to train ourselves"

"Ohh! So this is a piece of what's left of Mt. Koltz? I guess the rest of the mount is placed in the continent in which Narshe is located..." Said Edgar surprised

"If only i could avoid to kill him... back to that day i questioned myself about whether i was suited to be a monk or not, only recently i found an answer...
Now, brother, it's your turn! who are you? a king? a monk? the minimum requirement to become a monk is being able to pierce that rock with a bare fist, like i did in the past... now go!!! "    said Sabin

"YAAAAHHHH!!!" and so Edgar put all his strength in that punch  (this segment ends just one instant before his fist impacts the rock... what will happen?!?)

Tenkarider's project #2 is started: FF6 Curse of the Madsiur Joke (CotMJ)
What happens when Madsiur tweaks your account? This full game hack will show that!

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Sabin heard a loud CRACK. It wasn't the rock.

Edgar stumbled away in pain, clutching his hand. Sabin laughed and used a Cure spell to heal Edgar's wound. "Still think you're cut out to be a monk?" he asked. Edgar didn't respond. "Master Duncan always used to say that there are hardships on every path in life. Whether you're a king, a peasant, or a monk. You can't break this rock with those wimpy muscles of yours, but I also can't rule a kingdom like you can. So get back up do it!"

Confused Moogles FTW

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"So get back up do it!" thought Edgar... He was going to try to hit the rock a second time when Sabin interrupted him with a mental suplex, part of the monk art to convince people with sentences said in a special way: "When the man points the responsability, the idiot look at the rock!"

Edgar turned away and said "Did you just called me an idiot?"

"You really take everything on the 1st degree... I think spending some time with Duncan widow would make you a great good, an overall tonification of the body and the soul" said Sabin.

Edgar was perplex between the widow being an elite trophy and the respect he had for his brother's master.


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Edgar's mind made a train of thought that was easy enough to follow: to meet the fracturing strength of the rock, I need to slam a certain pressure into it but not along one of its nonmajor axes.  Let's assume my fist has an area of say ten square centimeters and a mass of a half a kilo, then, in order to fracture the rock my fist would need to move,  Are you going to punch it again, or what?! his brother shattered his concentration.  One thought remained: "I must punch it with all I have.  I will break the rock or the rock will break me."

Suddenly, all of his brother's life choices were made clear to him.  Sabin never wondered how to break a rock, he just tried.

So, Edgar tried with all his might to break the rock.

And, Celes bandaged his broken wrist.

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Edgar wasn't the only one with inner turmoil. Though gathered together again, the end of the world changes people. Locke had been uncharacteristically quiet for days. His usual joviality had succumbed to darker thoughts, thoughts of the past... thoughts of possible futures. Kefka had seemed so invincible on the Floating Continent, yet they had to do something. Locke didn't have it in him to stop trying, not after Rachel... never again would he abandon his friends. but what would that mean? Blindly going along with suicide? or was stopping the fight and maybe saving everyone smarter? How long would Kefka allow the world to live? What happiness could they find in the meantime?

Too many questions...

He needed help; so he approached someone he trusted for advice.

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