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Pony Fantasy VI Remake

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Goodie... I'll save it for tomorrow, I guess.

Looking at the documentation for the summon patch. To be clear - what I want is the Summon Command to summon the user's equipped Esper, and they can do it unlimited times each battle, while normal Esper summons remain a one-off.

Since the patch didn't work I decided to look at the documentation to see for myself what it changes, and it confuses me. He lists conflicting data for a set of bytes at C2/52C#, and yeah.

I'm not sure if starting at "C2/53C9: A3 01 LDA $01,S (get current command)" he meant :C2/53D9" instead of C9 and so on, or what.

On the event editing front, I'm thinking it'll be easier (KISS) to allow the encounter with my bonus boss at any time. So I went into ZoneDoc and edited the event where you inspect Gestahl's portrait to trigger a battle. It worked fine, talked to the portrait, battle time. But once I beat the enemies, it didn't take me back to the gallery.

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Something I've noticed, the party members clipping through the text boxes in battle cutscenes. How can I fix that? Like, take this from when Sabin leaps away.

[Image: Playtesting_00004_zpslckhj5db.png]

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Use a different emulator, this is a common problem with ZSNES.

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Okay, if it's just ZSNES then, phew.

Does anyone have tips for my above problems, meanwhile?

On the upside, I've played through to the three scenarios and just rescued Celes in Locke's. So far, no game-breaking glitches. Some minor stuff (text too long for the box, wrong palettes for some characters, typos, etc) that's been easily fixed. Knock wood, Day 1 of playtesting went well.

And Madsiur - no problem at all with the sprites Smile. Well, problems, but on my end (molds).

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(02-23-2016, 08:13 PM)DrakeyC Wrote: Goodie... I'll save it for tomorrow, I guess.

Looking at the documentation for the summon patch. To be clear - what I want is the Summon Command to summon the user's equipped Esper, and they can do it unlimited times each battle, while normal Esper summons remain a one-off.

Since the patch didn't work I decided to look at the documentation to see for myself what it changes, and it confuses me. He lists conflicting data for a set of bytes at C2/52C#, and yeah.

I'm not sure if starting at "C2/53C9: A3 01        LDA $01,S       (get current command)" he meant :C2/53D9" instead of C9 and so on, or what.

On the event editing front, I'm thinking it'll be easier (KISS) to allow the encounter with my bonus boss at any time. So I went into ZoneDoc and edited the event where you inspect Gestahl's portrait to trigger a battle. It worked fine, talked to the portrait, battle time. But once I beat the enemies, it didn't take me back to the gallery.

1) That's indeed what the patch will do. So you're in luck there.

2) The patch works just fine. I'm looking at the documentation and yes he alters some original data, this is normal for a patch. The only free space he uses is C2/64B7 - C2/64E6. I'd imagine your free space is still free in this range, but if not then that's where the problem is. I know you said you tried both patches and all that, but I still have trouble believing this patch won't work on your ROM...I guess send it my way via a PM again if you'd like so I can take a look firsthand. I'm not sure what issue you see there in the documentation, but I'm sure Lenophis has it right.

3) Having never used Zone Doctor's event editor before, I'm not exactly sure, although it sounds like you'll just need to re-load the correct map after the battle, along with the character in the correct x,y spot. Can you elaborate on what happens after the battle a bit more? Like what map it does load, or if the screen is black etc. Like where does it take you then?
Actually, I bet all it needs is to either:
A) fade the screen back in... $96.
B) 'return' after the event, when it's done, meaning you need an $FE byte at the end of the event, after the battle. $FE is 'return'.

Also, what happens if you lose that custom battle, I'm wondering? Most battles (if you want) have a game over subroutine afterwords, just a heads up to add that if you didn't. Again, looking at some battle examples from the event dump should give you a nice idea of what else needs to be done after battles in order to get things working right. Sometimes, depending on certain events, for battles you'll need to reload the whole map, other times just a simple $96 load screen back in will do it... And don't forget to wrap it all up at the very end with a $FE (return).

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1 - Okay, perfect.

2 - Will do, then. Thanks.

3 - I'll try it out tomorrow.

I didn't realize it was an option to not have the fight end in Game Over. If it's going to be fight-able at any point, I'd actually prefer that - challenge it if you like and if you lose, no game over, respawn at the portrait and try again later. Is the Game Over script an event, or part of the boss AI?

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The game over is indeed event driven, buuut, I'm not to sure how it's called for random battles. For event battles though you'll see a subroutine directly afterwords that calls CA/5EA9, which will then in-turn bring it to the game over event at CC/E566. So yeah, leaving out this subroutine will have it just continue on with the event, whatever is after the battle.

I'll take a look at the Summon issue here tonight, in a little while.

Summon patch patched fine, no battle freezes - PMed you back.

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Hm, okay then. I'm thinking I'll put aside the bonus boss stuff for later, it's not critical to playtesting for now and it'll take up time figuring it out. Thanks for the rom help.

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Hmm, that does familiar...that screen scrolling, I'm sure I've had that happen before as well. So you did some event editing there though?

We are born, live, die and then do the same thing over again.

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Not deliberately. When talking to the soldier, it was set to skip the battle and go to the soldiers fleeing, which are part of the same event. I must have accidentally clicked the up arrow on the event trigger in the location editor. Caught it pretty quick comparing various stuff to a clean rom and yeah, problem solved.

Only thing I dislike is how I need to change all the NPC sprites now. It always bugged me how the original FF6 was using the merchant sprite for the soldiers. Apparently because they had to for the full range of movement the Doma soldiers have. :/

So far, there's only one glitch I don't know how to fix myself - in the tutorial house in Narshe, when the NPC that shows you the status ailments and their colors does so, all the NPCs in the room glow (ie, everyone turns orange like Protect, etc). I imagine it's probably related to how that effect does things to certain NPC sprites, but it's such a minor thing I'm not too concerned with it now.

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