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Pony Fantasy VI Remake

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(01-30-2016, 07:13 PM)badass Wrote:

Haaaa! Memories! This post sums it pretty well, in my above example I had forgot to check an instance in code. The blitz example here is complete:
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Okay, at long last Blitz is renamed... gonna try to figure out how to do the same with Dance and Rage, now.

Thank you very, very much.

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(01-30-2016, 07:35 PM)DrakeyC Wrote: Okay, at long last Blitz is renamed... gonna try to figure out how to do the same with Dance and Rage, now.

Follow the blitz example but search the disassembly for the word "Dance" or "Lore". You should find two commentaries for each when there's a LDA #$5C??. It's this LDA you have to edit with your new string location.

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Okay, let me preface this by saying - I tried. I really, really did.
C3/4CFE:    8529        STA $29        (set text color)
C3/4D00:    A0635C      LDY #$5C63     (Address at which you find the word "Blitz")
C3/4D03:    20F902      JSR $02F9      (display the word "Blitz")
C3/55DC:    8529        STA $29        (set text color to blue)
C3/55DE:    A0B05C      LDY #$5CB0     (Address at which you find the word "Blitz")
C3/55E1:    20F902      JSR $02F9      (display the word "Blitz")

Okay, so, "A0B05C" and "A0635C" and A0 is the execute code, or whatever the term is (point is I understand what the A0 does in these lines). Blitz is at C3/5C63 and C3/5CB0. So I changed those to the addresses of Rage, C3/5C72 and C3/5C98. I did a Hex search for "A0985C" and "A0725C." I found only one instance of either, and replaced the 985C and the 725C with B4F0, where the new name for Rage is found.

And now the command is blank.

[Image: Rage1_zpsckd6zg85.png]
[Image: Rage2_zps7vcnatyg.png]

[Image: Rage3_zps69xn386j.png]

As for Dance and Lore, it's a non issue. I occurred to me "duh, Dance and Party are both five-letter words." So Party is done. Lore, I was originally going to call it Ancient, because that was what I was calling Espers, Ancients. Then I realized that for creative reason, that's dumb, so they're back to being Espers and why bother renaming Lore to Ancient anyway?

(01-30-2016, 08:00 PM)Madsiur Wrote: Follow the blitz example but search the disassembly for the word "Dance" or "Lore". You should find two commentaries for each when there's a LDA #$5C??. It's this LDA you have to edit with your new string location.

Tried that (I was composing my post before I saw yours). Three instances of Lore, none of them with an A05C## address.

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For rage, the two addresses I found are C3/539B and C3/4D14. You pointer must point to the first position byte of the string (0D), not the first letter (84). Also download the C3 disassembly and do text searches as I suggested:
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Okay, that fixed it. My Hex work really is done for now, then - there's nothing to do up until the optional extras like unique NPCs and the bonus boss I wanna do. I'll bookmark that link for a look when it comes time.

Thank you once again, everyone. Sorry I was pissy about this, I really am. Feels good to be done with it and get back to the work I can comprehend.

EDIT - My mistake, I forgot about the couple of spells. I need to reclassify Antdot and Quick to use the Black Magic casting animation. This was linked before, but I don't understand where it refers to the two types of magic animation. I also wanna figure out how to move their physical location in the spell menu.

I'm going to look at the disassembly stuff, see if I can get an idea where to go.

EDIT x2 - I think, is this what I want?

Gonna try during the week, I've some stuff that needs doing on the weekend.

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As far as menu sorting goes, you could add exception to the code I posted in the thread of your second link (ideally right after LDA $3034,Y). I'm confident this won't solve your casting animation problem though.

The first link you posted is about changing a stance of a specific spell, black and white magic have the same stance, it's the casting intro animation that differs between balck and white (and grey?). I'm not sure where the casting intro is decided. The last link you posted is about spell data, it doesn't cover animations.

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Okay. But the last link will let me reoganize spells, maybe?

And yeah, grey and white do the same animation.

Okay, found a workaround. I cut Drain (which I was considering cutting anyway) and Meltdown (ditto), and manually moved spells around by modifying them (made Fire 2 into Ice 2, made Ice 2 into Bolt 2, etc) to make room for my two new black spells. In their place are the grey spell Image (which I wanted to add anyway) and the white magic Cure 4 (which I can still easily make into another healing spell if I want).

Tested in-game and compared to an unedited rom to make sure all the spells are good, they are. So, yay. Simple solutions. I'll need to modify enemy scripts, but I was planning on doing that anyway.

[Image: Spells_zpsszcfpwps.png]

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Sprite 79, the mini Blackjack. I know it's used in the Auction House, but is it used anywhere else? I can't recolor it to match the Blackjack with my normal palette, so I may just need to make it something else.

Okay, I do need help on this. I tried the event editor (and was told it is crap), so I have to do it in Hex but I dunno how. 

Banon as an NPC still has his default field palette, I need to change that. Now, I looked through tutorials and documentations, I found the command to assign a palette to someone, 43, and the command to assign them a sprite is 37. Banon apparently occupies NPC slot 10, 0A in Hex. So, I looked through the Hex for 430A and manually looked to see if there was a 37 preceding them; I figured that would be a good indicator I'd found a place where a character's sprite and palette were assigned. I found these addresses that seemed to fit:

[Image: Hex_zpsewqkf6ib.png]

I changed the "05" after the 430A in all of them to 06. Then I checked in-game. Banon looks the same. So I dunno what I just did or not. :/

I also have a couple other questions, but one thing at a time.

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I thought banon was on palette 3

CA:FDC8 0x03  check this one..  change the 03 there to 06

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