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Final Fantasy 6 Alternative Universe project (Latest update: 02 06 2015)

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I'm going to make it just have always been there and put in some references to it (via NPCs) in the game, such as "Oh honey, look at that in the sky!" 'You mean the cloud?' "It's too big and dark to be a cloud, maybe it's an airship!" 'I never heard of an airship THAT big before...'

Things like that.

It does sound interesting to try to make 3 different world maps based on that idea though, but it'll likely be very complicated since the sealed gate is a small piece of land that's merely overridden with generic water tiles, whereas huge chunks of land would be difficult to ensure only the right things change.

Man, now I really want to include cannibal moogles. Maybe I'll replace Chupon with moogles and make a feral tribe of them...

I unfortunately don't have much time over the next few days to work on the actual project due to work and home life, but on the weekend I should have more time, and the days I can spend the most time are on Monday and Tuesday.

Also, my project has enforced weapons, armour and relics based on the class and role, and as part of this, I put in special abilities in the weapons themselves.

-Special traits-
Dirk - Dual Wield
Gun - Long Range
Sword A - 2 handed
Sword B - 1 handed (Paired with shield)
Spear A - 2 Handed and long ranged
Spear B - 1 handed and long ranged (paired with shield)
Knife - High critical
Katana - 2 Handed
Staff - Casts Magic Rarely
Brush - Nothing
Whip - Increased criticals
Throwing Weapons - Long Range
Gambling - Varies
Claws - Dual Wield
Shields - Varies

I was also working on making physically different sprites for the people, such as making all of Elyssa's weapons look more 'regal' whereas Daryl simply has swords, which I managed to do, unfortunately it's going to be alot more difficult to make the Shock animation use the new weapon sprite.

Out of interest, does anyone mind if the shock animation has another weapon, or should I try to change it?

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As for the comments about the floating island, I'd lean toward Chrono Trigger type. The way they talk about "the sun is reflecting off the Black omen of death very nicely today isn't it dear?"

Okay, I don't remember the exact line the mother used, point is it stressed the fact that it was a daily part of their lives to see it in the sky. If your going that route.

On other notes, I know more weapon types isnt new ground to add, but last I looked the item limit is a rough one. Don't know about more graphic types but I'm always fond of more stuff and varity. As for shock, its a pretty quick, flashy attack to begin with. The weapon doesn't really stand out that much. If doable, it would look better if it matched, but I wouldn't sacrifice much to pull it off for cosmetics.

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Oh, I wasn't saying I was especially pleased with adding a few new weapons, I was just giving a taste of the special abilities for how each person would end up playing.

Only 5 characters has magic, but magic in my project is limited to an average of 13 spells each and follows that character's theme.

So Daryl is a swordswoman (using 2 handed sword) or she can sit in the back row and use long ranged guns, as well as having the option of casting some spells, or just sitting in the back row and use the new Runic to stop enemies from casting spells. (The stronger spells cannot be absorbed.) as well as being the early game healer.

Elyssa however is more of a defensive person that's designed to be more of a tank and have an all enemy attack, but it's nowhere near powerful to just spam it every turn and ignore everything else she has to offer.

Adair is setup to be able to counter attack physical attacks as well as having some magical options, his role is more of a 'syngerist' from FF13 in that he casts buffs and is able to get rid of status ailments.

things like that, since only 2 people can even use shields now, and from this, some are more effective against certain types of attacks and I'm trying to see if it's possible to work in a 'cover' system in which someone can try to protect allies from physical attacks if they're in critical health.

The Crono Trigger idea is interesting, I'll look up that precise dialogue in the script and try to include something similar. =P

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As far as the syngerist goes, (I didn't play 13 long enough to remember what that did exactly) since your limiting magic, and having a character that is specifically for doing such things, are you going to have buffs/ailments actually do something?

Better explination as to what I mean by "something", ailments/buffs are tricky. In one direction you have (as alot of FF games do) ailments are virtually worthless because anything thats tough enough to require this type of spell is usually immune or debuffs every turn, or as in other games, these spells are all but required to survive (FF IV TAY for instance, slow and stacking shell/protect was almost a requirement for boss fights without several hours of grinding beforehand.)

As I said, tricky. Make the effects to overpowered and the player can breeze through the game on them alone, not strong enough and... well they remain like vanilla FF6. To be honest I don't think I ever cured poison in battle in FF6. It was a waste, the monster either cast it every turn or it just didnt do enough dmg to matter. Its not a major thing, you might already have plans or other changes that make said spells relevent. Just mentioning it for the sake of mention, and a degree of curiosity.

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Worry not, I worked out quite a few plans to make the system work. Wink

However, quite a few relics aren't around anymore so 'typical' strategies won't work anymore.

I was considering scenes in which we get to wear alternate outfits (basically disguises) and I am considering making the Kappa graphic into that, does anyone know if there's a way to only proceed with an event if the imp status is present?

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As many times as the normal game checks for imp status, I'm sure there is a way to do it in event mode. At the time I couldn't tell you how.

As far as disguises, those are normally handled (as in the Locke senerio) by changing the graphics set for that character. Doing it via a status effect would open some fun possibilities, but even that only changes the displayed graphics (the sprite sheet) after a check for the imp status. This would also require some other rewriting of vanilla events that clear all status effects, if for instant you wanted it to remain while switching party members, or resting, or many other times. (On a side note, with some effort wouldn't be impossible to adjust other status effects to change graphics set... I think).

Either way requires replacing not only the character sheet in question, but another full character sheet for the disguises (you said you were looking at replacing the kappa sheet for this case). I was working on a way to add new full sprite sheets (so adding something like that wouldn't require replacing stuff) but hit a small snag then got ovely busy with everything else. In another month or two I'll try again but untill then... this paragraph is basically useless, just thought I'd mention the possibility that, I think, it IS possible.

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I know how to reassign graphics and palettes to players at any given moment (I did experiments before where within the same scene, Daryl changed Palette after each dialogue box) but I am currently strongly considering dummying the Imp status as a whole and choosing that the only possible way to inflict it is by equipping certain clothes, which could be something like 'Returner Raiment' which makes your character look like the normal Returner sprite.

One of my ideas is that we needed to dress up like Kefka's cult in order to listen in to an important meeting, as well as just letting the player wear the disguise at any time they want.

For the actual event, I was considering just doing sprite changes, but afterwards (or before) we go into a room where they keep spare sets of clothes and we find 4 sets of the outfit that we just get to keep forever.

The issue would be toggling the status once we remove said clothes...

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If your linking it to an item, then look into how the moogle suit works (might be another set of clothing that changes graphics as well). Just do checks, similar to the imp status checks, except check if x equipment is equiped (similar to the moogle suit, just in more places than battle).

I think I explained that the way I was thinking it, I know someone here recently was working on making more armor in game that changed sprites, pretty sure it worked but I'd have to re read it.

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It really was a while since I played as I completely forgot about the moogle suit. Laugh

Short update since I'm on my phone at work, but I was giving much more thought to how I could remap the world, which likely won't be as extensive as lockkirby's work.

Also, I have an idea that allows the FC work better as the second world, like having stuff fall down from there and people complaining about how they see the surface as a garbage dump and whatnot.

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This sounds interesting to me

Will there be an Update to this?

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