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adding a new boss to the game

a few questions here:

1) so expanding a ROM doesn't seem to add any extra space for sprites...what is the best way to go about adding 2 new optional bosses to the game? i imagined i would use one of the 4 dummy monsters, but all 4 are re-used sprites so that would mess up other enemies. i'm trying to figure out which sprites you guys are deleting to make room for the new boss sprite.
edit: i solved this by removing images # 173-175 in FFSE - looks like 3 useless images?

2) i noticed that most new boss patches are just a random battle. is it possible, after expanding the ROM, to add two small islands to the WOR with a map editor like FF3Edit, and make them a random battle on the islands, but only appear once (like a boss)?


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1st off never ever ever ever EVER! use FF3Edit, it will f**k your rom up

you can use some of the small islands and use FF3USME to work on the locations of where u can encounter enemies

as for custom boss, unfortunately sacrifices must be made =/

there is a feature in Lord J's new beta FF3USME editor but I dont have the most recent 1, I heard that 1 makes some more room

"Sometimes ninjas do wrong to each other, and in dat way the force of tha earf' comes around da moon - and at that presence, da dirt, it overshadows the grass, so you're like, I can't cut dis grass, there's no sun comin' through. So in order to enable each other the two fruits have to look each other in da eye and understand we can only be right, as da ripe is wrong, you know what I mean?"


thanks...i will take a look.

i'm going to make a general beginner questions thread to avoid spamming the forum with a bunch of newbie threads...

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hahaha ok then :p

"Sometimes ninjas do wrong to each other, and in dat way the force of tha earf' comes around da moon - and at that presence, da dirt, it overshadows the grass, so you're like, I can't cut dis grass, there's no sun comin' through. So in order to enable each other the two fruits have to look each other in da eye and understand we can only be right, as da ripe is wrong, you know what I mean?"


so it appears that you can not limit an enemy to only appear once if it's in a random battle.

so what is the easiest way to add an optional boss? is there an easy way to just add a monster-in-a-box to a certain spot in the game? Everyone is telling me to avoid using FFedit....

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Yousei had good intentions, but the outcomes of using his program are catastrophic.
That being said, there are now other programs which have made his obsolete, except for the font feature that FF3Edit can create.
You can create a 8x8 font by hand with YY-CHR (A rom graphics editor), but you can't do the other font.
FFVI uses two fonts, one for dialog and one for menus.

kmfdm515, for map editing, use the editor. It's not really well known, so I made a video tutorial that's 20 minutes on how to use it. Once you learn it, you can start making your own stuff that's advanced. As for a "Monster-in-a-Box", try looking at my latest Proto-Babil hack. The super boss is in a Chest, just copy what I did for the Chest attributes.

great stuff...thanks for the tutorials.

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I just skimmed through this page after reading the mane Q. So if I repeat anything anyone has already said, then I apologize....
Anyways, a simple and easy/cheap way to add in a new boss, is to have him be hiding like a hermit in a chest...but not a hermit and still in a chest. XD

Whelp. I still remember this place 13 years since first joining   Laugh

zeemis, great vids, thanks a lot.

after looking at your ROM in FF6LE, i noticed you edited 2 existing chocobo stable locations for this mod. i'm trying to add an small island with an event just like you did, but leave the rest of the game intact.

what are good maps in the list to use for that purpose without overwriting anything? is the last map in the list (19E ___ ) used for anything in the game normally? i assume no, since it has no entrance/exit.

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It's always good to ask, but its even better to stab in the dark and when things get rough, then ask. :p
That's the only thing I can suggest, try it and if it doesn't work, post back here.

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