Poll: Opinion: Most Compelling Story?
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Final Fantasy I 0.71% 1 0.71%
Final Fantasy II 1.42% 2 1.42%
Final Fantasy III 0% 0 0%
Final Fantasy IV 9.93% 14 9.93%
Final Fantasy V 2.13% 3 2.13%
Final Fantasy VI 53.19% 75 53.19%
Final Fantasy VII 10.64% 15 10.64%
Final Fantasy VIII 2.84% 4 2.84%
Final Fantasy IX 6.38% 9 6.38%
Final Fantasy X 12.77% 18 12.77%
Total 141 vote(s) 100%
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Most Compelling Story

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From Final Fantasy 1-10, which game had the most compelling story in your eyes, and why?
This is not about gameplay, which means it's not about the game. This poll is about the story and plot that was written for it's respective game.

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I'll go first and throw out Final Fantasy IV. I loved that game from the very beginning to the very end. When things started to seem like a grind through a dungeon, a cut-scene would occur that'd shift to another part of the world, such as Kain and Golbez talking in the Tower of Zot. You'd exit a cave and walk a few steps but to witness the destruction of a castle. It had lovable and hate-able characters. Even though Zemus/Zeromus wasn't mentioned really at all unlike future Final Fantasy antagonists, this game shined through the sheer amount of cut-scenes. Squaresoft really pulled off the six stages of a compelling story which are:

Compelling Introduction: You learn about Cecil, Kain and Rosa and are sent on an obscure mission. Cecil starts to learn more about himself and wants to eventually stop the king.

Past Events and Rising Action: Later in the games story, Tellah is mentioned, as is the other minor characters who die such as Tellah's daughter. This is a pivotal plot device for Edward the Bard.

Climax: The entire story is about stopping Kain and Golbez from obtaining the eight Crystals of the planet. As I mentioned above, the "In other news" type of cut-scenes really helped with climax building. Other than cut-scenes, you are almost always a step behind Kain and Golbez and that builds climax when you're about to catch them.

New Events: Close to 1/3rd through the game, when all seems lost, you hear about the other four crystals of the planet which reside in the underworld.

Falling Action: If there are climax stages in the plots development, there will be falling actions. After Edwards castle is bombarded by the Red Wings fleet, the falling action occurs when the destruction and death count sinks in for everyone. Many events happen through the story like this.

Unexpected ending: There are a lot of unexpected features in this game, such as Kain and Golbez finally turning good and repenting, Zemus being the main antagonist and more.

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Final fantasy 6 followed CLOSELY by 8. Those 2 are by far my favorites.

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Final Fantasy VI followed by Final Fantasy VII.

I love in FF6 how there is almost a side story for each character. I also like the fact that for once, a villain achieve his goal and destroy the world. Getting your characters back in the WOR was also a nice idea and almost a new beginning.

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Final fantasy V, i liked the storyline of it, and also the Job system, i wish they still had that Sad, I also LOVED Final Fantasy VI,

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Final Fantasy III: Recrution

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I like FFVII's story the best, it kept me guessing and interested the whole way through, with it's sci-fi feeling elements and major plot-twists, the Ancients, Clouds deluded reality, Meteor...I love it all!

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FF4 is Great game because ff4 tells the story of friendship and romance. I very like.Smile

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Final fantasy VII follow by Final Fantasy VI. Both by far are my 2 favorites. VII had such a deep story and it made me cry at parts like when aeris gets thrusted and nanaki learns about his father's true identity. All of it was just so great and kept me sitting there and playing it for hours and hours continous

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