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Political situation in Quebec

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It'S been a few days I haven't on the forums, and the political situation in Quebec, especially in Montreal, draw all my attention and I started taking action in what could become an historical social movement in Quebec.

Yes, I know, this is a hacking forums, but what is in this thread is the reason why I haven't been hacking in 4 days, and I most likely be a lot less active on the forums and will not spend time on hacking because there is moments when others things are more important than your hobbies.

What started with a student protest 3 month ago is now turning into a social movement for a government change and the full restoration of our constitutional rights. Yes, there are places in the world where people has less rights and pay more for their education, but is it a reason to always compare your society to the worst places and put every society on the same level, in this case the lowest one?

There has been 30 consecutive night protest in Montreal. Some has been peaceful but recently, it's turning to chaos and every night there is more and more people attending these walks, especially since bill 78 has been voted by the government. I took part of 2 of these walks and they where my 3rd and 4th protest walk since 3 month. Since bill 78 has been voted, police can almost make arbitrary arrestations and police officers have extended powers regarding why they can arrest someone. The Mass media cover many actions of the police and even some independent media have seen their camera broken by the police or some university journalists been arrested or charged by police officers. Pepper spay, plastic bullets, shock grenade and gas is used extensively every day in Montreal.

I'll let you judge of bill 78 consequences, by checking the link or the first video. The other video is how the police handle the protests and protesters since 3 month. I will also put some videos on my YT channel on a daily basis. Feel free to add any comment in this thread regarding this situation, no matter what your position is.


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"Freedom is the right of all sentient beings." -Optimus Prime

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I honestly feel full support to the protesters here. People in the US would go crazy if the government even looked at a bill like 78, so I can't imagine there's going to be anyone supporting the Quebecan government from the US.

Good luck with your protesting, but try to stay safe, man!

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(05-21-2012, 09:46 PM)DjinnAndTonic Wrote: I honestly feel full support to the protesters here. People in the US would go crazy if the government even looked at a bill like 78, so I can't imagine there's going to be anyone supporting the Quebecan government from the US.

Good luck with your protesting, but try to stay safe, man!

Well thanks for your support! There was actually a small protest in NY, Paris and other cities in Canada in solidarity with the movement. Today, more than 200 000 people went in the streets and went against the law by changing the itenary they gave to the police prior to the protest. There was also many people wearing masks, which is now illegal too. Here's some pics:

[Image: 7251569872_680b2905db_b.jpg]

[Image: 22mai4.jpg]

[Image: 22mai2.jpg]

There were some troublemakers that started to broke windows but they got arrested by the authorities:

[Image: 481322_10151756998300451_55497810450_246...4228_n.jpg]

Now there isn't much I can do. I can't go every night to downtown Montreal to face the anti-riot squad which become a regular scenario for the past days. Plus, I'm not for the use of violence like breaking windows and throwing rocks at the police, I'm more for breaking this law in a peaceful way, such as doing sit-in and random and spontaneous protests which are illegal.


International media point of view:

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A good video made for any English speaking person who want to know what is going on here. It's made by two Americans.

Here's also the link to a website dedicated to the translation in English of many mass and independant media french articles:

And I promise, it's the last time I'm bringing up this thread.



I hope the situation gets better and no one else gets hurt.

V said: "People should not be afraid of their governments. Governments should be afraid of their people."


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(05-29-2012, 10:05 AM)General Failure Wrote: I hope the situation gets better and no one else gets hurt.

V said: "People should not be afraid of their governments. Governments should be afraid of their people."

I totally agree with that quote. V for Vendetta was quite an inspiring movie, for me at least. People don't realize for the majority that the power is in their hands.

As for the situation in general, everything took a peaceful but fragile turn for a week now. More people are going in the streets and everyone is banging on pots, from 7 to 77 years old. The student leaders are negotiating with the government since Monday, but from what I heard this afternoon, the negotiation are not going very well. The government is very stubborn on certain points. Good things came out of all that, because the youth is more politicized and the population in general trust less the mass media and inform themselves in alternative source of information.

Our society (and same thing is good for all society IMO need to take a turn to the left, but one big obstacle is the baby boomers and older people, which are the majority of the population. They are , for the most part, for conservative politics and don't like changes. The 18-35 years old represent only 16% of the population here, so we don't have a big impact, demographically at least. Let's hope for the best...


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Well I couldn't resist to post those two videos. The first one is short and funny, second one longer and serious on the situation going on here. I would like to mention that the government yesterday broke the negotiation with the students, so Montreal and Quebec city should be the theater of many protests (thousands people daily) and big events such as Formula 1, the Jazz festival and other crucial events for the economy of Montreal will most likely be perturbed by the protesters. Let's see how the police will handle this.


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It's a National Holiday today in Quebec called "St-Jean Baptiste". It'S probably the only place on earth where a so-called nation has a holiday but not a country, but hey, that's a totally different debate.

So happy holiday to anyone who live in Quebec or anyone outside Quebec who share the same values that are represented in the current social crisis like equity, freedom of speech and assembly, respect, (direct) democracy and environmental respect.

For the occasion, a link that should be read, whether you like where the world is going, indifferent to everything around you or if you are actively against Neo-Liberalism:

The Real News - We are all Quebecers (even if we don't know it yet.)

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