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Assembly Programming

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Seriously, the pace at which Ryu walks is unbearably slow, I mean, even using fast forward on an emulator....well enough about my ranting, I've been trying to find something out about the walking speed of BOF characters; has anyone been able to locate the offsets/address that determine how fast Ryu walks? Would it be possible to alter it in such a way so instead of walking he would be running (you know, to make the game less super slow-paced)? I've been wanting to change that for a long time.
Please take all the time you need to answer this.

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definitely would be great ti get a fast moving breath of fire walking speed.

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Guess I'll have to look for help on getting this taken care of elsewhere....

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(01-08-2012, 06:25 PM)the_randomizer Wrote: Guess I'll have to look for help on getting this taken care of elsewhere....

Yeah, I guess so. I really don't mean to put you on blast, but remember what this site is called.
I sure wouldn't have expected to get any help regarding an outside game such as BoF. If this was "", well then I bet someone might be able to help you. It's not that nobody WANTS to help you, or is intentionally brushing you off, it's that probably nobody has the information or the will to find out what you are asking. So please don't take it personal and turn your shoulder and scoff us off as such, I can't stand when people do that. You should take some initiative if this is that important to you, and try to follow whatever steps are needed to achieve your goal.

(01-06-2012, 05:51 PM)the_randomizer Wrote: I've been wanting to change that for a long time.
Then try and learn how to go about changing it, sheesh!

(01-06-2012, 05:51 PM)the_randomizer Wrote: Please take all the time you need to answer this.
Um, what happened to this one, its been what, a couple days?

We are born, live, die and then do the same thing over again.

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[Image: 6a00d8341e26ef53ef015434681e61970c-800wi]

I'm convinced I've made a lot of enemies and/or people who detest my presence on these forums. Perhaps the DragonTear forums (BOF related) would be a better place for me to be,

If you must know the reasoning behind my asinine behavior, I'll go ahead and explain it. So I've been searching high and low on places like and many random places using google on how I can better understand binary/bases, hex editing and navigation for offsets, bytes and what have you. But, in the end, it feels like I'm making no progress whatsoever when it comes to actually learning the material; granted, I really want to have a better understanding of these concepts, I really do, but even after locating and downloading many beginner-level documents (mostly NES ROM hacking), I haven't the slightest idea where, much less how to begin all this; I'm overwhelmed to the point of wanting to pull my hair out. That's why I'm acting like an idiot right now.

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(01-06-2012, 05:51 PM)the_randomizer Wrote: Seriously, the pace at which Ryu walks is unbearably slow, I mean, even using fast forward on an emulator....well enough about my ranting, I've been trying to find something out about the walking speed of BOF characters; has anyone been able to locate the offsets/address that determine how fast Ryu walks? Would it be possible to alter it in such a way so instead of walking he would be running (you know, to make the game less super slow-paced)? I've been wanting to change that for a long time.
Please take all the time you need to answer this.

I can't help you because I've never touched anything related to hacking BOF. But you could maybe ask this person because he's the only one I know that made research about BOF. Check his documents about the game if you want but you won't find your answer in them.

Aside of that I've never seen any BOF dissasemblies and the game is not on Data crystal. More hacking has been made on BOF 2 however but that doesn't help either...

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(01-08-2012, 08:20 PM)the_randomizer Wrote: Perhaps the DragonTear forums (BOF related) would be a better place for me to be

Your interests are clearly into hacking Breath of Fire. And, this is a FF6 hacking forum. Lots of people here are focused into FF6 because it's over-documented. Breath of Fire is, well, not so documented. It's natural that your questions are unanswered.

Furthermore, your interests always involve the knowledge of assembly. Very few individuals here in this forum know assembly, or are interested in learning it. This is obvious if you pay attention to the threads posted from time to time.

(01-08-2012, 08:20 PM)the_randomizer Wrote: So I've been searching high and low on places like and many random places using google on how I can better understand binary/bases, hex editing and navigation for offsets, bytes and what have you.

The IRC chat has many individuals who know assembly and are willing to help, or so I've heard. The book "Programming the 65816" is a great book to start with, I like it so far.

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Perhaps it's time I focus on a game that's not BOF per se, but what I do want to start with is the very basic/rudimentary concepts of ROM hacking. More importantly, seeing as how I feel more comfortably with how hex and binary work, actually editing the bytes in a hex editor (like text in FFVI). I'm realizing (albeit the hard and painful way) that I need to start with another game, like FFVI, such as editing the item names, spell names, etc. But the issue with that is I need to know which bytes correspond to which letters, on top of that, I'll likely need to use the ROM that doesn't have a header. Before doing that, however, I need to understand how to match what bytes mean what, so I would guess the best way to learn is to first, read as many documents about hex and binary as you can, then get something Hex Workshop or WindHex32 and just go to various offsets and mess with the bytes until you start seeing results. *Sigh* Guess I'd better start from square one instead of pissing you guys off by my asininity.... I just...need to know where I need to start, what I need to use and so on.....sorry Sad

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(01-08-2012, 09:41 PM)the_randomizer Wrote: I'm realizing (albeit the hard and painful way) that I need to start with another game, like FFVI, such as editing the item names, spell names, etc.
This is the wonderful way to learn, because what you learn becomes a part of you and you never forget it. The patch I worked on changes spell names and all that, why do you want to do something I have already made public?

(01-08-2012, 09:41 PM)the_randomizer Wrote: I need to understand how to match what bytes mean what
Open windhex, open a clean copy of FF6, and find out what the header is. Then look in the rom for this address:
C1/64FF:    A90A        LDA #$0A        (10 = Magitek attack name length).
That's how you start. And make an effort to find it.

When you finally find the address, change the 0A to 0B and see what happens. Change it again to 09, and see what happens. Change it 08, and so on. After all that, come back here and post what you think is happening to the magitek attacks in the magitek menu. I'll be waiting.

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Oh, I don't know why, I know you already made a patch for the names (which is awesome by the way Tongue), but I need to know how to do these kinds of things for myself and just fumble around with the ROM. Will report back ASAP.

Edit 8:30PM Holy crap...that's all I can say, I can't believe I managed to pull something off, even if it is simple

0A -

0B -

08 -

So far so good Laugh Reverting byte 0A to 0B then 08 and back to 0A yields no errors. I can't thank you enough.
Will try other hex values...

Edit 2 8:55PM:

Weird indeed, the most drastic effect was when I changed 0A to 0F, showing many unrelated spells, while using
01 showed a few letters, thus proving that altering these bytes alters the positions of the magic, rage and other techniques.

0F -

01 -

I like what I see.

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